
Forgotten Son of Destruction

Getting a second chance at life would be the desire of any person, alive or dead. But when you are forced to be entertainment for the gods as a member of their new initiative, given a power beyond your imagination? Watch how a soul from our world gets a chance to fuck shit up in the DxD world as a discarded son of Sirzechs and Grayfia. X-over, Gamer Fic. Neglected, OP OMC. Multiverse Travel, System and Harem.

Lucif3r_069 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 10 - Who Wants a Sacred Gear?

Rewrite of my DxD fic, Forgotten Son of Destruction. Show some love.

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights of ownership for the characters used except the OC's. All the credit goes to the author of the Light Novel.

Chapter 10 - Who Wants a Sacred Gear?

"Really Nicholas? True Sacred Gears? Are you planning on sending me into another coma with your antics?" Lilith questioned as she led the foursome into the lab, now dressed to perfection once again.

"Good to know you got my message, grandmother," Nicholas spoke, his focus on a screen in front of him that seemed to be running some sort of simulation based off mathematical equations. His eyes never left the screen to acknowledge their presence.

"Yes, yes, now get on with what you have to say," Lilith said, exasperated as she took a seat, gesturing for the other three girls to do the same. Even Kuroka was awfully quiet which made Nat realize just how big of a deal this was.

"I just realized how simple it was to create them all along. The Sacred Gears are nothing short of miracles created by HIM (Kuroka explains to Nat who they are talking about and why they can't say his name out loud). From what Lucifer's memory tells me, he intended to use them as a way to gain more believers on Earth. If humans believe in him more, the more power he gathers. With me so far?"

At the nod from all four of them, he continued, "Well he succeeded in that. Humans throughout history used sacred gears to spread his name and what believing in him can lead to. The Church still does it with their Holy Maidens and Exorcists. And in turn it supplied him with power. That power, was the source of the functionality of the Sacred Gears. But he wasn't short-sighted. He devised an ingenious way to let the Sacred Gears keep running even after his death.

Heaven was his domain. A domain filled with Celestial energy. The Heaven's System, feeds this energy to the Sacred Gears when they are switching hosts. Humans also contain trace amounts of such energy. When their Sacred Gears awaken due to their desires, this energy is fed to their Sacred Gear, allowing them to use it. But as you can imagine, it has nothing on the real source of energy for these Sacred Gears. Which is why over millennia, Sacred Gears have become more… defective, let's say.

Cases of humans dying while awakening them or using them increased. Which is why the Church tries to recruit their soldiers young. If they can be taught to control that power and how to properly utilize it for the good of the Church, the Church will not only gain more followers and fire power, but will also be able to research more into Sacred Gears.

Making Sacred Gears isn't the hardest part. Keeping them running is where the problem arises. Something Azazel knows first hand and so did I.

Now, the reason why I have called you here is very simple. It's because I now possess a perfect source to power these trinkets. Or shall I say… 6 sources," Nicholas finished with a smirk on his face, his eyes finding Nat, as he saw realization fill her eyes.

"You see, my dear family, there were certain artifacts that Auris, the last Celestial and my… great grandmother, the reason all of us exist today, had a hidden from the rest of the beings she knew. A last gift from her fellow Celestials. When the Big Bang happened, and Celestials were formed, they gained command over a certain element of the Universe. An element that could change the way the Universe functioned. Those elements were Power, Time, Space, Mind, Soul and Reality.

When they were dying, to prevent their power from being stolen by the Deviants, they split it from their body and it condensed into a solid crystal. These 6 crystals, contain the power of those Celestials. A fact hidden from the rest of the world.

Well, until she told this to her son, and he became the guardian of these stones."

Before he could continue, Lilith interrupted him and asked a rather significant question, "Then if Lucifer had them, why didn't he use it against the Fallen and the Angels during the war?"

"An excellent question. Simply put, he was compelled to only be the guardian. Not the user of this power. But I don't carry such a restriction, so I have no need to simply be the watchman for these."

He let the silence stretch on for a few minutes. The implication of his words finally made them realize just how much power he carried in the palm of his hands now. Except for Natasha, she only gave him a look that said, 'Impressive storytelling.'

Smirking at her, he then turned his attention to the rest of the occupants and said, "Ladies, behold the power of the creators of this universe."

With that, the massive screen that was behind him lifted up to show 6 cylindrical containers, each with a floating stone in it that glowed with a different color. They could also see magic circles that were inscribed in different spaces, both within and outside the containers.

The entire scene captivated the attention of the people present there.

"These are the infinity stones. Each one capable of acting as a source of infinite energy, and the ability to influence a fundamental principle of the universe."

"They look beautiful," Kuroka whispered, enchanted by the stones. Nobody disagreed with her.

"This is what power looks like in its most primal form. However, for it to be usable, I needed to make sure to refine it in a way that I could use the power of all the stones somehow. And not just me but if you ever needed them as well," Nichola said as he walked towards an end of the room and retrieved a case made up of some kind of metal with many inscriptions on it.

"What's that?" Vali asked, as she raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"This, my dear, contains something I created a long time ago. When I had first decided to delve into making all of this, I decided to do create basic trigger-based weaponry. A simple first project.

Using basic transfiguration and runic scriptures I was able to create this."

And with those words, the case was opened and the shining, glossy surface of a handgun. But this was no ordinary handgun. While to Natasha, it did look like it was modelled after the AMT AutoMag III, the rest of the ladies had no idea what was so special about it.

"Now, what is so special about this weapon?" Lilith asked, intrigue clear in her voice. After all, as someone who had never had the opportunity to spend time with modern humans, she had no idea what a gun was.

"Right, so this was the first weapon I created. After studying Sacred Gears extensively, I thought I would have luck creating my own batch of Sacred Gears, but I lacked a source of power strong enough for this. Well, not anymore.

The runes that I have added to it today, have allowed me to craft this into the perfect official artifact that I can call a functional Sacred Gear. First, small barriers were added inside, including in the barrel, acting like a rail for the energy. This will improve the overall energy flow. Then I added inscriptions to draw power from the Space Stone and added certain runes that act as accelerator portals to increase the shooting speed. And then finally, a batch of runes was added to the outside of the gun, where runes that used the power of the Reality stone helped me stabilize the weapon, making it more durable. Thus, helping it remain in its best condition for as long as I can possibly keep them. And voila, I was done."

Instead of the applause he was hoping for, all Nicholas received was deafening silence. And then one by one, everyone started speaking altogether.

"Didn't understand a word of it," Kuroka, Vali and Natasha said, while Lilith said, "Did you just put barrier and runic magic inside of the gun?"

Ignoring the three girls with visible question marks on their heads, he turned towards Lilith and said, "Yes, I did. I realised that runes and barriers were the answer that I was looking for all along. The only way for me to harness the power of the Infinity stones was using runes. These runes that you see running along the containers of the stones, are connected to the ones in the gun, allowing the runes here to draw power directly from the stones. Its my best work yet," Nicholas said with a smug smile on his face.

"Now let's go test it out."

Seconds later, the group was now standing in front of 3 large mannequins, that had the barrel of a gun pointed at them.

"To simplify what this weapon does, it shoots blasts of energy made out of the magic the caster feeds into it. As for how well it works…"

With a thunderous crack, a bolt of blue energy smashed into a mannequin.


Disintegrating it completely.

Nicholas turned around to see the gobsmacked look on the face of all the residents of his house. Their stupefied faces, filled his being with more pride than they could ever imagine. He was Lucifer's grandson after all.

"Hey wait, don't the exorcists use something similar to this?" Vali asked. During her time at the Grigori, she had seen some of the fallen loot these off the exorcists they had defeated or if they stole from the church.

"Correct. But the ones they use is basically a handgun that shoots bullets containing magic. It doesn't channel the casters power. And to differentiate my creation even further, see the cartridge below over here?" Nicholas questioned, turning the weapon around to show how the bottom beneath the handle opened up to a hollow body.

At their nod, he continued, "Well, I can create a different cartridge to put into here. You know what that will allow me to do? Depending on the cartridge the gun can shoot, demonic energy, holy energy, draconic energy and even direct energy blasts from the Infinity Stones," he finished with a smirk.

Now the three ladies already acquainted with the supernatural understood the implication of these weapons. If someone could fill up a cartridge with pure holy energy and fire it at a devil, regardless of the class, if it connected, the damage done to the devil would be severe, if not outright fatal.

"Natasha," Nicholas called out, making the redhead focus on him. "These are for your use. I will create more and upgrade them eventually but for now these belong to you. And to make sure they work when you use them, I will reincarnate you as a part of my peerage. Come."

And with that, the Devil walked away, a gorgeous redhead following him with 3 equally beautiful female devils, finally breaking out of their shocked state.

~ A Few Days Later (Nicholas POV) ~

With the initial success of the first Sacred Gear I had created, I delved more into tinkering and finding ways to create artifacts to increase the power of my household.

Natasha was adjusting well to life as a devil. Ajuka truly was a genius to be able to craft the Evil Pieces. However, they could focus on increasing the security a lot more when it comes to protecting said pieces from theft.

But my thoughts get interrupted, as a I felt a tug on my magic. Eyes wide with intrigue, I got ready to depart to the destination my magic was calling out for me to depart to.

It seems like it was time for me to fulfil a contract as devil. I had Aura send emails throughout the world, and it looks like someone was finally dumb enough to fall for the bait.

"What the heck, pretty boy, where the hell did you come from?!" an ugly, brown-haired brat, yelled softly. From the looks of it, I was in an Asian country.

"It turns out that hell is exactly where I came from," I sneer, projecting my wings in a display of might.

All right, this ought to be good.

~ (Issei POV) ~

It wasn't as if he truly believed in the paranormal; in fact, he had never really given it much thought.

However, after reading the email that was sent to him right before he left for school, he couldn't get the thought out of his head.

It's obvious that at first, he mistook it for spam and assumed some random advertising company was experimenting with a campaign, but the way it was worded called out to him like a siren's song.

He had therefore returned home immediately from school, skipping the porn viewing party at Matsuda's house and hurried up to his room.

After carefully reading the email several times to ensure he had followed all the instructions, he started doing as instructed.

He started painting a circle on the ground as directed, using a combination of eggs, chalk, and some of his own blood. Gross, ew.

Luckily, his mother wasn't home, so all he had to do was make sure he cleaned everything up before she returned because the stench would have surely led to her discovering it.

When it illuminated and a man materialized within, he realized he had most likely made a small error.

"What th- oi, where the hell did you come from, pretty boy?!"

Alright, he should have chosen his opening line more carefully, but the supremely attractive man cocked an eyebrow at him and flexed a little as eight enormous, black bat-like wings materialized behind him.

"It turns out that hell is exactly where I came from," he sneered, projecting multiple bat-like wings that were as dark as the night, making Issei fall down on his back.

"So, you're the one who summoned me I take it," the demon said.

"A-are you going to take my s-soul," Issei stammered, absolutely terrified to face the consequences of his actions.

"Even I wanted a soul, yours is the last one I would take," the man said snobbishly, his face twisted in disgust as the amount of porn mags and posters in Issei's room.

"I am here because you have a desire for something. A desire strong enough to get me here, straight from hell. So, now I will fulfil that desire of yours, while taking something of equal value. Something materialistic."

Issei figured that it couldn't hurt to ask. Afterall, if he was to die, he would have been killed by now. This demon at least seemed intelligent, instead of the ones in the movies.

"I want boobs. I want to be able to see them, touch them, suck them, play with them whenever I want!" Issei expressed his desire, making the devil's face twitch. This kid had a lot of issues.

"Hmm, I can fulfil this request of yours. But remember, the price will be steep and due to the vagueness of your request, the result might be much different than the one you want. I will be back in a few days, ready to give you what you have always desired," the devil said, turning his back on Issei and letting his wings out again.

"Farewell for now, Issei Hyodou," and with those parting words, the man flew out of his window. Hopefully, when he returned, Issei would finally have what he always wished for.

~ Nicholas POV ~

Flying out of the kid's window, I soared through the town's skies and landed near an abandoned warehouse, deep into the hills away from the main town. I only had to wait for a few minutes before the presence I sensed before, followed me here.

"You can come out now, unknown devil," I called out, still sitting on a steel drum outside of the warehouse.

The next second, a woman walked out in front of me. She had the same supernatural magnificence and charm that devils were known for, but there was a gentleness to her. A unique trait in my kind. She had long white hair tied in twin tails and eyes grey as steel, along with a figure that would definitely make heads turn.

"Who are you again?" I asked, unable to place what family she might belong to, even though Lilith drilled into my head that a lot of families had a certain look that only they carried. Something I couldn't figure out for the life of me, at the moment.

"I should be the one asking you this, stray. Afterall, as overseer of Kuoh Town, it is my responsibility to keep the likes of you away," she said, a magic circle spinning in the palm of her hand. The crest of the Belial family shining proudly at the centre of it.

"Remember the name, Cleria Belial, for it's the name of the one who will end you," she said, and with that, began charging up mana.

Oh boy.

Author's Notes

Check out the P-atreon chapter for NSFW images. 

Short chapter. Will update again soon. Check out the poll on the P@treon page. It will help me decided an integral part for the next chapter.

See ya.