
Frantic | J.JK

─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─ You can feel his warm breath on your lips due to how close he is. His eyes locked onto yours. Both of you staring at each other as the tension rises. "We'll regret this in the morning." "I know." ─⊹⊱☆⊰⊹─ Jungkook X Reader started: 3.22.22 ended: ongoing!

zeldairll · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


It had been a few days since you and Jungkook made up and were on good terms. Surprisingly you two were starting to get along despite the small bickering that would occur here and there.

It was around 11 pm when Jungkook had called you from downstairs. His voice echoing up the stairs. You roll your eyes before rolling off of your bed and landing on your feet. You walk towards your bedroom door and swing it open before sticking your head out.

"Yes, ugly?"

"Come play Wii Bowling with me. Now." He demanded before walking away from your field of vision and into the living room. You feel a groan of annoyance leave your body as you make your way downstairs. Feeling really tired but not wanting to turn this opportunity down.

Part of you just wanted to play so you can win the game and bully him relentlessly about it. The other part of you.. well.. it was the same as the first part of you. Wanting to bully Jungkook.

"Give me that." Snatching the controller out of his hand. He lets out a soft chuckle as he sets up the game. While you wait you wrap the controller strap around your wrist and tighten it so hard you could practically feel the blood flow to your hand stop.

You needed a strong grip. A strong grip to win.

"Okay are you ready to get absolutely demolished." He teased before starting the round. You clicked your tongue as your eyes rolled.

"You're basically talking to yourself. You actually are insane, who would've thought?"

Before he could get a word in, It was his turn to bowl. He powered up his arm by lifting it high up in the air. You stared at the idiot and crossed your arms over your chest.

You watched as he swung the remote as hard as he could. But then a loud crashing noise was made as the remote smacked against the TV. Leaving a dark black spot and a few lines. Jungkook had slipped from the force and fallen onto the floor, scraping his face against the glass coffee table.

"Oh my god.." You stood there in disbelief.

Jungkook let out groans of pain and agony. If it weren't for the fact that your expensive tv just broke, you would've been laughing at Jungkook. Maybe even have snapped a picture.

"I'm hurt! Help me y/n!" He shouted as he wailed his arms in the air for help.

You let a snort escape your mouth. You couldn't keep it in. Soon the room was filled with the bubbling of your laughter. Jungkook's eyes turned into slits and his laughter started to conjoin with yours.

Both of you laughing until your breath was basically gone. Holding onto your stomach as tears escaped your eyes and your cheeks hurting from smiling so hard. You hadn't felt this happy in a bit.

Even though it was over Jungkook hurting himself, it still made you feel this sense of euphoria that you needed to feel after the rough week you experienced a few days prior.

"You're so... stupid!" You said in between laughs. Trying to calm yourself down as your stomach and face was sore.

"Shut up! Can you just help me clean this cut on my face?" He points to a wound on his chin that stretched out to the corner of his mouth. His smile still going strong and making you smile as well.

"Okay hurry up to the kitchen you big baby. Thats where we keep the first aid kit."

With that you both headed over to the kitchen. He pulled out a seat from the dining table and placed it near the kitchen counter, letting out a huff of breath before sitting down.

You stood onto your tip toes to reach the highest shelf in your kitchen to get the kit. Feeling a small smile of victory form on your lips as your fingertips scooted it closer to the edge of the shelf, soon in your grasp.

You set the first aid kit down onto the counter next to Jungkook and started fishing through it for the rubbing alcohol and bandaids. Once you found the rubbing alcohol, you got a cotton-ball.

Twisting the cap to the rubbing alcohol and opening it, you got the cotton ball and dabbed it for some if the liquid.

Jungkook was staring at your actions and had a confused look on his face. As you reached out to put the cotton ball on his face, he immediately flinched away.

"No No No! That shit burns so bad. You're not using that on me." He complains and grabs onto your wrist to stop you from moving your hand to his cut.

"Jungkook. You're being dramatic, just let me clean it." You roll your eyes, feeling his grip on your wrist.

He looked into your eyes, making intense eye contact.

"Absolutely not. I would rather get infected than put that on the fresh new cut. No way." He argues.

"Jungkook. Just let me get this done and over with please. I'm really tired and I wanna sleep." 

He sighed before speaking.

"Fine. But you better be quick with it." You roll your eyes at his statement before leaning closer to his face in order to really see the cut.

"Okay stay still." You order him. You start dabbing the cotton ball lightly onto his cut in which Jungkook lets out a hiss of pain as his grip on your wrist tightens a bit. Before he knew it you already finished cleaning the cut.

"Okay now I just need the bandaid and thats it."

You get the bandaid and peel back the wrapper. Leaning down to his face again, you place part of the bandaid on the beginning of his cut. Pulling back the rest of the wrapper as you lay down the bandaid to the end of his wound.

Your thumb landing on his bottom lip. The soft texture on your skin that made your face heat up and your thumb feel a warm sensation just from the touch.

You both tense up and you're only now realizing how close you two are. You can feel his warm breath passing by your hand and touching your face. You both get lost into each other's eyes as you're frozen in place.

"Y/n..." He snaps you out of it. His voice was so soft and quiet that if it weren't for the small movement on his lips you would've thought you were just hearing things.

You blink your eyes as you quickly pull away from him. Adding space between you two.

"I'm sorry.." You stutter and apologize before turning your attention the first aid kit and quickly packing everything back into it. He didn't speak and neither did you. You stood on your tip toes and quickly shoved the first aid kit onto the top shelf. Closing the cabinet door.

You don't even want to make eye contact or be in his presence a second longer. Your face was heating up and felt so warm.

You speed walk out of the kitchen and go upstairs into your room. Closing the door behind you and hearing the click from your lock being turned. You spun your body around and had your back facing the door. Your arms parallel on your sides as you slid down to sit.

You hated that in the moment you wanted to kiss Jungkook. Or feel his lips on yours. You hated how nervous it had made you. You hated how your stomach exploded with butterflies when he said your name that gently. You hated that you felt as if you liked him in that moment.

But what you hated most is that you didn't even really hate any of it. It made you feel this sense of serotonin that could keep you energized for hours. Something you had never really felt or had before.
