
Frantic | J.JK

─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─ You can feel his warm breath on your lips due to how close he is. His eyes locked onto yours. Both of you staring at each other as the tension rises. "We'll regret this in the morning." "I know." ─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─ Jungkook X Reader started: 3.22.22 ended: ongoing!

zeldairll · 若者
18 Chs


It was Monday and you were getting ready for school. You hadn't spoke to Jungkook since that night and he hasn't bothered you either. You felt like you were too harsh on what you said but there was no way you could take it back now.

You slip on your shoes before grabbing your bag and rushing out the house. Jungkook had already left ten minutes earlier since he was avoiding you. Well thats what you think he's doing considering he's been avoiding you all around the house.

You're finally in your second to last class before lunch and you're sitting next to Amani. You had told her this morning about what had happened between you and Jungkook. In which she explained that it was reasonable for the way he was acting.

"So, did you do the project?" She says reminding you. You had totally forgot about it since your life was hell up until saturday.

"The what.." You stare at her with fear in your eyes.

"You're so lucky i'm your bestfriend. It's a partner project so i did all the work and just added your name." Your heart instantly feels relieved. You pull Amani into a tight hug and kiss her head repeatedly.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" You thank her over and over to show how grateful you are for her. Seriously, where would you be without her?

"Okayokay thats enough!" She nudges you off her but you give her a quick kiss on the head before you completely let her go. You feel so thankful for her.

"Sooo.. Are you gonna talk to Jungkook?" She brings up the topic

"Why would I do that?"

"Well you kinda told him that you wish he disappeared from your life. Wasn't that a bit harsh?"

"Hm, you do have a point." You start to take out your notebook and pencil, getting prepared for the class.

"But what would i even say to him?" You question Amani and turn to face her way.

"Well first you should apologize and say you lashed out in the moment. But you still were hurt by what he's been doing recently." She explains to me as she sets up her notebook.

"Thats a reasonable response. I'll tell him during lunch then. It'll be easier since you can come with me."

"Okay everyone let's begin the class. No more talking!" Your teacher announces as she begins the lecture.

As you're copying whats on the board you start to feel light headed. You try to ignore it and just focus on your work. But soon your vision starts getting blurry and darkening.

"Amani.." You call out but then soon your vision is fully blacked and you pass out.


You wake up to blinding white lights of the nurses office. You're alone and laying on the bed they have there.

"Finally you're awake. I'm surprised Jungkook didn't bring you this time." The nurse says before sitting down on the seat next to the bed. You try to sit up but the nurse instantly pushes you back down.

"Uh uh. No. You need to rest. You passed out in class and you need to let your body wake up more." You roll your eyes and sigh. You recall back on what she said.

"What do you mean you're surprised Jungkook didn't bring me this time?" You ask her as she starts to check your temperature.

"Well last time when you had fallen down the stairs, he rushed in here carrying you and basically yelled at me to help you. I told him I had it covered from the moment he set you down but he insisted on staying until

you woke up." She finishes taking your temperature and signals for you to sit up in which you do.


"Yeah. Poor boy was so worried, he didn't leave your side no matter how much we insisted. He said he wanted to make sure you were okay. He didn't even go on his phone while waiting even though most teenagers these days would." She starts to unwrap a bandage around your arm.

"Anyways, you had cut yourself on something when you passed out. You had fallen out of your desk so you got cut pretty badly." She takes off the bandage completely and reveals a giant horizontal cut on your forearm. You hiss in pain as she applies rubbing alcohol.

"I have to clean it because it looks like some more blood was released when you woke up. Don't want it getting infected." You just nod as she started to bandage up your arm again.

You dont talk much to her as your mind is drifting off to what she said about Jungkook.

He stayed for you? No matter how much they insisted for him to go home? Did he care about you?

The door is suddenly burst open and the brown haired boy rushes in with a worried look on his face. He quickly goes over to you and holds your head moving it from side to side to check for any injuries.

"Are you okay?! What happened to you!?" He starts questioning you in which the nurse hits him on the head with a magazine. He lets go of you and winces in pain.

"She just woke up from passing out! Do not start aggressively shaking her head. She is fine. She just got a huge cut on her arm from when she fell out her desk." The nurse explains.

You feel your cheeks turn red at the sight of Jungkook. You never turn red so why are you doing so now? Is it because the nurse had told you how he cared for you last time? Or because you haven't really seen him since the argument you two had? Whatever it was all you knew was that your heart was beating faster at the sight of him.

"I have to go help the other student who just checked in. So i'll leave you two alone." She says before leaving out the room and closing the door behind her.

Jungkook sits down on the chair next to the bed and you two sit in silence. You feel the tension in the room rise.

"I" "You"

You both had spoke at the time same time. You laughed a little and so did he.

"You go first." He insists.

"I'm sorry for what I said that night. I didn't actually want you to disappear from my life." You explain to him.

"I should be the one apologizing. I really have been making your life hell and I shouldn't have." He looks up from his lap and makes eye contact with you. You feel your heartbeat speed up.

"It's fine. I mean it just makes our friendship more fun you know? I guess I was just having a bad day."

"Yeah I understand. You wanna go home?" He asks you as he stands up.

"The office gave us permission to leave early since you got hurt pretty badly and i'm the only one who lives at home with you right now."

"Yeah actually. Going home sounds quite nice right now." You give him a soft smile.

In which he gladly returns one back.
