
Forgotten Son of Destruction

Getting a second chance at life would be the desire of any person, alive or dead. But when you are forced to be entertainment for the gods as a member of their new initiative, given a power beyond your imagination? Watch how a soul from our world gets a chance to fuck shit up in the DxD world as a discarded son of Sirzechs and Grayfia. X-over, Gamer Fic. Neglected, OP OMC. Multiverse Travel, System and Harem.

Lucif3r_069 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9 – Back Home with a Black Widow

Rewrite of my DxD fic, Forgotten Son of Destruction. Show some love.

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights of ownership for the characters used except the OC's. All the credit goes to the author of the Light Novel.

Chapter 9 – Back Home with a Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow. One of the best agents SHIELD had ever seen, and an integral part of the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Safe to say that with a résumé this impressive, she's been through quite a few interrogations. Some threatened to kill her. Some tortured her. Or sometimes she was the one prying information out of a broken prisoner. But the form of interrogation she was going through right, this was new.

After the entire fiasco with Ultron and saving the Multiverse, she had been given the chance to start fresh in a new world. A world where Devils, Dragons, Angels and all the Gods she had read about where living entities. Of course, she knew a few gods herself back in her world. But the Gods in this world could potentially destroy her strongest comrade, Thor, within minutes. She had somehow managed to get by when it came to dealing with such beings in her world, but it was a different ballgame here.

Her only known ally in this world was Nicholas Lucifer, the Devil himself. Or well his heir at least. The 17-year-old devil that was sin incarnate, had convinced the Watcher to let her have a second chance in life and for that she would always be grateful to him. When they had returned back to his estate (calling it a house would be similar to considering the Leviathan of the Chitauri a pony), he had started filling her in on some of the information regarding this world.

They were greeted by Aura, his magical AI assistant when they arrived in this world. His lab to be more specific. Tony would have liked him. He had the mad scientist thing going on for himself as well as the sass that the Iron Man in her world was known for. Of course, knowing Tony, he would waste no time in making it a dick measuring contest but those two would definitely enjoy each other's company.

To justify her presence in this world, Nicholas had Aura create evidence of her back story in this world. Thankfully, they were able to go over it just enough times to not leave any loose ends because no sooner than they were finished, a woman more gorgeous than anyone she had ever laid eyes upon walked into the room. Blood red eyes that sparkled, dark locks that reach her thighs and a body that would overwhelm the purest of men with Lust. Were all Devils so beautiful? If so, then she couldn't blame the entire 'Deal with a Devil' thing.

Then Nicholas had introduced her as Lilith, and it all made a little more sense to her. When she extended her hand to introduce herself to the Queen of the Devils, the woman had taken one look at her before she turned to the only man in the room and said, "A new addition I suppose? Well, as your grandmother it is customary for me to assess her. Follow me, girl." And had Natasha dragged out with her to God knows where. Nicholas could only give her an amused smile in return.

She had thought an assessment would include a test of her abilities or something like that. But Lilith had something else in mind. And that is how Natasha had found herself in this situation.

Naked and relaxed in one of the hot springs in Lucifer's mansion. Lilith was right beside her, letting her eyes roam all over Nat's body, making the red head feel a little self-conscious. Now Nat wasn't one of those women, especially because she had been trained to rise above such issues, but when you have a woman whose tits were the size of a watermelon each but yet they remained perky, you are bound to have a few thoughts about your own.

"So, you are the woman Nic has brought in Nya~", a girl with dark hair asked Natasha. This was Kuroka. A literal cat girl. Natasha had to look twice to see if they were actually real but the way they swayed and followed her command, cemented the fact that was the real deal. Freaky.

"Yes," Nat answered. Her voice curt and her answer short.

"Hmm, if he has brought you here then surely, he wants to recruit you. Are you strong for a human? Do you like fighting?" a silver haired girl asked her. This one was Vali Lucifer. If Nat ignored her eyes, she could pass off for Nicholas' twin. But based on the connection, they must be related somehow.

"Would you like to find out?" Nat answered with a smirk. From the looks of it, this one was someone who enjoyed a good fight and yearned for strong opponents. Like Thor before he met Jane. Well, if she wanted a sparring partner, she would be happy to company her.

The girl just smirked back and said, "I like this one."

"So do I," Lilith said, her voice naturally seductive and inviting to every being, regardless of the gender or species. "She can fight well and is a pretty one."

Suddenly, before Nat could react, a soft hand cupped her right breast, making her look down in confusion as she saw Lilith molesting her. "Hmm, one of the better ones that I have felt when it comes to humans. Good, good," The beauty said as she continued playing with her.

Natasha didn't know how to react in this situation. This was different than the ones she was normally in. Way too different.

"Well tell us how you met Nicholas?" Lilith asked, finally letting go of her breasts, but the pause only lasted a few seconds as she found her backside being groped within moments. Now she would be lying if she did not enjoy the touch. She was living alone on that planet for a while before the Guardians arrived.

Going over the backstory Nicholas and Aura made for her, she began saying, "I am a former Russian spy. There was an organization called the Red Room that trained young girls to become spies and assassins, and dubbed us as 'Black Widow'. We are trained fighters and arms specialists. However, the program became a burden for the new government and they needed it to shut down so they sent special forces to ambush and exterminate all of us. I don't know how many survived but since I was away on a mission, I was able to dodge them.

They chased through the world and finally caught up to me in Budapest, in Hungary. I would have been killed had Nicholas not been in the area. He killed them easily and then brought me here. He was explaining the supernatural to me when you stumbled onto us."

"So, Nicholas just happened to be there?" Vali asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Nicholas had given her the exact reply she needed to say to not be further questioned.

"He said he was looking for something called 'sacred gears' when he heard guns going off. I don't know how he heard them with the silencer on but I guess it must be a devil thing."

The three just nodded, and it seems like Lilith had stopped groping her sometime during the story and was now just enjoying her bath.

"Nya, looks like Nic really does have a thing for saving people," Kuroka said, before she leaned back on the wall, resting her eyes.

"Why, did he save you too?" she asked, slipping back into her habits as a spy. It never hurt to have more information on anyone.

"Not just me, but all of us," Kuroka replied, her eyes wide open as she gave a mischievous smile before saying, "But I will tell you my story. It's the most romantic one, nya!"

The girl then scooted towards her, conveniently ignoring and getting away from the silver haired girl beside her whose eyes were twitching as she glared at the Nekomata.

"So, this is how it happened…"

~ Flashback ~

"Get back here you bitch!" the unpleasant voice of a devil chasing her shouted out.

"I don't think so, nya!" a younger Kuroka replied, still running through the dense foliage around her.

It had been a few hours since she had killed her former master. And had abandoned her sister. She knew that if she took Shirone with her, she would only be dooming both of them. The devil society maybe bad, but they definitely won't kill a young child for the crimes of someone else. She just hoped she would be alive to see her sister again and ask for her forgiveness.

After she ran for a few more minutes with the devils of her former master's family still on her tail, literally, she entered an area that was richer in magic. The trees were denser, the atmosphere a little thicker. Tapping into her senjutsu, she felt a barrier in front of her. A barrier that normal devils definitely wouldn't be able to notice.

Covering herself in nature energy, and hoping her trick works, she dived forward into the barrier, rolling a bit and immediately turning back, waiting for her pursuers with the alertness of a cat.

And just as she expected, the moment the reached where she was, they were left confused and bewildered.

"Oi, are you sure she went here?" a gruff, goblin like man asked of the one in charge.

"Yes. I felt her aura over here. But now… its just gone," a devil with tanned skin and a lot of scars said, his face determined, searching for any signs of the cat that killed their liege lord.

"Well don't just stand around! Start searching the area, the cat is a youkai. She might be hiding under an illusion somewhere close," he said again.

Kuroka watched with bated breath as her pursuers searched the entire length of the forest in front of her eyes, but couldn't breach the barrier she was hiding behind. It gave her much needed time to relax and catch her breath. She had been on the run for more than 12 hours now and her reserves were depleted as well. She just needed to buy herself some time so she could ditch these guys and leav-

"Hmm, looks like they aren't strong enough to enter here. Then again, I wouldn't expect them to be," a man's voice said from right beside her, making her freeze in fear. She hadn't even felt the person next to her approach her, and that could only mean two things. The unlikely scenario was that he was just too weak for her senses to pick up his aura, or the more likely and the far scarier scenario, he was too strong for her to even sense his base power level.

The moment she turned her head around to see who it was, she was left shocked and dazed. The face she came across belonged to one of the most handsome people she had ever laid eyes upon. The sheer elegance and regal aura surrounding him would be enough to get the motor running of every female she knew of.

With an amused smile, he watched the 3 devils in front of her, search for her like dogs. Then he turned towards her, and her eyes gazed upon the most beautiful irises she had ever seen on anyone in the supernatural world. It seemed like they encompassed of every color in the universe.

"So, who are you?" the stranger asked, making Kuroka snap out of her trance. Her alertness returned and she backflipped out of the stranger's range and adopted a fighting stance, completely on guard. The stranger just blinked and watched her with a bored expression on his face.

"Now, don't need to act like this. Since you are the one who is intruding on my family land. I'll ask again; who are you and what exactly is going on here?"

"I am Kuroka and I am running away from these devils because I killed their master," Kuroka instantly replied and subsequently, froze in shock. Why the hell did she say the truth? She couldn't fathom what had happened. It was like her voice wasn't under her control anymore.

"Ho, interesting. Why did you kill their master?" the stranger asked now, his arms folded, eyebrows arched as her tale seemed to have piqued his curiosity.

"He was my master too. He used to experiment on me so he could create a stronger devil and then when he tried to experiment on my sister, I killed him in anger," she replied, now sure of the fact that her body wasn't under her control anymore. And there was only one person here apart from her.

The way the eyes of the man in front of her darkened, it seems like she wasn't the only one upset about the fact that her master was about to experiment on her younger sister.

He then turned towards the three devils who were still searching the are like idiots, and then turned back to her.

"You seem like a decent person, even if you did kill your master. But it was to protect someone. I can accept. So, I have an offer for you. You are welcome to stay here for a while and figure out what you have to do, and I can deal with this problem of yours for now?" he said, gesturing at the three stooges.

Kuroka only had one question, "Why, nya? Aren't you worried I will kill you too?"

The stranger only looked at her with a bored expression again, making her bristle with irritation. She was strong too! She could harm him if she wanted.

"I will take my chances."

Normally, no one would ever do this. After all, she didn't know anything about this person. But she was exhausted beyond her limits right now. Both physically and mentally. She did not how long she could keep going. Which is why she finally decided to let go and fell down on her knees.

She could only whisper one thing, "Please help me," as her fatigue finally caught up to her and a few tears escaped her eyes.

Moments later, she felt a hand tilt her head up, and she once again laid her eyes on the handsome stranger who she asked for help. His expression was a softer one this time however.

"Don't worry. You will be safe now," his voice just as soft.

The next moment she saw him turn around and push his hand forward. When black and gold energy began gathering on his hands, her senjutsu reacted. She felt the 'worst' aura she had ever felt in her life. An aura of complete corruption of magic. It felt as it was the antithesis of the very magic that made up their being.

The stranger formed three spears of this dense energy and launched them forward, impaling the three that did not expect any kind of attack and could only gaze in shock and the spear of black energy jutting through their chest.

The three of them began decaying soon enough, their very bodies turning into husks as she felt the magic drain out of them. It was chilling to watch and she was glad she wasn't on the receiving end of it.

Just before all three of them died, one of them whispered something to himself, and if Kuroka hadn't been a youkai and a cat, she never would have caught what he said.


Lucifer? Wait, Lucifer as in the progenitor of devils? What did he have to do with thi-

A cold feeling washed over her all of a sudden, as she looked at the man who saved her. Now it made sense. The unearthly beauty, why she had never seen such eyes on any supernatural creature, the aura of the magic he wielded and how come he was so confident in letting a stray devil like her stay with him in proximity. As she watched him destroy their remains with a simple fire spell, she felt a pit form in her stomach.

"Lucifer," she whispered reflexively, making the stranger turn toward her. As he walked forward, she would be lying if she didn't feel any dread. Her body was completely numb and she couldn't move her limbs even if she tried. The now unmade Lucifer reached her and raised his hand, and she closed her eyes involuntarily, expecting the worst.

However, she soon found herself picked up and in the arms of the handsome devil as a magic circle opened up beneath his feet. With how close her face was to his, and the way he was cradling her body, she couldn't help but blush and look at him with shyness evident on her face.

"Call me Nicholas. Lucifer was my grandfather," he said, just as they disappeared, leaving no trace of themselves. And three patches of charred grass on the surface of the forest.

~ Flashback End ~

"After that he brought me here and made me tell him my entire story. Then he disappeared for a few hours while Aura supervised me while I rested. And I haven't left since. I go out into the human world wearing a glamour sometimes, but this is my home now, nya~" the stray cat said, smiling as she reminisced about the memories she and Nic had made in this place and licked her hands, as if they were paws.

Nat guessed that was due to her feline genes.

"Now if he only gave me some kittens, I would be so happy nya!" Kuroka said she giggled at what she had said and swayed in place.

"Tsk, my story is better," Vali said, an angry flush on her face as she turned away. Natasha had noticed that the two seemed in some kind of unsaid competition for his affections. She filed that information away for later, as well as what Kuroka had said. Kittens? So, she wanted kids of her own? At such a young age?

"Looks like devils don't have the same reservations as humans when it comes to teenage parenting," Nat thought.

She was about to press for more questions, when suddenly a voice boomed above them, startling them all.

"Master requests your presence in the lab. Urgently," a female voice said. This was Aura, if she wasn't wrong.

"Aura, tell him we'll be there in half an hour. We are relaxing at the moment," Lilith answered, her voice not leaving any room for questions. The tone of a Queen.

"Master said its urgent because he has figured out how to make true Sacred Gears," Aura said, making the area go absolutely quiet.

Author's Notes

Short chapter, I know. Got dumped at the start of the month so procrastinated a lot. Anyway, Happy Holidays and see you guys in 2024.

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