
From Absolute Monarchy, to Social Democracy.

In the lands of fairy tales and in the lands of myth, there were four kingdoms that were once divided into 20 countries. Those kingdoms united to form 4 kingdoms for unknown reasons; Saura, Ardogan , Xerota and Lynexia. A world war has broken out between the united countries which resulted in people that suffered in environments that were exhausting and almost impossible to bare during that period. The previous warlords were ruthless with the intention of only caring for themselves, had no regard to others. Once those warlords died, new leaders were born into this world which put everything into an uneasy stalemate. It lasted for many years indeed, while the lords along with the folk faced the fact this war was pointless, they declared a ceasefire as a response to these tragedies. Everything fell into a long lasting peace, but that may not last for long as expected. Now, "Social Democracy" or even politics are largely an unspoken topic in this world but most royals have heard the term "Democracy." before in their life but not Social Democracy. Of course, people knew politics but such foreign concept was unknown and also unspoken of. Let's say they didn't know exactly everything about politics of course. However, except for one young boy in the 18's whose name was Nesy Celvius, 18 years old. He has dreams of uniting the four kingdoms, but before he had heard of the stories...He has no idea about it. Nesy also has ideals that might surprise many people and even trigger them as well, so much as to trigger the lords because it is so foreign to them. Where does Nesy come from? Surprise surprise, he is from an other world where the year is 2020 but he got transported into another world because some weird freak accident happened. He couldn't remember what exactly happened there only that he got sucked into a hole. PS: The story was made by me, a 15-year-old kid from Sweden. I'm very engaged into politics and love roleplaying. A-: Uptate, I decided to re-write a part of the first chapter.

Nesy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Something unexpected

Nesy strolled around the streets and saw a bunch of fruit stands, even where you could buy clothes and what looked like souvenirs caught his eyes. "Come and buy!" They yelled. "Fresh apples!" One shouted; people gathered around and bought things from the people. The market reminisced him of the time where he bought things from retail stores, but this time it was by stands with people in front of them. The cobble buildings aligned with each other and they slithered through the crowded people in the cobblestone path like a corridor. "Hey kid! You look like you need armour!" One bearded man shouted over to Nesy. The salesman wore leather armour and certainly is specialised with sewing together leather armour for people to wear on the way out of the city.

"Sorry, dude! I am currently just looking around!" Nesy said. The salesman frowned but replied with a polite nod. The townsfolk were loud but enjoyed their daily lives around here and bought things they had to offer. At least people were kind and not chaotic like the world that differed from his. Nesy continued onwards as he went on to discover completely new things up close. Nesy thought that it was very cool to see new things because he could further learn about this wonderful world, or was he just being sarcastic? The grin on his face widened by the thought of such. Life went on despite Nesy's inexplicit existence in this world.

When he was done exploring this part of the city, he'd sat down on a wooden bench and pondered on. But then everything went into a huge turmoil as things began to turn to a completely different direction. "Die you, foolish little boy!" A familiar female voice was heard and launched a fireball towards Nesy. "HOLY SHIT!" Nesy jumped to the side as everything around him turned orange, accompanied by a scorching heat. The fireball missed, Nesy was quick enough to get away and the ball of flames incinerated the brick wall instead. Had he not dodged that blast, it could have turned out to be different.

Screams of people were heard into and everyone began to run around in desperate attempts to get away from the explosion site. Windows closed, and people jumped into barrels and hid from what was going to come. The atmosphere changed from a friendly environment to THE END OF THE FRIGGING WORLD! Nesy will never forget the fear and the fucking agony he had been put through that last second. It was the same damn female who he meet at the bar. "...OKAY!? ARE YOU..." Nesy yelled to the top of his lungs. Nesy was totally speechless over what she attempted to do, that was murder. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" His heart rate increased, sweat poured down his forehead and his body filled with fierce rage. A burst of maniacal laughter escaped out of psychopath who tried to burn him to a crisp.

"..." She stopped laughing when she saw Nesy was still alive. "...I certainly did not expect you to dodge that fast." The woman crossed her arms. "But I do give you the credit for trying to escape you, little runt!" When she attempted to conjure a ball of fire, she was interrupted by shouts of security that went over. Henrick was with them.

"WOMAN!" Henrick shouted to get her attention. "If you fireball this boy, I shall smite you down you absolute monstrosity!" He said while displaying a face of honour and gratitude to meet a worthy opponent. She burst into a round of laughter. "So you think you can defeat, a demon my boy?" She practically coed to him. "But I appreciate your bravery but I have unfinished business with the...Little kid here." She tried to not to be to formal of what she was going to do with him. "You're going to kill him aren't ya!" Henrick had to do something quick, he knew one possible option. "KID! RUN!" Nesy got the chance to run and the adrenaline just shoot to the top of the meter.

The woman fired a fireball but hit the corner of a building as Nesy made a sharp turn. "DAMN YOU MORTAL!" She tried to chase Nesy down but was hit with a bunch of bolts of electricity. She almost faltered to the ground but got up shortly. "AGGH!" She began to throw them against the mages that fired at her in the roofs. "YOU BASTARDS!" The woman dove down in front of Nesy's path. "...You shall die you pathetic mortal!" Nesy screamed as he narrowly dodged the fireball. "PISS OFF!" Nesy yelled at the woman.

Is this how his life is going to end? Never... He had to get to safety, and that had to be quick! The woman was catching up to Nesy and he could hear her coming closer. "...Stupid ABSOLUTE- NAAAZZZIIII!" Nesy got his eyes on a dropped sword on the ground and was quick to pick it up. His eyes locked to the woman who ran to him. "YOU DIE!" Before Nesy could charge, the woman was tackled into the ground by Henrick as he flanked her from the side. "Gotcha you little runt!" Henrick seemingly held the woman by the throat while she tried to claw him. "YOU HAVE NO HONOUR! NOT A SINGLE OUNCE OF JUSTICEEEEE!"

"GAH! LET ME GO YOU, STUPID KNIGHT! UEUAAAHAAAA!" A loud shriek escaped out of her and would be surely taken into custody. Henrick gripped Nesy's arm and pulled him out of the scene. "Nesy, you shouldn't be wandering along the streets by yourself. You are just a kid!" The man was very worried about Nesy, if he had been one second later then he could have seen Nesy dead on the ground. "...N-N..." Nesy's hands shook as he held the sword. Henrick saw this and looked quite impressed. "A man of honour should always hold a sword as a last resort." He roughed his hair and spoke. "You do not have to be afraid, but make sure to no get lost again." Henrick chuckled as the woman was taken into the dungeons. "AGH! LET ME GO!" The female's screams became distant.

The relief washed within Nesy as he could now be at peace for once after the woman was taken into custedy. Eyes occasionally pointed to him; What a strange boy. Strange indeed. Very strange for certain! Nesy became uncomfortable due to the large attention he got, so he tried to leave but of course, that didn't even help in the first place. They still stared directly at him. "...Holy shit... I could have almost died." Nesy repeated himself and wasn't so sure what was to come.

Henrick sighed, he moved his arm towards Nesy's shoulder and gently caressed it. "You'll be okay, Nes. I think you need somewhere to live and rest for a while." His eyes glanced to the sky as it was in the middle of the day. "However, I think you and I can do something fun. Let's go back to the Tavern ya? Maybe do something really fun." He offered Nesy the opportunity to have fun in once for a while.