
From a fake to a True dragon

[Welcome to Second Life Summoner. First, we would like to inform you that once you log into the game, there is no turning back. Your mind and body will be integrated into the world you have chosen. This is not a game. There is no return once you die.] [Do you accept?] [Y/N] "Duhh... of course, yes. Who would want to live in this ball of smog and waste?" [Officially welcoming you to Second Life] "I can't wait for my second chance." [Please select your new name] . . . . . A/N: Hello there, I don't own the anime, characters in it, or any picture I'm posting.

Apandora · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

So this is me now

'I haven't slept this well, In a long time.' When I opened my eyes, it was darkness again.

'Why am I still in darkness?' I tried to figure out what was happening. 'Did the TC malfunction? No, that can't be. Maybe I was born in space?'

When I tried to move a bit, my movements felt slower, as if I were underwater. As I extended my hand with fingers or rather claws, I encountered some kind of wall—it was hard, but not as hard as concrete.

'Well, this can't be space.'

Then a thought crossed my mind. 'Wait, am I in an egg?' Why wasn't I born magicules? Like other true dragons and such.


'I chose to be a normal dragon, not a true dragon, you must be kidding me. No, this can't be happening.'

Why was I so hasty and didn't read about all the races I had to choose from? After a few minutes of anger, I shouted, 'System, I want to change my race, right now.'


But there was no response. Then I shouted again, "System." And again, nothing happened. I started whimpering, tears streaming down my face, or at least for a second, then mixing with the fluid in which I would have to live for some time.

'I thought I would be a true dragon from birth and kick everyone's asses. And now I'm just a cheap imitation of a true dragon who won't survive long in this world full of entities that will just sneer at me and make me disappear with a snap of their fingers.'

'I have no choice but to accept reality. I'm a weak worm, but I'll show them all. I'll show them who to fear. I'll become the strongest of them all, stronger than Guy, stronger than Veldenava, and everyone will tremble at my name. Muhahaha.'

(One month later)

"Captain, what do you see ahead?" "Nothing, you lazy skin." "And what do you see, one-eyed Joe?" "Sir, a ship on the horizon, approaching fast." "You fool, that's not a ship, it's a dragon! Get the harpoons ready, and move your lazy backsides. This is not a drill. Prepare, attention, fire." "Captain, it's too powerful, our harpoons just bounced off it."

"Muhahaha, tremble before me, humans, for the mighty Ourelios has come to end you and all your wretched lives."

"Dragon breath!"


A month had passed, and I was feeling a bit off, just a little. I sometimes talked to myself, but that's normal, for human right? Well, from now on for a dragon, of course.

I had grown bigger, and my body was almost fully developed. It had been about a month, and soon I would be able to break out of this dark prison.

'How much longer will I suffocate in this egg? I hope no one will turn me into omelets or ham and eggs.'

(One month later)

"You don't need to fear anything because I will fix all your problems with just this black tape. Buy Flex tape for only 9.90 and get Flex glue for free. Got a hole in your bathtub? No worries, Flex tape will fix it. Hole in your plane? Flex tape. Bleeding? Flex tape. Problems with your spouse? Flex tape."


'In a moment, my time will come. I'm as big as the shell I'm in. Well, I guess I can break it now, can't I?' I began banging on my prison with everything I had—hands, feet, tail, and head.

Finally, after a minute, I broke through the barrier with my head.

'Ah, light! I take it back; I want to go back to my prison.'

Before I could retreat into my prison, a shadow fell upon me. I slowly looked up the slope and saw a giant dragon covered in bright yellow scales, so big that it could hold me in its palm and squash me like an ant.

We stared at each other for a while, and after a few seconds of eye contact, something wrapped around me, preventing me from moving. Slowly, I turned to see what was holding me—it was the tail of the yellow dragon.

I started to make a little noise, but instead of a majestic dragon roar, it came out as a weak squeak. The dragon began to move with me in its tail.

After a while, we arrived at a place, and it placed me on the ground in front of it. I stopped making noise and waited for something.

I kept looking at the dragon, unable to recognize anything from its face, but I could sense its emotions through its eyes and its aura.

'So, this is my mother or father?' I pondered over my new parent. Then my parent looked away from me, and I followed their gaze, seeing the corpse of some monster.

Then it dawned on me. 'Does it want me to eat that?'

I looked at my parent, and the dragon slowly bent its head towards me, nudging me gently towards the dead creature.

As I got closer to the corpse, I could identify it as some spider's remains.

'Do I have to eat this?' My stomach growled in response. I reluctantly opened my mouth and took a small bite of the spider's flesh.

It wasn't as bad as I imagined. So, I went ahead and started eating.

Half an hour later, I had finished half of the spider, and I was already full.

Slowly, I turned around and saw the dragon sitting behind me, looking kindly at me.

Although I couldn't recognize any facial features, I could feel the love and warmth emanating from its yellowish eyes.

Quickly, I crawled towards it on all fours and let out a small roar. The dragon stretched its head towards me and gently rubbed its head against mine.

Then it stood up and devoured the remaining half of the spider in one gulp. After that, it took me in its tail again, and we started walking away.

'From now on, I'll call you Dragomum. At least, I think you're my mom.'

'No one has shown me this kind of affection for a long time.'

I noticed that Dragomum had no wings, so it had to walk on foot through the landscape.

We eventually arrived at a waterfall, where Dragomum set me down and walked away.

'Really, a secret hideout behind the waterfall? How cliché.'

The waterfall created a small pond.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the lake.

There, I saw...

Baby Dragons, the size of a human child around 90 centimeters, with tiny hands have three fingers. It has big ears like a rabbit and a long tail that ends in a small sail. It also has two triangular wings, however, they are too small to fly.

Its body is covered with scales. The scales are of a yellow to orange color, but the ones on the chin, the soles of its feet, and under its belly and tail are grey. It has two small, yellow and feline eyes. Its wings are also yellow. Its mouth has tiny underdeveloped teeth.

[Image here]

(End of a chapter...)