It's been a rough 4 months for Team Flash after Naruto's sacrifice. Iris had quit CCPN and began to help Felicity quarterbacking Linda, Cisco, and Caitlin when they were out in the field. Cisco, Caitlin, Felicity, Harry, and Curtis a friend of Felicity that took over her role for Oliver and his team had been looking into a way to free Naruto without causing the prison to go unstable.
They also began training, with Caitlin growing in her water and wind manipulation, but truly shining in her ice abilities included being able to cover her body in armor made of ice, which she developed into the ability to become ice in an organic form. By doing this, she can even change her shape and size, becoming an enormous ice woman, or adding spikes of ice on her knuckles or other body parts to become a living weapon.
She can also re-form body parts in her ice form, and even remain living and sentient in different phases of water, not justice. She can create objects out of ice (slides, ladders, missiles), and he's also capable of creating and animating ice clones. She has discovered a way to use her powers to act as a filter, rendering herself largely immune to poisoning, and can control chemical reactions that are based on heat exchange. She has even started to learn to use his abilities to effectively teleport and is sure to discover more elements of her immense power in the future.
Cisco with the help of Gypsy got better at his powers, and like he observed Naruto looked into an assortment of ways to use them particularly the vibration manipulation abilities. As a scientist, Cisco knew how dangerous it was and while in the Danger Room learned he could create powerful shockwaves by shattering the air like glass. These shock waves then would be redirected into the ground, resulting in earthquakes and, if under the seafloor, tsunamis. He could create these shockwaves in the air, rendering airborne attacks ineffective. He could also use these shockwaves to attack enemies, with either widespread or specific targets. Cisco's powers also allowed him to create a quake bubble around his hand to increase the power of his physical attacks, as well as manipulate the air with his hands to tilt the environment around him.
Linda continued to master her Photokinesis abilities while focusing on her career as a detective. Currently, the girls were at home watching 7-month-old Dash crawl to a plushie
All smiling at the baby that smiled back looking around at them while drooling with his 4 little teeth on display, when suddenly there was a rumbling, causing the girls to sigh in annoyance and pick up Dash as Iris helped the 6 months pregnant Cecile stand up
"Gideon, what's happening?" Felicity asked
"Two bogies have entered Central City," Gideon answered having been installed at the house as well
"Looks like we're up," Iris said
Central City
Cisco in full Vibe gear exited a breach, before Frost in a burst of mist arrived, followed by Lady Flash, "Guys, what're we looking at?' Iris asked
"Holy Ronin." Cisco said as the heroes watched as a samurai flew by and landed, "Anyone speaks Japanese?"
"What do you want? We don't want to hurt you." Lady Flash said
"You speak Japanese?" Cisco asked
"Of course," Caitlin said in Japanese
"Okay, I need new hobbies." Cisco sighed
"Bring me the Flash." the samurai said
"You're dealing with us," Frost said
"You're not The Flash. You're not the best. Bring me The Flash."
"I'm sensing an "or else." Cisco glared
"Or else your city falls." the samurai said
"Okay, enough of this," Frost said before with a wave of her hand a large block of ice formed around the samurai and as they all began to walk forward a second samurai landed and slammed his blade into the street sending a white wave of energy sending everyone flying back along with cars
"You guys okay?" Lady Flash asked
"What the hell kinda sword is that?" Cisco asked as the swordsman freed his partner
"You have one day. If The Flash does not face us, Central City dies." samurai1 said before they flew off
Uzumaki Labs
Cisco put an ice pack on his shoulder as the news played, "The Flash hasn't been seen in almost 4 months, leaving us to speculate what can save us from this newest threat."
"They really love him," Felicity noted
"Yeah, and your boy, Kurosawa, over there blew us away like ragdolls performing his reverse Excalibur. We haven't faced anything like this before."
"Why do you think they only wanted The Flash?" Iris asked
"They said they want to fight the best," Cisco said
"They're threatening to destroy the city. Do we think they can do it?" Felicity asked
"I say yes. Then they have to fight The Flash." Cisco frowned
"Who isn't here," Iris said
"What if he was?" Cisco smiled
"You figured it out?" Caitlin asked excitedly as Cisco's smile widened
"Yes." Cisco nodded
"When can you do it?" Linda asked
"Within an hour," Cisco said
"Get everything you need and we'll head out to the airfield," Caitlin said and everyone immediately went and got ready
Ferris Air Testing Facility
Cisco had everything ready when Felicity, Iris, and Linda arrive, "Ms. West-Allen, Ms. Smoak-Allen, Ms. Park-Allen." he greeted
"So, what are we doing out here, Cisco?" Iris asked
"It seemed an appropriate venue," Cisco said
"This was the first place Nate showed us his speed," Caitlin said as she strapped Dash into a chair
"So how are we gonna bring Nate back without blowing a hole in the, uh, world?" Linda asked
"Ha! In the spirit of bringing back old friends, may I present the Speed Force bazooka." Cisco said showing off a new bazooka, "Tracy helped me with it, and I made a few slight modifications, as Captain Solo would say."
"Cisco and I spent all of last night working out some kinks, fine-tuning the Quark Sphere," Caitlin said
"What?" Linda asked before Cisco tossed a small ball to her
"The Quark Sphere, filled with Nate's unique genetic marker, and programmed to track his specific DNA, using the electrical current of the Speed Force," Caitlin explained
"So, once we track Nate and we pull him out, the Quark Sphere will trick the Speed Force -" Cisco explained
"Into thinking, he's still there."Felicity finished
"Hey, Linda, can you put that on the center pylon?" Cisco asked pointing to a small device a down the runway
Linda sped to the device and dropped it before heading off back to the others, "Ready."
"Let's bring our boy home," Cisco said before the sphere activated
"Quark Matter scanning electrical current," Caitlin said as she and Felicity began to type while the sphere glowed and rose into midair
"Triangulating Quark Matter on his location." Felicity smiled before her screen began beeping, "I've got a lock on something."
"It's him." Linda smiled which Iris shared
"Now, Cisco!" Caitlin yelled before Cisco fired the bazooka into the sphere as a portal formed before it snapped shut and all the screens read system failure as everyone shared disappointed frowns
Central City
The citizens were going on about their lives and as a bus turned a corner a large Speed Force portal opened causing the bus to stop abruptly before a white trial of lightning shit out if the portal that closed room after
The lightning trail sped out of the city,
Allen Residence
Cecile was sitting outside reading a magazine when the lightning trail slammed into a wall causing Cecile to jump before her eyes widened seeing the white figure glowing as the glow dissipated to reveal a nude Naruto with a beard
"Nate?" Cecile asked
Naruto looked at her before he passed out
Ferris Air Testing Facility
Iris and Linda watched the scientist try to figure out what went wrong, "Gideon, what happened?" Cisco asked as a computer screen showed Gideon's face
"The Speed Force bazooka was hacked, remotely," Gideon announced causing everyone to look at each other before Iris phone rung
"Cecile, can I call you back in a minute? We're in the middle of something here." Iris said before her eyes widened, "What?"
Hour Later
Everyone walked up to the house as Cecile opened the door, "Where is he?" Caitlin asked
"This way," Cecile said as she led everyone toward the back of the house
"I knew it would work. I knew it." Cisco smiled as the approached a door leading to the basement
"You should prepare yourselves," Cecile advised opening the door and walking down with the help of Cisco before they all noticed strange drawings on the walls, and entered to see a dressed Naruto sitting down and writing on the wall,
"Nate?" Caitlin asked before Naruto turned around and everyone smiled at him as he stood up looking between them,
"Nora shouldn't be here," Naruto said causing everyone to look confused
"Your mom isn't here, Nate. It''s us. You're home." Iris replied
"I didn't do this. I didn't kill anyone." Naruto said as everyone looked confused, "Can you hear the stars singing? Rhyming, chiming, timing every hour, every minute. You said the city was safe, that there was no residual danger, but that's not true. What really happened that night."
"The city is safe. You saved it. You saved us all." Iris said
"No, when he found out about Clyde Mardon, that's exactly what he asked Evil Wells," Cisco noted as everyone looked at each other
"Stars melting like ice cream, dream, gleam." Naruto groaned clutching his head as he vibrated but stopped, "Nora shouldn't be here."
Nate walked off to an empty portion of the wall and began to write the symbols again
"I'm guessing this isn't just shock," Linda said
"Shock results from a drop in blood pressure. This is neurological." Caitlin frowned worriedly
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like Ramen, Training, and my precious people, my dislikes are the 3 minutes it takes to eat Ramen, liars, rapist, and people who put my friends in danger, my dream for the future is to live peacefully and have a big family."
"It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will change the way that we think about everything, from a single atom to an entire galaxy."
"God! Stars so loud. Loud, cloud, proud. Either back me up or stay out of my way. Don't interfere in things that don't have anything to do with you, this man targeted my family, and the longer he draws breath is a slap in my face. That ends today."
"You're on notice Snart, you come after Cisco or anyone else I care about again or hurt anyone in my town. I'll find you and kill you."
"Mom, stay with me. I'll get you to a hospital. I can save you."
"We need to get him back to the medical bay now," Caitlin said
Uzumaki Labs
Naruto was sedated as everyone waited watching as Caitlin looked at her tablet, "What's the diagnosis?" Felicity asked
"He's actually scary healthy. His neurotransmitters are functioning at five times the normal speed."
"Then what's wrong?" Cisco asked
"I have two theories. One is that he's suffering from a form of schizophasia. That's where you assign the wrong definitions to words."
"So, from his perspective, all that nonsense he's saying makes sense?" Iris asked
"I wouldn't call it nonsense. It was almost like he was reliving conversations, and conversations he's hadn't had yet." Linda said getting a nod from Cisco
"Right, we know that the Speed Force exists beyond space and time. To us, Nate was only in there for four months, but to him, it could've been 10,000 years."
Everyone looked to the sleeping blonde
"All that time in isolation, it could've caused dementia. That may be all of him that's left." Caitlin said sadly
"So how do we find out which one it is?" Iris asked
"Decrease the sedative, and wake him up," Caitlin said as Cisco smiled
"I think I've got the perfect song for that."
Moments Later
Imagine Dragons played over the P.A as Naruto slowly came into consciousness and saw Caitlin and Cisco leaning over him, "Are you sure this is appropriate?" she asked shining a flashlight into Naruto's eyes
"Yeah. It's a good luck charm. I mean, it worked before." Cisco shrugged with a red vine in hand
"Last time, he was in a coma, not a pan-temporal extra dimension," Caitlin said
"Hey, Nate." Cisco smiled as Caitlin smiled down at her fiance, "It's me, Cisco, AKA Vibe, BKA your BFF."
Naruto sat up and saw the girls standing a bit away, and smiling at him, "Hey, buddy. Hey." Cisco said causing Naruto to look at him, "While you were gone, I made alterations to your suit. Do you wanna take it out for a spin?"
"The stars are raining. Draining. Paining." Naruto said getting up out of bed, "No, thank you. I'm not hungry. He didn't do those things. He didn't hurt my mom or Barry. I was there that night. There was a man, plan. No plan." Naruto clutched his forehead before he gave an excited laugh, "We're gonna need more diapers."
Naruto grabbed a marker and began to write on the glass the same symbols, "You keep drawing, buddy. You keep drawing. I'm gonna figure this out." Cisco said walking away frowning, "Gideon, analyze all of Nate's drawings."
"Caitlin-" Iris began
"I don't know, Caitlin said sadly before Iris walked forward to Naruto who ignored his surroundings and continued to write the symbols
"Nate, I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're trying to send us a message somehow." Iris said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I did what you told me to. I kept running, I kept moving forward, because I knew that if I stopped to look back, then I would remember that you weren't behind me anymore. And it's been so hard. And when Cisco said that he could bring you back, you know, I didn't know what to think. What if it didn't work? What if you were dead? I mean, I thought it would be like losing you all over again. I never imagined this, though. I don't know what I would do if this is all that's left of you this is all that's left of the amazing man that I know and love. Please come back to me. Come back to us. Tell me you're still our Nate."
Naruto looked down at Iris as through the fog in his brain, her name appeared and as he tried to say it, electricity began to flutter through his eyes as he vibrated
Iris gasped backing away, "What do we do?" she asked but before a solution could be had, Naruto sped off, around the room
"Nate! Nate, stop!" Linda yelled as the computers began to crash
"Breach him to the pipeline!" Felicity yelled to Cisco
"He's too fast!" Cisco yelled as Dash crawled into the room watching the lightning trail excitedly
"Dash!" Caitlin yelled wondering how he got out of his playpen everyone tried to get to the baby that began to crawl before the baby speed crawled around in yellow streak of lightning much to everyone's shock
The white streak and yellow streak of lightning were going to collide but stopped abruptly in the center of the cortex with Dash looking up at his father, smiling excitedly waving his arms up and down
"Da Da."
Caitlin and everyone gasped at the babies first word, watching as Naruto looked down at the baby who grabbed onto his pants and stood up before I indicating he wanted to be held
Naruto's eyes were filled with lightning as he looked at Dash before he blinked, and picked up the baby, "Dash." he said smiling before he kissed his son's head
"Nate?" Caitlin asked causing Naruto to look at her and everyone else
"Hey." Naruto smiled and immediately everyone rushed him
Naruto after taking a shower, shaving his beard completely, and cutting his hair back to its original length, sat in front of the team, "So what have I missed?"
"The Watchtower was finished and launched, and everyone was told that you went to Japan to oversee the construction of a new facility,,, Cisco said
"I meant with you guys,,, Naruto replied
"We missed you." Linda said getting nods from everyone, "We all pretty much just went through the motions and tried to keep the city safe while living up to your example." Caitlin said as Naruto sighed
"I'm sorry." Naruto said sincerely, "I put you all through so much, and nothing I say can make up for leaving like I did. I won't leave again. I promise."
Team Flash nodded before a siren went off, "Samurai's back." Caitlin said
"Samurai?" Naruto asked
"More like Samurai jackass." Cisco scoffed
"It hasn't even been a full day yet. They said they'd level the city if we didn't bring in The Flash." Iris said
"Well, let's give them what they asked for." Naruto said before an excited Cisco handed him his necklace
"Seems they brought back up. A lot" Felicity said
"No problem," Naruto smirked before he put on his necklace and shot off
The citizens of Central City all ran as 30 samurais flew through the city when they gasped as Flash appeared,
"Cisco, mind explaining what's all this on the hub?" Naruto asked keeping an eye on the samurai that all landed around him while he saw new things on the hub inside his mask
"I upgraded the layout of the city and added in different visions that will help you. Like X-ray, microscopic, telescopic, electric and infrared." Cisco said over the coms
"Alright," Naruto said looking to the Samurai's
"Flash, welcome home." a Samurai said causing Naruto's eyes to narrow
"You wanted me, here I am. What do you want?" Flash asked noting that he didn't hear a heartbeat, breathing, or see any movements that would tell him that any of the Samurai were human,
"To fight the best."
"So you send robots to fight me instead of yourself?" Flash asked
"..." the samurais remained silent
"Or could it be you wish to see what it is your dealing with before you confront me yourself?" Flash asked
The Samurai remained silent before they all grabbed their swords and charged appeared and with a roundhouse Flash kicked one in the jaw sending it flying into a wall,
Jumping Flash landed by a group of samurai and they immediately they started to slash their katanas at him, phasing through the attacks, Naruto punched the closest one to him punching its head off, he elbowed another in the throat, before grabbing another by the throat. Looking to another group, he blitzes forward and had another samurai by the throat before he surrounded the two samurais with wind chakra before throwing them into another group of samurai the wind chakra causing them to slice through the group of robots before their heads exploded on contact with the wall.
Turning as the Samurai continued to try and hack at him with Naruto phasing through them, Naruto super sped to one and punched it in the jaw as the head turned all the way around, while he pulled the power core out of another one, before punching the third one to the ground and stomping its head to scrap metal.
Naruto grabbed another and threw it into the street, before turning only to be stabbed in the cheek and stabbed in the ribs, The katanas wouldn't penetrate his suit putting up his hands Naruto caught both of their fists as they tried to overpower him,
Naruto slammed one into the ground before kicking it through the torso his kick bisecting the samurai, and he slashed the other's arm off and kicked it into an oncoming samurai's sword
Naruto then did a half spin and sweep kicked a samurai's feet from under him as it fell forward and slid a bit, Naruto grabbed the robot by its feet and threw it away Naruto then did an uppercut to the third samurai whose head was knocked off its shoulders, Naruto then ducked under a swing from a sword, before he dodged to the left and right, before he took the sword and stabbed the samurai in the face
Turning around Naruto created a lightning sword as he saw a lot of the samurai coming, when the first one was in range Naruto decapitated it, before jumping over a swing from the second while he swung his lightning sword and sliced its head in half, coming down Naruto sliced the third one in half completely.
Naruto turned and sliced the fourth and fifth ones head off, before ducking under the sixth ones stab and slicing it at the waist, before he kicked the seventh one in the chest and stabbing another through the neck and kicking the body out of his way, before he ran the eighth through with his sword and jumped over some sort of energy beams, and flipped in the air, before he landed on the ninth samurai's head,
Jumping with his back turned Naruto did a corkscrew flip and kicked the tenth, and eleventh samurai in the head, before he landed with his back turned and stabbed the twelfth samurai in the pelvis, before he decapitated the thirteenth samurai, jumping over a punch Naruto sliced off the fourteenth samurai's arms off before he ripped the power core out, with two samurais coming at the same time Naruto bisected them at the waist
Naruto jumped in the air as nine samurais converged on him as he landed he stabbed the lightning sword into the ground while channeling a large amount of lightning chakra into the blade the lighting spread around him shorted out the robots. Naruto then super sped to his right slicing through four more as if they were butter, Naruto then decapitated a samurai "These guys are like cockroaches." Flash said before he kicked a samurai that tried to sneak up on him, then he dismembered another.
Before he twirled the blade and proceeded to slice and dice the samurai's body, Naruto spun out of the way from a charging samurai then he kicked it's feet from under him before he proceeded to stomp the samurai's head into the ground
Flash sped forward and flipped over a samurai and grabbed his head, landing on his feet Flash vibrated a hand through the back of its head, before his arm shot up behind him catching a sword, before he stabbed the assailant through the neck, looking over his shoulder the robot samurai's, Naruto threw the samurai off the sword into one who was charging in before he grabbed the robot by his head and crushed it in his palm, then he turned around and sliced through the another's chest, and sliced through another's head
The people of Central City cheered on the Flash, including the cops on the scene as Flash spun around the last samurai and drove a Rasengan through its head
Flash looked up as the people cheered, and smiled slightly before he looked to one of the least damaged samurais, "You...not...the...Flash."
"I am The Flash. Super Speed isn't my only trick, I have an entire arsenal of abilities no one has seen yet. I'll be seeing you soon, Mr. Devoe." Naruto said before he stomped on the head
CCPD took all of the samurai robots as they shook hands with the Flash who catered to the people before he left when the News crew tried to get an interview
Later, Uzumaki Labs
Naruto sat on the table as Caitlin ran tests on him, "Pupils are equally reactive to light. I mean, your vitals are amazing. You're in perfect health, even for you. I'd like a urine sample, just to confirm, but everything looks great."
"Man, you love urine." Cisco said chuckling causing everyone to look at him, "You love the testing of urine. The testing of the urine. You know what I meant."
"Why do you have to ruin science?" Caitlin asked
"It's good to be back." Naruto smiled
"How are you feeling?" Iris asked
"I feel great. Yeah, I feel incredible. I don't know, it feels like I've been reborn or something." Naruto smiled
"Mm. Well, okay, speedy Jesus." Cisco said causing everyone to laugh
"Seriously, though. I mean, you were fast before, but you may be the fastest speedster ever." Linda said as Naruto smiled
"I mean, you were in the Speed Force for six months. Maybe you were soaking up its energy?" Caitlin asked
"But still, we have some mysteries left to solve, like our flying Samurai robots," Cisco said before he snapped his fingers, "Android Samurai., Samur-oid. Oh-ho-ho, we back, baby!"
Naruto and the girls laughed as everyone looked at the hologram of the Samuroid "Yeah, someone created this, and it must be for a reason." Linda said
Naruto was about to begin but Cisco's translator for the symbols picked up a phrase, "Does the phrase, "This house is bitchin'" mean anything to you?"
"No? Should it?" Naruto asked
"No. Just know that when you were in your "Beautiful Mind" phase, you were talking straight-up nonsense."
"Yeah, I don't remember any of that. The last thing I remember was going into the Speed Force with my mom, being in a sea of lightning before I decided to meditate, then I'm running around with this little guy, and I'm here." Naruto said picking up Dash who laughed, "But back to the Samuroids. When I went to the future, my future self had an archive on all of the people he's fought. Some guy named Clifford Devoe sent robot samurais after him."
"So it's the same guy?" Felicity asked
"I think so." Naruto nodded
"So what do we do about the toddler with Super speed?" Iris asked causing everyone to look down at Dash who vibrated excitedly from all the attention
"We'll suppress them until his 5th birthday."
"Why 5?" Caitlin asked
"I started Shinobi training at 5, his speed is apart of him, I wouldn't feel comfortable taking something that is apart of him away like that. It's his choice." Naruto said getting nods as Naruto kissed Dash' head
Caitlin woke in the middle of the night and got up smiling down at her fiancee and lovers who were all cuddled together asleep before she got up and grabbed some clothes,
Leaving the room she exploded into mist that sped through the air before she reformed in front of a bar and Frost emerged before she entered a bar,
"Where have you been?" a one-eyed man asked with a glare
"Doesn't matter," Frost said
"Really?" the man asked with a glare
"Tell Amunet I'm out," Frost said and immediately the man got in her face
"You wanna quit, Snow? Doesn't work that way. You do what Amunet says for as long as she tells you."
"Not anymore." Frost turned on her heel and began to leave when the man grabbed her arm and tried to force her around but Frost ripped her arm free and grabbed the mam by the throat and slammed him onto the pool table with a spike of ice in hand, "Touch my hand again, and I'll freeze yours off, maybe some other parts too. Tell Amunet I'm done."
Frost walked off and exploded into mist before she returned home and entered the room as Caitlin and stripped down to nothing again before getting back into bed
"Everything okay?" Naruto asked
"It's perfect." Caitlin smiled kissing Naruto
Unknown Location
A woman placed a mask on another Samuroid, "Well the plan worked. The Flash is back in Central City, but we have a new problem. He knows who we are and revealed more abilities that we didn't account for. What's our next step?"
A man in a hoverchair turned to her, "I'm thinking."