
Forever And Always

When two orphaned siblings - Evie and Caleb - meets Joanna, they were very happy to have someone who treated them as special. Someone who loved them very much - a mother. But little did they know that meeting Joanna would change their lives. Not only did they lose their new home, they lost their 'mother' and Caleb lost his life in an accident planned by Joanna's husband. Evangeline is devastated and swears to take revenge on both Joanna and her husband - David. Evie realises that the more she tries to avenge Caleb, the more emptiness she feels. The more she tries to push the people around her away, the more they love her and expresses it. Will she let go of the anger and pain in her heart and accept love again? Or will she destroy herself and the people she loves because of her guilt? Well no matter what she chooses, Michael - son of David and Joanna - has promised to support her and love her unconditionally. Follow Evie on her journey to love and revenge.

Jewel_in_ur_heart · 一般的
35 Chs


Joanna grinned from cheek to cheek as she saw the two siblings in a tight embrace. She was happy that she could help them but she would be even more happier if she had children of her own. On that sad reminder, her smile began to fade. Just then she felt a huge warmth around her legs and on looking down, she saw that Caleb had hugged her. It reminded her of Mike and she didn't want to let him go. She didn't know why but she felt an attraction to this child. She wanted to keep him as her child. She wanted to adopt him.

"Thank you so much, ma'am." Caleb said as he reluctantly released Joanna. He really wished he could go with her. No woman, except from Evie - that is if she can be considered a woman - had ever treated him with such care and kindness as she had. With so much love. Like a mother. But she was not his mother and he had to let her go.

"You're welcome." Joanna couldn't bear to leave these siblings out in the open, vulnerable to danger. She had an idea.  They were orphans after all.

"Evangeline, right?" Joanna called Evie and took her out to the lobby. She confessed her intentions of adopting them. Evie was taken aback by Joanna's words but she barely knew this woman, so how could she entrust her life and that of her precious brother into her hands. She refused.

"But you have nowhere to go. Nana T or whatever she is called has been arrested but someone else will still come up. Besides I can provide you with everything you need, shelter, food, clothing and education. I can even provide all that you want. Most importantly, I can give you a family."

The words education and family shook Evie's resolve. She would be educated and she would have a family. A real family. Not a house where she was a slave. She wanted to shout out a loud yes but she had to hear from Caleb. She told Joanna that she would go by Caleb's decision and (un)fortunately, he said yes. With that confirmation, Joanna took the children home. She would start making preparations for the adoption by the next day.


Evie sat in front of the mirror staring at her reflection. It's been almost two months since Joanna took them in and she has become a totally different person. Joanna had treated them differently. She loved and treated them like her children. She had enrolled Caleb in a prestigious elementary school and even hired a tutor to help Evie prepare for her entrance examination for college. She had been so good to them. But they hadn't been completely honest with her and it bothered Evie. What if Joanna found out that they had lied? Would she still keep them if she found out they had an aunt? She had to tell Joanna the truth and she had to do it fast.

"Evie!!" She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Joanna call her name. Almost immediately, Joanna entered the room fully dressed for Caleb's sports event.

"We are running late and you're not yet dressed!!" Joanna looked disappointed as she checked her wristwatch. Just thirty more minutes and they would be late. She opened Evie's wardrobe and brought out a black pair of trousers and a pink blouse and kept it on the bed. She reached for a pair of pink sneakers from the top and placed it beside the bed.

"Get ready, Caleb's waiting."

"Ma'am, I need to talk with you."

"Honey, call me mom, please. Stop making me feel like a stranger." Joanna smiles reassuringly at Evie and takes a brush to style Evie's hair.

Tears dripped from her eyes and her lips tightened as Evie felt Joanna's warm hand on her head. This one act of love made it harder for Evie to say the truth but fearing that things would be much worse if Joanna found out on her own, Evie forced herself to speak.

"Mommy, we lied to you. No I lied. We aren't street children. We were living with our aunt until we ran away from home. I'm sorry. I took your kindness for granted. Please forgive me." Tears streamed down her cheeks and Evie struggled to calm her fears. Joanna was quiet still styling her hair like she hadn't heard what Evie said few seconds ago. Her silence was killing Evie but her warm hands on Evie's hair was calming her nerves, giving her a hope that Joanna would forgive her.

"We'll go see your aunt tomorrow then." After what seemed like eternity, Joanna broke the silence with the words Evie never expected. Evie was dumbfounded and stared at Joanna through the mirror in disbelief as she continued to speak.

"I will inform her of my plans to adopt you and your brother and hopefully she will give her consent. What do you think about that?"

Evie nodded furiously even though she heard nothing of what Joanna said. She was full of appreciation for this woman. She was really an angel in disguise. She stood up from her stool and hugged Joanna. It felt so great to have a mother.

"But don't you ever lie to me again. Okay?" Joanna gave a stern yet loving warning.

"Mm. I promise." Evie nodded, trying to suppress her tears.

"That's good. I love you darling."

"I love you too, Mommy." Evie finally broke the hug and ran into the dressing room while Joanna watched her with pride. She had found out already but she wanted to see if they'd be honest and tell her themselves. And they did. She had gotten children now. And no one would deprive her of that anymore.


Joanna tried to open her eyes but they felt way too heavy. She could perceive the nasty odor in the air. Antiseptics, injection, blood and others. The only place that smelt this terrible was a hospital. She heard a familiar voice. It belonged to Isabel. Her cousin. She had come back. Joanna struggled to open her eyes but the harder she tried, the weaker she became. It dawned on her. She was involved in an accident. Her brakes failed her and she crashed into a truck. Hopefully her children are safe. Her mind drifted into nothingness as she fell into a deep sleep. A long deep sleep.


Isabel groaned as she stood up from the bed. It was difficult enough for her to manage the company by herself but Joanna had to adopt some children she didn't know about and she's stuck with them for as long as Joanna remained in a coma. She bit on her lip and swore to teach him a lesson if it was that naughty Caleb on her door. With heavy steps, Isabel finally reached the door and opened it. It wasn't Caleb or Evie at the door. It was Ruth, the housekeeper. She seemed to be very distressed and Isabel could feel panic in her.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so troubled?"

"It's Sir David. He's here."

"David?" Hearing that name alone caused Isabel to tense up. Every urge of sleep in her disappeared instantly. She dismissed Ruth and changed from her pajamas. After taking long deep breaths, she stepped out of the room.