
For the Record: The Nth Time

"It's been a year?" She doubted, "How?... Why?" She have many questions in her mind she desperately wants to find out but before she even realize half of them, she's starting all over again, "It's been a year?" again she doubted, "How?... Why?" She scratched her head out of confusion. She tried to grab everything she could but she can only keep few every morning. "It's been more than two decades... Since this thing happened to me..." He trembly said to himself out of frustration. "How could people be like this overnight?" He questioned with full annoyance, *I've been working hard and yet... And yet this still happens.* He thought as his blood become a raging ocean during storm while seemingly calm on the outside as he stares at her on a distance. *I'm trying to make you realize it over and over but it seems like you never paid attention.* To the one who wish he is being remembered... How long does he have to wait? To the one who wish she remembers... How long will it take her to recognize everything?... Everyone?...

AA_Battery01 · 都市
20 Chs

The Record 3

"To go through your records." Kitty responded as she put down her empty cup.

"Records?... You mean my class records?" Maia asked as she knitted her eyebrows.

Ignoring her clarification, Kitty placed her phone at the table facing Maia. On the phonescreen Maia can see the file application app opened, and before her eyes are listed folders and one of them was named "The Records of Maia". Inside her, she knew Kitty is wanting her to open the folder so she reached out for the phone and tapped on the screen. As it opened, the files of medical and police records are the ones that immediately caught her attention, stating that she got into an accident last February.

*February, March, April May, June...* She silently counted with her finger. *It's going five months at the end of June...* Perplexed she continued scanning through the folders. Closing the two records, she opened a sub folder named "Documentation". Inside the folder are photos of her unconsciously lying on a hospital bed with her head wrapped with bandages, and some bruises on her faces and arms.

Another set of photos were her lying and facing the ground with blood that obviously flowed from her head going on different directions drenching her clothes and being mixed with fragments of glasses, next to her injured body was silver car with its headlights projecting on her and it's hood open as smoke rises from the inside. Flipping the photo, there read "Westwood Police Station"

Another file inside the sub folder was a copy of her application of leave for her recuperation, and indeed, it's content agrees to the other documentations. Exiting it, she saw two videos, as curiosity pinched, she played the first one titled "After 2 months".

In the frame was a doctor sitting with his elbows resting on top of the table moving his hands from time to time and seems to be explaining something to the person opposite to him. And that person is Maia.

"You thought that you can manage living a normal life and so proceed on pursuing it these last two months?" The doctor interrogates.

"Uhm..." Not sure of what to response, Maia slowly looked at the camera with pursed lips. No, she's looking at the one holding the camera.

"Uh... Ah!... Yes, doctor she did." The woman said, and Maia, watching the video, recognized that that voice belongs to Kitty. "A-Actually... Sorry to trouble you, doctor, I might be saying the truth, but I cannot fully conclude that I am a first hand source. So..." Looking at Maia, Kitty is trying to explain the situation the better way she could think of. "Can you repeat your advise for her before we discharged her months ago?" She asked.

"Advice? Let me think of it." The doctor paused for seconds as he stares at his table. "Uh! Okay. If I'm not mistaken, I advised you before to better stay take a leave first from your work, not that you will never go out anymore, but to lessen the risks of you getting harmed or be in trouble, have someone take care of you so you can focus on your therapies."

Maia stared at him with evident surprise.

"See, your personal information says that you are a professor in a university, am I wrong?" The doctor flipped a paper from a clipboard.

"No, you're right, doc." Maia shook her head.

"Then that means you have to remain in touched with your students and to the other staff, even if not that close, you know? For interactions? How will you be able address things, issues and sorts related to your work if you won't be able to remember them anyway after twenty four hours? Plus, since you teach, expect that eventually, you will have another batch of students. Can you handle waking up one day only to find out that you have students of new faces? How about staffs, what if someone you know resigned without you remembering and keep on looking for them? These are just some of the probabilities that might happen to you."

"But doc, I want to live my life!" Maia with firm conviction but with of shaky voice said.