
Fractured Memories

Neo Bastion, who only knows his name, wanted to piece together his fractured memories, as he journey through the continent of Paizen, Neo will meet many person for different countries, he was also going to meet again some certain persons too.

Wally_Labrador · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Walls Of Trust

After destroying the strange airship that unexpectedly attacked the Kamilla, they decided to land and hide in the forest that day's night. They decided to make a camp and spend the night there before taking out again the next day.

On that same evening, at Kaizer's room, Kaizer is having a hard time to sleep. Because of the fact that the queen want him dead. So he decided to take a walk. He stood up from his bed and went to the balcony at the top of the Kamilla.

Kaizer believed he was the only person awake that night until he reached the balcony. A man could be seen on the balcony watching the stars while resting on the balcony railing. Kaizer approach the man and then suddenly stop after the mysterious man turned his head toward his back after hearing Kaizer's footsteps.

"Kaizer?" He asked.

The unknown person then turned to confront Kaizer. A man with white hair, blue eyes, and a dapper-looking face was visible to him as the moonlight shone in his direction. Kaizer gets a hint as to who it was from his elegant demeanor and manners.

"Brother.." Kaizer said as he looked at Prince Vad standing before him.

"You can't sleep too?" Prince Vad asked to Kaizer.

"Yeah.." Kaizer replied.

"It's just.. I just can't stop thinking about why she want me dead.." Kaizer added to his replied.

You can see the confusion on Kaizer's face as he answer Vad's question. Kaizer then realized something and quickly gazed at his brother's eyes, he then said in such a deep voice, "Are you also gonna try to kill me, Vad?" Prince Vad eyes filled with anger after hearing what Kaizer just said, he clenched his hands out of anger, "I'm not!!" he suddenly shouted at Kaizer.

Prince Vad cried out in response to Kaiser's accusation, "Kaizer! What makes you think I'll betray my own brother!?" as his polite demeanor began to change into that of an outraged sibling.

"Do you not trust me just because we both have different mother?!" Prince Vad yelled at Kaizer.

"Yes..." Kaizer confessed to his brother.

"I never trusted you once, Vad." Kaizer added to his confession.

Suddenly, Prince Vad's expression loses some of its wrath. He then tried to mask his unexpected grief by seeming serious. "I see.." he whispered.

"So, I guess I'll just go back to my bed then," Prince Vad replied somberly. He then passed Kaizer without glancing in his direction.

"I'm sorry brother.." Kaizer muttered to himself.

Kaizer then looked at the sky to observe the stars and whispered to himself, "I'm worthless. I don't even "


A sudden voice came from his back. Kaizer then take a look to see who it was. It was Prince Vad once again, "I will make you trusts me, I promised that!" Prince Vad yelled at Kaizer. Vad then suddenly turned his back and run toward his bedroom.

"Brother." Kaizer said. The wetness on his cheeks that appeared to be tears was suddenly erased as he grinned joyfully.

December, 11, 1420

"General Scarlet! The Kamilla is ready to launch!" Captain Luden shouted at Scarlet who are sitting on the balcony at the top of the airship.

"Good, then proceed to launch the airship." Scarlet responded.

The Kamilla was back on the air again after landing on the forest to hide from the more possible enemies and take a rest after the fight hard-fought battle on the enemy airship yesterday. The Kamilla then continue it's journey back to the capital for the general meeting that was supposed to happen there.

"Scarlet, i've been thinking about this the whole last night." Neo suddenly said at Scarlet out of nowhere. Neo was sitting next to Scarlet, but Scarlet once again didn't realized he was there.

"Wha!! stop scaring me Master." Scarlet spoke.

"Scarlet, are you okay?" Neo asked after seeing Scarlet not noticing him once again.

"If i remember right. You always managed to noticed me when i appear out of nowhere back on your training days." Neo said.

"Ah! i remember now, you always managed to see me appear but not when you're sick!" Neo exclaimed after realizing something.

"Alright, let me touch your forehead." Neo said as he move his hand toward Scarlet's head.

"W-wait!" Scarlet said, trying to stop Neo from touching her head.

Neo touched Scarlet's forehead and tried to sense something from her head. Neo then immediately stared at Scarlet's eyes when he finally sense a thing on her head just right after he touch her forehead.

"Hot.." Neo said.

"It's from the hot weather, Master!" Scarlet exclaimed, hoping for Neo to believe her lie.

"It's winter right now, Scarlet.." Neo said as he coldly stare Scarlet's eyes.

"Well, you got a cold. Have you already tell this to your doctors?" Neo asked after removing his hand from Scarlet's forehead.

"N-no." Scarlet responded.

"And why you didn't tell it to them." Neo asked.

"W-well, because i only find out about that i got a cold last night, but don't worry master! i will tell them after we got the permit to pass the walls." Scarlet said.

"Alright. Promised me you will do it." Neo spoke.

"I promised master!" Scarlet replied.

"Speaking of the infamous walls, I was curious about the third thing i need to know about the walls. What was it??" Neo asked.

"Oh about that!" Scarlet said as she get excited, she then stood up and looked at Neo.

"Alright Master! The third and the last thing you need to know about the walls is: The walls name is Azkon walls, but before Azkon empire was founded, it's also named Walls of Trust!"

"Walls of trust? why it's called walls of trust??" Neo asked.

"It's called Walls of trust because on the top of the walls is where the king of Azion, a kingdom inside the walls, and the queen of Kona, a kingdom outside the walls, merge and form up a new empire, hundred years ago." Scarlet explained.

"So the king of Azion and the queen of Kona trusts each others back to found a new empire?" Neo asked.

"Yes!" Scarlet replied.

"But why they trust each other so easily?" Neo asked.

"No one knew the reason yet. But back when i'm in my training, you always tell me that they trust each other easily because the king of Azion and the queen of Kona are secretly couples." Scarlet responded.

"I don't remember myself saying that."