
From Absolute Monarchy, to Social Democracy.

In the lands of fairy tales and in the lands of myth, there were four kingdoms that were once divided into 20 countries. Those kingdoms united to form 4 kingdoms for unknown reasons; Saura, Ardogan , Xerota and Lynexia. A world war has broken out between the united countries which resulted in people that suffered in environments that were exhausting and almost impossible to bare during that period. The previous warlords were ruthless with the intention of only caring for themselves, had no regard to others. Once those warlords died, new leaders were born into this world which put everything into an uneasy stalemate. It lasted for many years indeed, while the lords along with the folk faced the fact this war was pointless, they declared a ceasefire as a response to these tragedies. Everything fell into a long lasting peace, but that may not last for long as expected. Now, "Social Democracy" or even politics are largely an unspoken topic in this world but most royals have heard the term "Democracy." before in their life but not Social Democracy. Of course, people knew politics but such foreign concept was unknown and also unspoken of. Let's say they didn't know exactly everything about politics of course. However, except for one young boy in the 18's whose name was Nesy Celvius, 18 years old. He has dreams of uniting the four kingdoms, but before he had heard of the stories...He has no idea about it. Nesy also has ideals that might surprise many people and even trigger them as well, so much as to trigger the lords because it is so foreign to them. Where does Nesy come from? Surprise surprise, he is from an other world where the year is 2020 but he got transported into another world because some weird freak accident happened. He couldn't remember what exactly happened there only that he got sucked into a hole. PS: The story was made by me, a 15-year-old kid from Sweden. I'm very engaged into politics and love roleplaying. A-: Uptate, I decided to re-write a part of the first chapter.

Nesy · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1: A beginning

It began in the Capital city of Saura, Vixo. A land of mysterious but full with surprises but may there be dangers with that kind of thing as well! Life seemed as perfect but it will all change.

The sun shone over the city of Vixo, blue skies with feathery clouds that hovered above. Birds chirped songs on top of the settlements with hay roofs, some flew off due to people that disturbed them. Nesy's feet dragged him through the crowded cobblestone streets of Vixo; the long journey from the forest made him exhausted. He had somehow inexplicitly entered this world from a separate one. Nesy's modern clothes made him stick out a lot because it was something nobody has ever seen before; martial arts clothes with a belt strapped around his waist, what are the odds to find that? The institutions here reminded Nesy of a fantasy novel that resembled the medieval world just like this, yet it was so different from the ones he read.

While he walked, he rejoiced at the sight of a Tavern at the end of the street and he walked towards it, entering the establishment. The crowded Tavern had people that gambled, laughed around their rounded tables, and some casually conversed with each other. The floorboards creaked as Nesy made his way to the barkeeper, but was interrupted with dead silence. As soon as that happened, it made Nesy's heart skip a beat. His world began to feel less real; sweat began to pour down his forehead with a lump in his stomach. Eyes pointed straight at him; people had never seen such commoner in their lives as if Nesy came from the other world. This prompted him to speak, "Uh... Guys? Why are you staring at me?" Said Nesy with an uneasy voice. Nesy had apperently stumbled into a place where there were prodominatly adventurers; Such person has never been seen before though with completly different clothes. Was he a noble? No idea. People had wondered about Nesy's heterochromic eyes, looked at him from tip to toe.

The barkeeper broke the silence, "Well kiddo whatcha wearin' aye?" He said with eyebrows raised; he looked up and down at his strange outfit in curiosity. Nesy cleared his throat, "Well, to be honest, I am wearing martial arts suit to get training but I ended up here, unfortunately." He said. The attention he got made his worst fears come true, the long stare is a terrible thing to experience and that's especially true for an 18-year-old to experience. The barkeeper burst out in laughter, prompted others to laugh with him. A rather demonic voice filled the room. "AAHAAHAHAHA- YOU? A martial artist aye? Screw off somewhere else you god damn punk!" The demon said with a smirk; this woman was certainly of no conversation and was to be avoided immediately. "You are just a disgusting like prick! Someone who doesn't even know how to fight! Since you humans are so fucking pathetic, so small and insignificant! ALL OF YOU! EVERY SINGLE FUCKER HERE IN THE BAR! Disgusting humans!" She said with a psychopathic grin on her face.

The humiliation caused Nesy's chest to feel it had burst in the flames of fury, how dare this absolute shithole! "Hey lady, I don't have time for your smooth brained jokes or your gosh damn pathetic insults that you put on people." The voice brought fear that awakened one of his terrible outcomes so far. He did the opposite, he collected himself and began to throw words around like he was duelled with. Then, Nesy realised this woman had gotten too far and she was starting to touch into the topics of race and that she was starting to generalise in a bad way. "You! Are an absolute fucking dipshit!" Nesy uttered the swearwords around; the crowd held their laughter as if they approved of Nesy. "Cease your pathetic words. You inferior human weakling!" She hissed back at Nesy. The demon wanted to grab him by the neck and squeeze the life out of the little runt, but she kept her patience. She didn't want to waste time with a sick mortal with his dirty words pressed against her. "I'm going to slaughter your entire race, your pathetic insects! ALL OF YOU! You're just a small child, who cares?! Why should I waste my time with the likes of you?!" She said.

There was silence afterwards and Nesy raised his eyebrows to her remark about his race. The woman appeared to be a demon supremacist, it was equally as bad as any form of supremacy. This yelped up a response from Nesy. "Excuse me, son?" He tilted his head to the side, slowly walked closer to her. The crowd dispersed to make room for them to talk aas they surrounded Nesy and the demon. "Yeah? What mortal?" The horned woman stared at him, awaiting his response. "Are you going to draw your sword and slaughter me with your soft hands huh?" She teased to piss the little boy off, she knew how kids acted when they get their shit taken away. However, she did not expect that the kid was a different kind of person than the rest of the humans. This could be a path to her demise perhaps for being so reckless.

"Nobody is inferior, or superior in terms of race as actions matter more than your race OR ANYBODY ELSE! I want equality! Not racial warfare you god damn idiot!" The crowd was silent as he mentioned the words: "Equality" as people had mixed feelings about this little boy. The woman laughed at his remark, Equality? Foolish! "Fool, you flatter me a lot with your words." She said sarcastically. "You are just a human, that's it! A weak piece of flimsy idiot!" Nobody would dare to challenge her now right? Wrong! The atmosphere began to get tighten as the crowds started to direct their negative attention to the woman, she stood with pride with no regards of life and it's beautiful creation!

The middle-aged man was frustrated to hear such words of this woman! He thought that she was playing a trick on the kid, but she only escalated it to an extent of insults to people by their race. Alright, she crossed the line; this is enough! The man pushed himself through the crowd and spoke up. "Hey, the kid actually has a point! Race doesn't matter. You should be ashamed of yourself! For choosing such disgusting words in front of a wise, young man such as him!" The man who defended Nesy was a middle-aged figure. He wore armour with a sword mounted at the side of his waist. "I think you should apologise to the kid! Or I shall draw my sword and chase you out!" He yelled at the woman. The crowd became uneasy; this would escalate into a fight if this situation wasn't handled in a proper manner. Nobody would dare to challenge her now right? Wrong!

The woman cackled, she looked at him mischievously as if he was riled up to slaughter the man with her magic. "Try me mortal! I shall send you to meet the angels!" She slammed him back. The barkeeper intervened into the conversation, clapping the middle-aged man's shoulder, "Let me handle this sir... You've done your thing, my friend." The middle-aged man nodded; occasionally glanced at the boy before returning his attention to the woman in a safer distance. The barkeeper consulted the woman about this issue. "Hey, if you are going to fight then you gotta deal with that crap outside! If you behave like this, to the kid over there!" He pointed at Nesy. "Then I'm going to have to throw you out of here for disturbing the peace. I assure you, I've dealt with worse customers then you have ever done in your career!" The man scolded the horned lady.

"Oh sheesh...Fine." The woman couldn't really do anything more because she made herself look like a fool. She scoffed, she turned away from the barkeeper and she stormed out of the establishment. The crowd in the room lost interest, dispersing back to their seats. A wave of relief sank into Nesy because he thought it was finally over, for now... He could finally sit down in front of where the barkeeper worked in order to get his desired drink but the barkeeper hadn't gived up to know more about the mysterious stranger. He rested his arms on the table and spoke to Nesy. "Aye, settle down kid, it's just a joke." A few people gave him a reassured pat on the shoulder, with a smile on their faces. "Yee'r good kid! Very good kid!" Said the other man who sat next to him.

Nesy turned towards the other man, nodded with a smile on his face. "Sure...I suppose I was a good kid and yet I am." Nesy's response prompted the man to chuckle. "Heehehe... Ye you are." While the barkeeper watched them converse; he moved a cup of water to Nesy. "The house is offerin'" He winked at Nesy. "Oh thanks." He took the cup of water and chugged it down like an absolute master, his thirst was replenished to his own surpise. "What's in that water? Magic or something?" The orange tint of the liquid differed from his own world, of course it did!

"Yeah, surprised that you actually knew about that." He gave a raised eyebrow, quite impressed he actually figured that out. "Heh, must've seen that orange tint. Don't tell anybody though, it actually comes from the falls of Lynexia." The barkeeper chuckled. When Nesy was about to speak, he had a warm arm on his shoulder, the middle-aged dude from before turned him around."How about you tell us a story? Ya, I seriously am interested now. Since you're new around here, you deserve some credit for what you did." A few people then gathered around Nesy to listen. Never before he had an audience that was interested in what he said to say. He thought that medieval worlds were boring but it was like a paradise or so it seemed for now. Many eyes pointed at the boy, who hesitated to speak a single word but people had a lot of hope for this guy.

"Alright, well the story I have is of something special. Once upon a time, a small country lived under tyranny-" He told a story about a Totalitarian regime, a hero that was raised under fear and tyranny. One day he defied his leader and defected to an other country and rebuilt it from the bottom up, to take his revenge against the government that repressed the people of the neighbouring country. This resulted in a declaration of war. Nesy babbled on and on with politics and fantasy-like he had read 100 fantasy novels and summarised them at once. People seemed confused but loved the story about heroes that slammed down totalitarian regimes, freeing the people from their misery. Back to reality, people around him applauded too as this story had a lot of potential but he still had to train his literacy as people always could improve.

"That was a great story!" He guffawed with delight the way he narrated, the emotions and Nesy's dialect really empowered the story which was a second factor that became very interesting. People all around him gave him an applaud of delight. So, the crowd dispersed and people went back to their seats to continue chatting, deck of cards were rounded up on the table for them to play their games. Compared to other Taverns this was very peaceful after all.

The conversation with the barkeeper continued; he was called Nixon Fenris. Nixon came closer to Nesy, asking him who he was. "Sooo... Who are ya? What's your name kid?" He asked, curious about where Nesy had came from. The newcomer was apparently something special, he thought for a brief moment. Nixon has never has seen such kid with such a brave face before. Nixon became less caring for the boring environment as Nesy intrigued him even more than his surroundings. Nesy did not hesitate to answer Nixon's question about himself. "Well... My name is Nesy." He introduced himself to Nixon.

The middle-aged man who sat next to Nesy was called Henrick, a knight like anybody else but has been intrigued by Nesy's actions this day. His bravery became an example to him about brave faces, how did he manage to muster up such madladship? That remained quite a mystery, something that seemingly was unanswered in that timeline. The conversation between Nesy and Nixon intrigued him a lot, so he jumped in. "Aye, kid." Henrick turned to Nesy and the barkeeper. "I liked your display of brave face when you spoke out against this filthy woman."

Nixon was relieved about what the knight said, but he thought he had a powerful rhetoric in his opinion. "So, my name is Henrick." As a sign of friendship, he offered his hand to Nesy. Nesy did not take time to wait and he shook his firm hand with delight. Was making friends this easy or was he just lucky? No idea, but Henrick seems very friendly. "Cool name Henrick. Nice to meet you!" Nesy said to the knight with a grin on his face. "Nice to meet ya too, humble one." Henrick responded.

"My name is Nixon..." The barkeeper added, introducing himself to Nesy and Henrick. "So Henrick, since when did you become a knight?" Nixon asked, curious about if he had any sort of education of combat at all. Henrick responded, "Well, I have learned honour and the strength to fight on. That's how I became a knight!" He said with pride, causing them both to laugh. "You sure do!" They both said, all three laughing, sitting in front of the bar and talking about themselves. "Where do you guys come from, all from Saura I assume?" The middle aged knight nodded, but Nesy decided to create some sort of believable story. "...Well... I don't know, I forgot." Nesy exclaimed to both of them, trying to not cause any trouble.

"Sooo... You're only there yourself?" Nixon asked Nesy, concerned about if he's lost. "But... I need to resume my job, I got customers to take care of." So he left the conversation. Henrick also had to go out in knighting duties. "See you later kid, I have to go." He rose up from the chair, leaving Nesy all alone. Nesy made his way through the crowded Tavern again, leaving the establishment and out to the streets shrouded with people.