
Forbidden Wizard of Hogwarts

the sun curse, the arbitrary shuttle movement, the indestructible Susano, the mystery of countless changes, and the supernatural magic that destroys everything. This is the birth of a legendary wizard named John Anderson!

DaoistbMrJtJ · 映画
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Professor McGonagall

Hathaway raised her hand to block her forehead, looked at the owl that was constantly hovering above, and curiously said to her brother: "Where does this owl come from? It seems to be very intelligent, you As soon as it entered the house, it kept spinning around."

  John looked at the Scottish round-faced chicken, and the corners of his mouth were not consciously raised. He said excitedly: "Maybe God saw that our family is celebrating today, so he sent this round-faced chicken over to give us a meal!"

  After hearing it, Hathaway couldn't help but licked her mouth: "Round-faced chicken? I have never eaten it before. It must taste very good."

  The owl above seemed to understand the whispers below, and suddenly seemed to have received some maliciousness, and then his whole figure hit the chandelier on the ceiling and announced the crash.

  The owl that fell on the ground, like a helpless child, could only lie on the ground shivering and trembling with a senseless eyes.

  With a devilish smile, John gradually approached the round-faced chicken, but slowly guided his mouth: "Don't be afraid, we are good people and won't hurt you. I just want to play a game with you, but I guess your taste must be very good."

  "Brother, what is this letter? It seems to have fallen when I came in with this owl just now." Hathaway picked up a letter behind her and asked her brother curiously.

  John stopped his horrible journey and took the letter in Hathaway's hand, but when he saw the sign on the letter, a chill flashed in his mind, and suddenly many things were a line After linking it up, he finally understood what was going on in this world.


  A large shield badge, with a capital "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

  Hogwarts? He realized it!

  These big words kept lingering in John's mind, so many things made sense. The disaster when I was eight years old was the so-called magic runaway. I am afraid I am the obscurus mentioned in the movies in the previous life. .

  Under the understanding of the previous life, the so-called obscurus ones are young wizards who suppress their magical power in order to escape bad luck. However, due to lack of guidance, they have not learned to control and control their own power, so parasites the magical power "Obscurus". This is an extremely unstable, uncontrollable black magic that moves extremely fast and will leave the host and attack others. In the historical records of wizards, there is no case that the silent person can live beyond 10 years!

  Assuming that you are really the so-called obsurus, the reason why you have lived so nourished for so many years should be due to the magic book, but the incident that year caused one's emotions to lose control, which triggered a series of after-effects. It was to make his own obscurus directly out of control, but fortunately because of the magic book, this power became controllable, and therefore he was able to smoothly pass the watershed of ten years old.

  He even explained clearly why the profession on the interface of his system is a wizard, as well as the magic level, and even the follow-up of where to learn magic skills in the future.

  John quickly opened the letter from Hogwarts with both hands.

  Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the letter described when reading Harry Potter in the previous life, except that the name was changed to John Anderson, and even the items that needed to be prepared were the same.

  John, in a daze, showed the letter to Huggins and Annie to watch. After a few minutes, they both had question marks on their faces.

  As if to say to John, are you kidding me?

  Huggins put down the letter complicatedly and muttered to himself: "This must be a boring prank, school of magic? Hogwarts? It seems to be making me laugh, if their purpose is to make me laugh, then Congratulations on his success. This is the funniest thing I have seen in the past few years."

  After speaking, Huggins kept patting his thigh with his right hand, bent down and stretched out and laughed wildly, like the Tom cat in a cat and a mouse.

  Annie thinks so too. After all, magic should only exist in novels and TV dramas. How can there be such things as magic in the real world? It's nonsense.

  "Oh, so the things you haven't seen, haven't touched, are considered ridiculous by the world, so do you think magic is a fictitious thing?"

  There was a sudden female voice that frightened Huggins, but when he turned around, there was no one.

  "Who is talking? It was a sharp ironic female voice, definitely not an illusion." Huggins looked suspiciously at the position of the door inside the house.

  Then when Huggins' eyes moved downward, he found a cat crouching in front of him.

  "A tabby cat?" Huggins felt that he was a real hell today. First, an owl came to deliver a letter, telling himself that there is magic in this world, and then he did not know where a cat came to refute his point of view. .

  When Huggins was about to drive away the cat, the tabby cat instantly turned into a woman, wearing a black coat robe and a black top hat, with a majestic and solemn expression.

  Professor McGonagall is the dean of one of the four Hogwarts colleges.

  Huggins' mouth can't be closed anymore, and I'm afraid that John can slip an egg into it now.

  Professor McGonagall walked gracefully in the room, slowly took out the magic wand in his hand and lightly tapped a button on the table, and then the button gradually turned into a brand new silver coin.

  Huggins was already shook his head madly when he saw it. What happened today is incredible and unscientific.

  While showing that magic is real, Professor McGonagall turned to look at John Anderson, the little wizard who was about to enter school. She had prepared a complete set of answers for the little wizard and his parents to accept and let He went to Hogwarts to study.

  But when she saw John Anderson, her mouth opened to the size of a fist with Hudgens. Completely ruined the image of the magical world expert just now.

  "Oh my God, I can't believe it, what did I see? What is the magic in your body? How can it be so much." Professor McGonagall shouted in surprise.

  The little wizard in front of her who has not yet enrolled in school, the magic power in her body is better than that of Hogwarts's sixth and seventh grade students who are about to graduate.

  This is completely impossible. It is not yet a period of rapid development of this child's magical power growth, and he is only eleven years old. God knows what terrifying heights the magical power will reach in ten years from this child.

  He must go inside Hogwarts, and only Hogwarts can teach such a child to the right path.

  John looked at Professor McGonagall with a surprised look and thought to himself.

  It's inevitable that you have a lot of magic power. As a obscurus, the uncontrollable black magic power is indeed very powerful. There is no doubt that, but fortunately, he has a magic book. The curse of dying young, and after the refined from the magic book, one day he will gradually master this complete and more powerful force.

  Professor McGonagall looked at John Anderson with kind eyes and asked earnestly: "Anderson, would you like to go to Hogwarts with me to study in this historic school of magic?"

  "Believe me, that is your only home, that is we belong to our the big family of wizards."

  After listening to this, Annie stepped forward excitedly and hugged her son, and said angrily: "Quickly leave this house, pretending to be a wizard, I will not let my son go to Hogwarts with you, I Never allow this to happen!"