
Kilgore and Becky Sharpe

Next Day

Naruto had got up early caught up with his friends in the Justice League and meeting the new members that joined since he's been M.I.A, looking over the wedding plans, and finally making breakfast, pancakes, hash brown, French toasts, and scrambled eggs, currently he was sitting on the couch with Dash who was eating slice bananas as Naruto watched the tv that was speeding through his favorite shows

"What? Whoa." Naruto exclaimed before he laughed, then frowned, "No! Huh?"

"Nate," Iris said limping in causing Naruto to look up

"Hey." Naruto greeted feeding Dash another banana slice

"Hi, you're up early," Iris said sitting down and smiling at Dash who laughed seeing her

"Yeah." Naruto smiled

"Doing what, exactly?" Iris asked looking at the tv

"Feeding the eating machine here, while catching up on all the TV I missed while I was stuck in the Speed Force. When you've been gone four months, the world is a minefield of spoilers. Luckily Cisco hooked me up with the 1,000-times sped up version of my favorite shows. Aw, Jon Snow died. Oh, he's alive! Huh."

"And here I was thinking you'd need a jump start for your loopy brain." Iris smiled kissing Dash's head as the baby put another slice into his mouth

"Nope. Brain good. All of me is good." Naruto said

"I'll say. After your performance last night, I'm still limping." Iris smiled before the two kissed before Iris noticed a notepad, "What's this?"

"I've been trying to remember the last 4 months in the Speed Force, but I can't for some reason. I remember coming out of it now but not what I witnessed when I was inside." Naruto said before an alert came on his phone, "Linda needs me, and Cisco at a crime scene."

"Oh, that's okay. I should probably get started on Caitlin and your neglected wedding plans. It's gonna take me forever to get through this binder, so-"

"Oh, I looked through it. I found some potential caterers, I got her her favorite flowers, I found a few venues with an amazing view, I got her that seven tier raspberry chocolate cake she loves so much. Can you have her look through it and pick out anything she'd like?"

"Sure." Iris smiled hesitantly which Naruto noticed but he had to go so he raced off resolving to chat later while Iris sighed and looked to Dash and her eyes widened seeing him smiling as lightning danced through his eyes and quickly she held the baby as he was about to speed crawl away

Loft Complex

Linda and Singh walked into the building, "What do we got, Linda?"

"Not much to go off. The only witness was an elderly resident, and she's still pretty rattled." Linda said

"Hey." Naruto greeted

"Nate." Singh smiled before the two hugged, "We missed you man, how was Japan?"

"Amazing. You and the husband should really go sometime." Naruto said

"We have been looking for a place to take a vacation too, Japan could work. Thanks, Nate." Singh smiled before everyone frowned as they arrived at the destroyed elevator

"Whoa. He's everywhere." Naruto said looking at the blood that painted the walls with a man dead

"As far as we can tell, it dropped him a hundred stories," Linda said

"Were you able to ID the vic?" Singh asked

"Yeah. Kurt Weaver. Worth billions. Capital B." Linda said

"What do you think, Nate?" Singh asked

"You see the impacts on the ceiling? And the repeated lateral stress fissures on the frame? This guy didn't just drop. He was shaken to death." Naruto said before everyone looked up as Cisco arrived

"Excuse me. Coming through. CCPD Tech Consultant. That's right. Look at the badge. That means it's official." Cisco said causing Naruto to smile as his friend walked through the crowd over to them

"He's aware that badge is plastic, right?" Singh asked

"I don't think he cares," Naruto said

"Hey, so sorry I'm late. The curls were not cooperating this morning." Cisco smiled but saw the elevators and looked away, "Oh, good Lord. Why would you show me that?"

"We think this is because of some weird technical glitch, and you're our weird tech expert," Linda said

"This completely ruins Sriracha for me." Cisco muttered before he plugged his tablet into the elevator, "That shouldn't be there."

"What is it?" Naruto asked causing Cisco to turn his tablet

"It's encrypted code. This wasn't a glitch. This was a hacker."

Later, Uzumaki Labs

Cisco plugged a flash drive into the main computer, "The Cortex's quantum algorithm should decrypt this code in no time. That should help us ID our new hacker. But while we wait, I got a little welcome back gift for you." Cisco said turning to Naruto and wing him over, "Come, come. Walk with ya boy. Gather round, class."

"Ka-blam!" Cisco yelled removing the sheet off of Naruto's suit

"I mean, that was a cool reveal and everything, but I've been in that suit for a while now," Naruto said

"Yeah, but you don't know what you don't know. And underneath all this beautiful work of art, I've built in self-repairing armor, nano-liquid circuitry, full-spectrum scanning, and a whole bunch of other big words. Chief among them. An update to your hub. This thing is loaded with up to date maps, schematics, delivery menus. You know that Thai place you like so much?"

"Yeah, the Pad See Ew." Naruto nodded

"You know how we Pad See do." Cisco smiled as he and Naruto hugged

"What else does it do?" Naruto asked

"Well, lucky for you, I even wrote you an instruction manual," Cisco said handing Naruto a large 500-page binder

"For real?" Naruto asked getting a shrug from Cisco, with a sigh Naruto speed read the entire binder, "Okay, so the deadlock function, floatation device, Babel Protocol, and plasma cannon can go."

"You're serious?" Cisco asked as Naruto placed the binder into his hands

"Cisco, I don't need most of this stuff." Naruto walked over to a piece of paper and began to write out some functions he would like, "Try these."

"Sure," Cisco said looking at the list,

"Felicity, I need your help with something," Naruto called about to walk to Felicity's office when Iris caught up with him,

"Hey babe, don't forget we have an evening training session."

"Oh, I canceled that.' Naruto said

"You canceled it?" Iris asked

"Yeah, we need to talk later," Naruto said causing Iris to look confused as Felicity entered with Caitlin

"What's up?"Felicity asked

"I reviewed the footage of when you guys brought me back and a portal opened up behind the Quark Sphere taking it to the city when the Speed Force portal opened," Naruto said showing a still of the small portal behind the Quark Sphere as the bazooka struck it pushing it into the portal,

"Okay," Felicity said

"I remember a bus being right in front of the portal, meaning its occupants could have been affected by the dark matter that washed out along with me."

"We need to find out," Caitlin said just as Gideon appeared

"Unauthorized breach detected," Gideon announced and immediately Naruto and Caitlin headed down

Breach Room

Frost emerged as she and Naruto stood in front of a breach, "Ready?" Naruto asked

"For anything," Frost smirked cold smoke coming from her hands before Cisco arrived

"Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold your fire!" Cisco yelled getting between the and the breach as Gypsy arrived, "Hey, you wanna give me a little more notice next time? You know, people who wanna kill us come through here, right?"

"Oh. My bad, guys." Gypsy said

"Hey, Gypsy." Naruto waved as Caitlin went back to normal

"Hey, welcome back." Gypsy smiled before she looked to Cisco, "Okay. So, you almost ready for our date?"

"Uh, yeah, almost. Um, I hit a snag in trying to decrypt this hacker code for the CCPD I mean, you know how we do, and just, kind of, like, the matrix-you care about none of this. Just give me, like, one hour. Two tops."

"He's ready now," Naruto said causing the two to look at him and Caitlin

"You're still here," Cisco said getting nods from his friends

"Go on your date, Cisco. We'll hold down the fort." Naruto smiled

"You sure?" Cisco asked

"Yeah. Go." Naruto smiled

"Alright." Cisco smiled turning to Gypsy


A man was driving down the road listening to music when the radio went from pop to hardcore rock music, the man confused quickly tried to change it back but gasped when the screen turned purple with digital code before it said Kilg%re, "No!"

The car began to drive itself and turned to stop as the man looked horrified at the purple glowing eyes of an overweight balding man before the car sped off

Uzumaki Labs

Felicity used in her work when an alert appeared, "Guys? There's a car going 120 swerving between lanes. Somebody's gonna get killed." Felicity said

"Got it," Naruto said before he sped off


The man screamed in fear as he couldn't stop the car when The Flash appeared and stomped on the hood of tbe car causing it to stand upright on the front bumper before it slammed back down


The car was brought to the basement of Uzumaki Labs with Naruto, Iris, Felicity, and Caitlin examining it, "That could've been a lot worse." Caitlin said getting a nod

"Okay, so Linda talked to the driver, Tim Kwon. He's fine. She's gonna question him and see if they can figure out who did this."

"Felicity, what do we got?" Naruto asked

"The same weird code from the elevator murder scene." Felicity frowned showing the code to the team

"Wait, doesn't that mean -"

"Our hacker's got a hit list." Naruto finished for Iris

Caitlin noticed something, "It looks like a virus." she said taking the tablet and after a moment the code turned into a DNA helix, "It looks like an organic virus."

"But with a digital sub-base." Felicity said, "Our killer isn't just hacking machines. He's controlling them."

"Our hacker's not a hacker. He's a meta." Naruto sighed

"Lucky." Felicity said causing everyone to look at her, "C'mon guys the power to control technology, a nerds dream."

Naruto smiled, "Is there any connection between the two victims?"

"There's nothing online. But their names Weaver, Kwon. They sound very familiar to me." Felicity said

"I know, wait." Naruto sped off and returned with a magazine, "Tim Kwon. Kurt Weaver. Sheila Agnani, and Ramsey Deacon. They went to MIT."

"Now I remember, you and Sheila used to be cozy,"

"Before I got with you." Naruto nodded

"Four years ago, Kurt Weaver and Tim Kwon created an app in their garage with two other programmers. Some kind of malware called Kilgore. And then they sold it off to a big tech company." Felicity said

"So that's how they made their money." Caitlin nodded

"I remember Ramsey was pissed and claimed that Sheila, Tim, and Kurt stole his ideas. He may want revenge." Felicity said

"But why get it now?" Iris asked

"Maybe something has changed in the last day that gave him the courage he needed to finally go through with it," Naruto said

"Like a wave of dark matter hitting him and giving him his powers." Felicity frowned

"We need to find him, quickly," Iris said

"Can you find anything on his financials?" Naruto asked Felicity who nodded,

"I got an idea."

Naruto stepped behind Felicity and raised an eyebrow at what he was looking at, "What is that?" he asked

"It's something Cisco and I have been working on for the last 4 months. We call it God's Eye it is able to hack any type of technology using a camera and satellite tracking. It feeds information gathered back to us." Felicity smiled as the device worked its magic

"Wow. How long will it take?" Naruto asked

"Done." Felicity smiled

"Damn," Naruto said impressed

"He's a block away from CCPD."

"He's going after Kwon," Naruto said speeding off


Ramsey walked down the alley to the CCPD, determined to get his revenge, when he suddenly paused he sensed a massive amount of tech, when the Flash arrived, "Flash."

"You're not killing anyone else," Flash said

"They ruined my life and if you don't move, I'll kill you too." Ramsey threatened

"If that was supposed to scare someone, you failed," Naruto said

"I smell technology." Ramsey smiled before his eyes turned purple with a square pupil and Flash immediately felt his body being ripped apart causing him to clutch his ribs as he fell to his knees

Uzumaki Labs

The suits sensors alerted the team to Naruto's body being out through a lot of trauma, "Nate!" Iris yelled

"Oh no, the nanites in his body." Caitlin gasped

"Nate, get away from him!" Felicity yelled


Flash held in his screams of pain, "I used to be such a huge fan of yours." Ramsey said before he saw Linda and Kwon leaving CCPD and his lapse in concentration gave Flash a window to sped away,

Flash panted as the pain disappeared before he looked to Ramsey who was making his way to Linda and Kwon, "Okay." Flash said stepping out from his cover, "First Step!"

Naruto punched forward and an explosion of wind slammed into Ramsey slamming him into a wall as the air cannon beat him into tbe wall and when it let up, Ramsey fell forward unconscious

"Bringing in Ramsey," Flash said

Nightfall, Naruto's Home

Iris was sitting on the couch, when she looked up as Naruto walked in, "Hey." he smiled

"Hey," Iris said watching as Naruto sat down beside her

"I need you to let it out," Naruto stated getting a look of confusion from Iris


"I can tell that your upset with me for leaving. I didn't hesitate and in that moment, it seemed like I was perfectly okay with leaving her to go into the speed force with no hesitation. But that isn't true, I was scared as hell, but it was my burden to bare and I couldn't let you or the others know about my fear. I left you to explain what happened to me without revealing anything that gave away my identity, you had to consistently lie. That would be emotionally taxing on anyone.

This would also explain why you threw yourself into your new role on the team, it's simply a way for you to distract from my absence, so of course there will be conflict in that area, you spent too much time in that role and it will be hard for us to adjust now that I'm back. You're justified in your anger, you're human. Nobody wants to be left behind, not even for justified, understandable reasons."

Iris had tears in her eyes before she slapped Naruto and hugged him tightly sobbing while Naruto just held her, whispering how sorry he was,

Meanwhile, Unknown Location

The unknown woman walked over to the man in the hovercraft as he played a holographic piano, "Ah, one of my childhood favorites. Schubert's Unfinished Eighth Symphony, " she said

"Unfinished until now," Devoe said

"You didn't." the woman smiled

"It was surprisingly simple to extrapolate the remaining movements once I familiarized myself with the body of his work." Devoe bragged

"All 600 of his works?" the woman asked amazed

"I woke up early this morning." Devoe said dismissing the piano, "Do you have an update?"

"Subject One was in a confrontation with the Flash, and has been taken off the grid." the woman said as Devoe frowned

"He was supposed to be locked up in the meta-human wing at Iron Heights." Devoe frowned

"Flash, he's more...unpredictable than you thought. What do we do?"

"Find him, and the others. We need to get to them before Flash does." Devon said an irritated frown on his face

Next Day

Naruto canceled training again to have an outing with friends at paintball and they decimated the competition currently he, Cisco, Caitlin, Cecile, Linda, Iris, and Felicity were eating at the park with Iris and Cecile coming from a doctors appointment,

Everyone made small talk before Caitlin's phone vibrated, "Oh, my gosh. They broke up. The Wexler-Waclawiks broke up."

"For real?" Naruto asked

"Yes." Caitlin smiled

"Hell yeah," Naruto said as he and Caitlin high fived

"Uh, who are the Wexler-Wa-claws-wilix, and why are we happy that their love is dead?" Cisco asked

"They're a couple that was getting married at the Propizio the weekend of the 2nd. Which means now the venue is open." Caitlin smiled

"That's amazing. What good luck." Cecile said

"Mmm-hmm. So now we just have to put a deposit down." Caitlin smiled on her phone

"I'll run it over," Naruto said

"Nope, already covered, babe," Caitlin said showing her phone as she sent the deposit getting a shrug from Naruto before everyone's phone vibrated and began beeping

"Oh, God. Breach alert, guys. We gotta go." Linda said before everyone got up with the exception of Cecile, Iris, and Felicity and left

Uzumaki Labs, Breach Room

Naruto, Cisco, Linda, and Caitlin appeared and watched the breach but they all sighed as Harry walked out with a duffel, "Harry." Naruto smiled walking over

"Allen." Harry smiled dropping the duffel as they shared a hug and Harry exchange greetings with everyone

"Um, everything ok?" Naruto asked seeing the duffel

"I spent the summer assembling a support staff for her, so-"

"Oh, like a Team Quick?" Cisco asked


"Team Jesse." Caitlin offered


"Jesse and the Quicksters," Naruto said

"They're not called that." Harry sighed

"Well, they should be. That sounds like an awesome team." Linda said

"It is an awesome team because I assembled it. But then, Jesse goes and kicks me off the team, all right? Apparently, I'm too much like me, whatever that means. I push too hard. You know, too many tests. Too many training sessions. You know, I don't allow the team enough time for their personal bonding. I don't understand millennials. Anyway. They took a vote. I'm out. I don't have a home to return to now. I can't even go back to my own Earth."

"So you need to crash here till you and Jesse patch things up.' Naruto said getting a nod, "Well your family, and this place has 600 levels, one could be converted to a room for you."

"Thanks." Harry nodded before alarms began to Blair and Gideon appeared

"211 at First National and O'Sullivan Bank," Gideon said

"We'll check it out," Naruto said before he and Linda left


An Uber driver was confused as he worked on his phone, 'What? I'm sorry, I don't know why the app crashed. But, uh, this one's on the house."

"Thank you." a woman said before she got out the car as the Uber driver got back on his phone, while the lady found a penny, "Oh. Find a penny, pick it up, then all day you'll have good luck. So true."

The lady with the penny walked into the bank, and an overweight security guard smiled at her, "Ah, afternoon, ma'am."

"It is a good afternoon, Mr. Security Man." the woman greeted before the man began to choke and stumbled into a ladder where a wonder had to grab onto a security camera to avoid falling

A man looked at the commotion and accidentally knocked over a cup of coffee onto a computer causing it sparks to fly while another woman ran out on her phone screaming at her mother

Unbothered the lady walked back into the vault to the table filled with cash and began to fill up bags, before making her way out and saw the Uber still there, "Aww, you waited for me." she said getting into the car

Flash and Lady Flash sped down the road, "I see her." Lady Flash said

"Becky?" Flash asked causing Lady to look at him

"You know her?"

"Oh yeah," Flash said as the Uber pulled off and a man fell spilling marbles on the road

Flash and Lady Flash jumped over the marbles and Flash vibrated through the car pausing long enough to grab Becky and the money she stole and vibrated out of it, while Lady Flash returned the money

Uzumaki Lab, Cortex

Becky gasped as she looked around and saw Naruto in his street clothes while Flash stood behind him, "Nathan?" Becky gasped

"Hey, Becky." Naruto smiled before the two hugged, but she looked hesitant to look at Flash, as Linda walked in, "Becky Sharpe. 24 years old, no priors. You've had a rough go of it in the last three years you've lived in Central City, been rear-ended four times, your identity was stolen twice, a cat burglar literally burgled your cat."

"A string of bad luck doesn't mean you can go and rob banks, Becky.' Naruto frowned before he brought up footage of the portal he exited a few days ago, "See, I think you were exposed to dark matter on that city bus."

"I think I would know if I was exposed to dark matter." Becky scoffed

"Look, getting powers is overwhelming. I'm sure you don't know how they work or what you should do with them." Naruto said

"I have some idea." Becky frowned, "Listen, my entire life has been one piece of crummy luck after the next. I have only ever been dealt bad hands. But I knew one day the universe would see it made a mistake. And then I'd have the run of the table. I got on that bus, and Lady Luck smiled on me."

"And what if your good luck proves fatal to someone else?" Flash asked causing Becky to frown

"Becky, you aren't a violent person. The last thing I want to see if you locked up behind bars like some lunatic." Naruto said

"What am I supposed to do?" Becky asked

"My team and I work with metas, let us run some tests and make some tech that will compress your luck so that it can't affect anyone but yourself. Then I'll convince Flash to take you wherever you want to go." Naruto said causing Becky to look thoughtful

"You always made time for me Nathan, so I will trust you." Becky nodded causing Naruto to smile


Becky was in the danger room in a simulation of being in a casino with her powers activated inside the room, while Harry, Caitlin, and Cisco watched her

"Discrete quantum particles are connected, and when triggered, they simulate a synchronicity that, to the untrained eye to the common eye could seem like luck," Harry said watching her while readings of her field of energy expanded as she continued to win

"So if Becky can affect the particles around her in a positive way, then their connected particles start spinning negatively," Caitlin said

"So when good things happen to her, bad things happen all around her. Great, she's got a good luck field." Cisco sighed

"Can you make something to keep the field from expanding to those around her?" Caitlin asked as Cisco and Harry looked thoughtful

"I have an idea," Cisco said heading to his workshop with Harry following

Hour Later

Becky was presented with an ace of spades necklace, "Okay, Becky you have the ability to give off a quantum field, giving good luck to yourself and bad luck to anyone in close proximity to you, presumably by displacing the ambient luck from those people and then channeling it into yourself. However, prolonged and deliberate use of your powers to amass more luck for your benefit increases your quantum field, allowing you to spread bad luck over a greater range. Apparently, your powers also work passively by nature; meaning that, at base levels, they only operate to turn things to your favor like finding money on the ground to consistently winning the lottery. But in the event that an otherwise unfavorable outcome is imminent or at least in potential of happening, your probability field becomes more aggressive to the point where bad things however improbable will occur to those who stand or will stand, in her way leaving you unhindered and unscathed, along with anyone or anything you might be protecting in her endeavors. As a side note, because of your meta-human abilities doing the job for you, you only have to be present at any given location for them to influence probability itself localized around that area to your advantage, you have practically no means of predicting, with detailed precision, how outcomes to complex scenarios would play out while under your influence making your powers more defensive than offensive during confrontations." Naruto explained to Becky her powers as she admired the necklace

"This necklace will allow you to keep your powers but negate the effects on people who don't wish to do you harm. It is connected to an A.I and will monitor your field and surroundings, so long as you don't do anything illegal like rob another bank or try to kill someone your powers will be at your disposal." Cisco said getting a nod

"So have you figured out where you want to go?" Flash asked Becky who smiled and nodded.


AN: Trying to get this Thinker arc over quickly, Crossover for this season will be Death of Superman, Naruto has missed Throne of Atlantis and Justice League vs Teen Titans.