
Forbidden Wizard of Hogwarts

the sun curse, the arbitrary shuttle movement, the indestructible Susano, the mystery of countless changes, and the supernatural magic that destroys everything. This is the birth of a legendary wizard named John Anderson!

DaoistbMrJtJ · 映画
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Terrible Platform 9 and 3/4

 A black-haired boy with a beautiful face and round-frame glasses carefully looked around in this magic wand shop while praying in his heart all the time to find a magic wand that belongs to him and he likes.

  Hagrid saw the nervous Harry smile unconsciously, then patted Harry on the shoulder with his right hand and said to him: "Don't be so restrained, this is the best wand shop, you will definitely find yourself I like the wand, so you don't need to be so nervous, just relax."

  After Harry listened, it seemed that Hagrid's comfort had indeed been effective. The nervousness in his heart was wiped out. Instead, he began to look at the shopkeeper enthusiastically, hoping that he would have something to recommend. After all, he knew nothing about the magic world.

  Ollivander carefully looked at the kid named Harry Potter. After all, this thunderous name may be really unknown in the magical world, but this just made Ollivander pay more attention to him.

  Because the shadow of the little wizard in Ollivander's mind has been lingering, the terrible and unknown reason for the sudden death of the magic wand now makes him have a lot of shadows on the little wizard of similar age.

  But he always wants to do business, so he can only carefully choose a magic wand and hand it to the little wizard Harry.

  At the same time, he prayed madly in his heart, so that no more accidents should happen.

  It may be Ollivander's prayers that played a role. Just when Harry touched the wand, the things that made Ollivander panic did not happen, which gave him a sigh of relief and gradually regained his previous confidence.

  God knows what the little wizard named John Anderson had done to the magic wand in his shop some time ago.

  It is simply a magic wand nemesis, at least he evades three times, and at worst he died suddenly. This makes Ollivander, who treated the magic wand like his son, feels distressed. If time can go back, he will definitely choose to close the door that day.

  After a long time, Ollivander stood at the door, watching the delighted savior of the magic world leave, feeling in his heart, it would be great if the guests were of this type with no requirements and more money.

  Thinking about that, he took out a piece of yellow paper from behind, and there was a dynamic photo on it. A handsome "John Anderson" was honored on the list, and then Ollivander posted this paper In the most conspicuous place at the door, and then wrote a sentence below, dogs and this person are not allowed to enter.


  Time flies, vacation days always flies quickly. During this period, John keeps reviewing the past and learning. He even went to Diagon Alley and even hired someone to buy some knowledge about magic at a high price. Books of this kind, although they do not involve advanced knowledge of magic and black magic, they still benefit John a lot.

  John is very much looking forward to this journey to Hogwarts. Of course, he has no interest in a certain nostril socket man, but he is very interested in mattress wool. He has only one purpose for this magical journey, that is to learn more. Magical knowledge can be understood by analogy, and then earn legendary value to write forbidden spells, and strengthen one's own strength so that in the future, if some foreign god really thinks of himself and then comes to the door, at least he can be regarded as self-protection.

  Annie hugged John with red eyes, and said to him earnestly: "Don't force yourself too much. If you feel that it is not suitable, then don't go to school there. Just come back and remember that we will always be your warmest harbor. ."

  Huggins also blinked his eyes and said to John: "That's right, we will always be your warmest harbor, and suppose there is that kind of mermaid that looks good and that is that kind of good figure in the wizarding world, you remember Call me one back."

  As soon as the voice fell, Huggins directly covered his stomach and squatted on the ground, crying in pain.

  Annie punched her husband so hard.

  John coldly looked at the painful Huggins, squatting on the ground, with an expression on his face that you deserve to die.

  Parting is always sentimental, and it is no exception for John. He turned his face away and walked between the ninth and tenth platforms in Wang's Cross Railway Station, pushing his luggage.

  Behind John's invisible, Annie was already crying so badly. Huggins, who was holding her stomach, comforted her wife: "Don't worry too much, John is much older than he thought, and He is a genius, isn't he?"

  After hearing this, Annie cried harder, she could only hug Huggins and continued to cry.


  John was standing in front of platform nine and three-quarters at this time.

Looking at the big wall in front of him, although he knew that as long as he rushed over, he could get on the train as he wished. But I don't know why, he always feels like a fool, maybe some ideas from the previous life are at work.

  After all, if you have to convince yourself to rush up and then hit a wall, you don't know why it is still a bit isolated.

  So what kind of mentality did the predecessors in those fan fictions he had read in his previous life overcome him and then bump into it?

  "Okay, it's going to be on." John muttered to himself...

  A few minutes later, John was still standing on the spot with the cart in both hands, looking at the wall, speechless...

  It's not that John doesn't want to rush up like a handsome man, but whenever he wants to rush up with a cart, he always comes up with funny scenes of himself like a fool with a cart hitting the wall and rushing on the street, and then he is unnatural Stopped.

  John knew that he couldn't go on like this. After all, this thing was really terrible. This black history must be hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

  The next second, John yelled with courage, and then pushed the car to rush towards the platform wall. Just when he was about to hit the wall, John made a beautiful drifting turn, before he hit the wall, the whole person walked away.

  "Tear~ This platform is simply terrifying."

  John took a breath, and slowly placed his right hand on his heart.

  Why is it so terrible, which wicked guy set the train to Hogwarts to have to hit the wall of this platform to get in? If he had a choice, he would rather face the noseless socket man than hit a wall.

  If you have a chance to be in power at Hogwarts in the future, you must change this damn nine and three-quarters platform. As for where is the change?

  John thinks the fast food restaurant near the station is very good!