

A university student has passed through to the prehistoric period; will history still evolve along the original trajectory? In this ancient wasteland of ruthlessness and bloodshed, Edward armed with his imagination and human knowledge of the 21st century is out there to lead his small tribe into creating an empire for generations to remember. From introducing fire, the secrets of the soil, and aspirin to launching the savage cave fashion show. But against him stands his savage rivals, ferocious beasts and hundreds of barbaric ethnic groups.

Killerpants · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Woman of the leader

Edward knew he had to use psychological tactics. He needed to win over the hearts of the people and make these newcomers loyal to the Flying Eagle tribe.

At that time, he sighed, towards which Night spoke:

"Light didn't you said that you needed to make "wine"? Now this matter of carrying stones …. "

He smiled towards Night:

"Night, I changed my mind. I think proper housing is necessary before we make wine. Although both will help us greatly to fend the winters."

From the inside, Edward was dying to make wine because he was fed up with eating nothing but meat every day. And due to various reasons such as land and manpower, agriculture was a bit difficult especially considering the approaching winter.

However, looking at the current season, the mountains were full of golden leaves. In this late autumn, collecting fruit should be too good but in contrast, building housing was necessary.