

Isabel watched as David struggled with the two security guards. This man was a thorn in her flesh and he kept on pricking her.

"David, what are you doing here?" She signaled to the guards to let him be and walked majestically toward him.

"Wow Isabel, my best enemy." David smiled mischievously as he assessed Isabel. She had grown but she hadn't changed. She still acted high and mighty and she still hated him. "Long time no see."

"I believe you are not here to exchange pleasantries with me. What are you doing here?"

"Actually Isabel, I think you asked the wrong question."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I am Joanna's husband so I have a right to this house. But who are you?" David pinched his forehead and continued speaking, this time, sarcastically. "Joanna's cousin. Just another relative. I should be asking you what you are doing here."

"Really, David? You want to play this game now?" Isabel seethed with anger as she stared at this monster in front of her. She wished she could strangle him to death but she would have to go to jail.

"You call it a game. I like the sound of that. Anyway I am Joanna's husband and Michael is her son so we have every right to live here and I will fight for that right."

"Okay. But know that I am the legal guardian of Joanna's two other children and I also have a right to be here. And I will protect her from you."

"Impossible! Joanna can't have children."

"You haven't heard of artificial insemination, have you? Joanna has two other children. You lost, David. You lost. Now get lost."

David looked at Isabel with contempt and walked into his car. She had won this time but he would surely put her in her place. He drove off still thinking of a way to carry out his plan.


Evie nodded as Isabel finished her sentence. She didn't hear most of what Isabel said because she was feeling sleepy. She needed to go back to her comfy bed and continue her sleep. That was what she had been doing before Isabel woke her up at 2am to tell her stuff about a scary stepfather.

"Okay, I've heard you. Can I go back to bed now?" Evie spoke with a nonchalant tone that angered Isabel.

"Look Evie, this is serious. David will put you and Caleb in danger. And what's worse, he will threaten the safety of Joanna. I cannot guarantee your safety unless you are willing to take a risk."

"Which is?" Evie had awoken completely as soon as she heard the word 'danger'.

"Pretend to be Joanna's birth children."

"What will that do?"

"Are you really sure you heard what I said a while ago?" Isabel asked and sighed when Evie replied her with a no. She had been explaining to thin air all the while.

"If David's son was Joanna's only child, he would inherit most of her wealth. Up to 60 percent. Which David would be in charge of. But if Joanna has two other children....."

"That decreases it to about 20 percent."

"Or nothing at all. And that will delay his plans."

"So how is it risky?"

"Your adoption papers are not yet complete and can't be completed without Joanna's husband's consent, and that is something David will never give. You won't be Joanna's children and you won't live here. But being her children gives you the right to live here. And it gives David reason to get rid of you."

"Are you sure of this?" Evie asked slightly shivering at the thought of David.

"Yes. He kidnapped me when I was nine. I saw his face. I heard his voice. He spoke to me. But when I told Joanna after she bailed me out she refused to believe. I reported to the police but they said I was too young to file a case. And just like that David went free. But I know what he is and I'm going to protect everyone I love from him."

"Okay." Evie replied unsure of what to say.

"The lawyer will be here tomorrow morning. He has put everything in place including your story about where you've been living before now."

"Okay. I'll talk to Caleb. Goodnight."

"One more thing. Michael is moving in tomorrow. You need to be careful with him. He might be in cahoots with his dad. Now go to sleep." Isabel watched as Evie left the room. She could see herself in this girl but she knew that this girl would be better or rather worse than she is.

She lay on her bed and stretched herself. She had solved one problem. It felt so good to be free. She picked up her phone and dialed a number. As she heard her fiance speak from the other end of the line, all her worries disappeared. Her painkiller and joy giver. She gave in to sleep few minutes later. Still on the call. Ryan smiled at the other end of the line knowing the reason for her silence. Listening to her snoring slightly, he slowly fell asleep on the table where he had been working.


As the car drove in through the gate, Mike felt the knot in his stomach tighten. He had seen this place a few times but he had never been so close or even entered it. This was his mother's home but he was prohibited from even seeing her, let alone visit her. He heard that he used to live with her but he had no memories of then. The abrupt stop of the car jolted him out of his thoughts. On looking out through the window, he noticed a little boy standing with a ball right in front of the car.

Mike opened the door and came down from the car. He noticed two figures approaching him. Isabel was certainly one of them. He frowned at the thought of Isabel. She hated him and didn't want him to see Joanna, his mother. Or at least, that was what his father had said about her.

"Welcome home!" Isabel grinned and hugged Mike.

"Thanks." Mike shrugged and walked past Isabel with a look of contempt in his eyes. He stopped abruptly at seeing Evie.

There was something about her. Something familiar. He hadn't met her before but he felt drawn to her. His heart had begun beating rapidly and there were butterflies in his stomach. His mind had almost gone blank when he suddenly snapped back to reality.

"Hi, I'm Evie." Evie stretched out her hand and flashed a smile revealing the dimple on her left cheek. Her black hair tied in a ponytail was dancing to the wind.

Mike looked at her hand and started hiccuping. He carried his backpack and walked quickly into the house. Isabel and Evie watched him in amazement.

"Is he always that grumpy?" Evie said as she withdrew her hand which she had earlier stretched out towards Mike.

"I don't expect any less. He has been living with David. I won't expect anything great coming from a worthless person." Even though she spoke like she didn't care, Evie knew that she was saying it to console herself. She smiled as she saw Isabel shrug. Both Isabel and Mike had similar characters.

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