
Frankenstein Rituals : Grimm's Rise Again Series Part 1

Logan White-Black is the main character of this story and he intends to fulfil that role by doing whatever he wants to do, even at the cost of others. Logan wakes up in a child's body, in a time that was slowly being forgotten, in a world different from his own, it's a good thing then that he already knows exactly what to do to, to become a powerful wizard after reading so many fanfic's based around the exact situation he was in. House Elf's for the win!!! ... A semi self insert of me into the world of Harry Potter, what I would do if I was reborn in that world with my memories intact. It will be a semi self insert as the MC is getting reborn into another body, not transferring over his own. This story doesn't have any lemon scene's since I'm terrible at writing them but there are mentions of such act's and actions like them, hence the R-18 tag. This also won't be a harem, even when in the beginning the main character is in a 'complicated' relationship. My end goal is a normal relationship and I have already decided as to who I would like for him to settle down with. My writing has improved since the very beginning, but that doesn't mean it is good so please have some patience when you see for yourself just how bad it really is. Hope you enjoy reading my work regardless, and I try to aim for 1 chapter a week, give or take a couple days. If you want to read ahead of the public chapters go check out my Pat reon (Up to Cha 140). I've moved this complete over to Pat reon as per what was said in the last chapter. ... World's so far : Harry Potter, Hitman : Agent 47, How I Met Your Mother, Jeepers Creepers, Jumper, The Addams Family (AU), Attack on Titan, Wanted. ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · 映画
66 Chs

Ch 51 : Let me Examine Your Brain's

They were all now sitting in the living room, Millie was looking around the room with uncovered curiosity, looking at each and every little thing that grabbed her attention. David and Griffin were looking at Logan with nervousness and open hostility as he currently held all the power and they didn't, like a cat and a mouse, it was a feeling that was completely foreign to the both of them, they had always been the cat in all situations so when there was suddenly a bigger, meaner cat they had no idea what to do with them selves.

Logan was just about to start talking when Millie interrupted him with a question, "How are these pictures moving? Also is this a younger you? Who are these girls?" She fired off question after question, Logan quickly cut in before she could ask anymore, "How about I just explain who I am and what I do?" He asked them rhetorically, knowing full well that they wouldn't disagree to hearing about the amazing things they had already heard and seen inside this house.

"My name is Logan White-Black, there's probably a Lord of whatever in there some where as well, I am in the most simple terms a world traveller. I go from world to world, universe to universe. Taking what I can from those world's to make myself and my people more powerful, in this world's case it's the Jumper ability. As you have seen I have already succeeded in making normal people into Jumpers." Logan said as he pointed at 47 who was standing behind his chair dutifully completing his role as Logan's head human butler.

"Not all the world's are perfectly safe, as you can see." Logan said raising up what remained of his left arm and showing them more clearly where the Creeper had managed to cut it off, Millie winced and so did David a little bit but Griffin had a small smirk on his face that suddenly disappeared when he felt a blade to his throat, at the feeling of the cold steal pressed lightly against his neck he lost his smirk and slowly turned his head towards the Shadow Elf that was hold said blade, it was Hawk and they were giving off a cold bloodlust that made Griffin feel like he was facing death.

"Hawk." Logan said calmly, signalling the Elf to get back into the shadow's, "Sorry about that, they are mighty protective of me, but then again that is their job. And I wouldn't be smirking Griffin, if you were in my place at that time you would have been first played with like a toy before then being eaten piece by piece by the creature that I faced." Logan told them as he felt along the scar on his left arm's stump.

"Anyway, as I was saying, in my original world there was magic, dragon's, unicorn's, the whole work's. I was so far beyond my peers and the rest that I soon found a way to travel to other world's." Logan explained to the excited Millie, the stunned David and disbelieving Griffin.

"That picture can move because of the magic charm placed on it when the picture was made, and yes that is a young me in my teenage years, those girl's were my girlfriends at the time, twins in fact." Logan said to the impressed crowd, "Now the reason why I had 47 bring you here, you two are currently the most powerful Jumpers on this world, I already know how to make more Jumpers but not how to make sure they have a strong Jump ability, so now what I need from you two. I need to take a look at your brains." Logan said with a completely straight face even when their faces became looks of horror and panic.

"Wai- What?! You want to cut our head's open?!" David shouted, jumping from the sofa in his panic. Griffin had clearly already learned from before with Hawk and so he wasn't jumping around like David but it was clear that he was panicking just the same and his eye's were darting around looking for a way out.

"Sit down. I'm not finished." Logan commanded, the sudden presence of a Shadow Elf behind him made David sit down with a thud, Millie grabbed his hand and rubbed it supportively.

"The deal for you Griffin is that I'll put all the Paladin's, including Roland, into my personal prison where they will surfer until they die, and I should mention that my prison is guarded by soul sucking demons that regularly suck the happiness from the prisoners so all that is left is misery and suffering, making their very existence painful and filled with reliving their worse memories over and over again. All this so that I can examine your brain closely, it will be painless and won't even leave a scar." Logan told Griffin the deal that he had prepared just for him.

"And David for you, I'll take you to see your mother and your half-sister, for an added bonus I won't put her in my prison for being a Paladin. But keep in mind that if Griffin takes my deal and you don't, dear old mum get's a life time of suffering that I'm sure she has earned ten time's over. So, what will it be you two, I need your answer now." Logan said as he leaned back in his chair, enjoying the looks that crossed their face's as they looked from one to another, he was having fun playing the villain.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


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