
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · 映画
88 Chs

Uncle Ben's rescue

Author note:If you want to know, the fight scene is from nobody bus fight.

-Vinderella POV-

Vinderella is a 13 year old youtuber, streamer content creator and all that and she was just done with a video where she used a bus as a Uber ride in new york, she was letting the owner of the bus drive the thing back to her house before he could take it away to wherever he keeps the bus when some assholes drove into the curb infront of the bus we stopped as it was right in the middle of the road, they came up to our bus drunk as a kite and leaving the door unlocked was probably the biggest regret of my life as they got in and pushed the old driver out of the bus and i was left in there sitting with nothing to do as they drunk more beer and talked as if i wasn't there.

I am going to be r*a*ed, i am sure of that now and i couldn't help but want to breakdown and cry but the tears wouldn't come and as i was about to ponder about committing suicide i was brought out of those thoughts by someone getting into the bus as he says "Do you want to leave little miss?" and i seize my throat as i nod from relief but i don't want someone to die because of me so i stay silent instead of talking.

"Aren't you a little old to be prince charming grandpa?" One of the goons asks and laughs at his own joke before the rest of them join in but the old man replies with no fear in his eyes"old enough to deal with punks like you" they seem to shut up at that as the black guy says "hey guys i'll handle this" as he walks forward and punches the old man and he winces before he got back up and punched the black guy back before another guy punched the old man in the face and the old man hit his head on the railing of the bus which cut his forehead a little.

I thought the fight was done with that but the old man got up and ducked the punch from the white blonde and tackled the black dude into a seat before punching him in the face but before he could recover the white blonde hit the old man in the neck but he seemed to have hurt his hand in the process.

The old man winced from the hit before elbowing the white blonde, he looked up to see a guy wearing a jacket come upto him with a bottle raised high which came down in a stabbing motion towards him but the old man stopped it with his hand before pushing it back into a russian dudes face before slapping the bottle into the face of the guy holding it.

Then the old man pushes the Russian dude until both of them are infront of me before slamming the dudes head onto the back rest of a seat, he gives quick hit in the nuts to the black guy who got back up before picking the russian dude off of the back seat and slamming him face first into a pole but before he could further hit him the wimpiest of them takes a knife out and stabs the old man in the back right in front of me, i was expecting the fight to stop them and there but the old man turned around and hit the wimpy kid in the face so hard that blood flew everywhere.

The shock on my face was visible in the form of a giant O, the jacket guy seemed to have recovered as he rushed towards the old man's back with a knife but this time he stepped aside making the jacket guy miss but the old man didn't stop there as he grabbed the guys arm which was trying to stab him from behind the pole and slammed it against the pole effectively breaking it.

The black guy got back up and delivered a big punch to the old man's face making him spit blood but the old man used the black dudes momentum to slam him into the bus doors. The russian dude was once again up and was pushing the old man back but he got put into a choke hold by one of the old man's arms while his other arm was holding the jacket guy who was trying to grab him from behind in a headlock.

The black guy got up and ran forward full speed before kicking the old man into a seat effectively seperating everyone, as everyone took a couple of breaths before the old mans seat gave away and he fell to the ground before he removed his watch and held it around his knuckles before taking a knife out of his side and getting up to stab the russian dude opposite to him who stopped the old man's stab by holding his hands from moving further into his stomach but the old man bended his wrist a little to stab it into the russian guys wrist.

As the russian dude screamed from pain the old man hitted away at his face breaking his teeth which flew away everywhere before he turned to the white blonde rushing towards him and ducked his punch before stabbing his thigh, the old man got back before he kicked the knife further into the thigh.

The jacket guy tried to rush but was turned and slammed into the bus window before the cord for requesting a stop was tied around his neck and then he was repeatedly slammed against said window, the wimpy kid, black dude and the white blonde pulled the old man off but he pushed them away before he rushed forwards but the jacket guy stepped aside at the last minute making the old guy fall out of the bus.

I rushed outside and was helping him when some weirdo in a mask came over and pulled my hand off of the wound i was pressing down on so i begged him "he's in danger---please don't,---he'll die" but he seemed to know what to do as he somehow webbed the wound which stopped the building before he made me call 911 as i was talking he was staring at the old man and when i was almost done with the phone i saw him hanging onto the side of the bus looking into it from the broken window.

I saw as he got back down before he walked to the front of the bus and got in i took out my phone and started streaming on my twitch as the kid started fighting them too.