
Fog the Hedgehog

In an alternate dark alternate future, the world is left in ruins by an evil robot named Superior Metal Sonic and his evil legion of robots. The only ones who can stop them is the son of Silver the Hedgehog Fog and a little blue Hedgehog named Velocity. They will embark on a new adventure through the intense wasteland that was the world to maybe end this nightmare once and for all.

Giggabits606 · ゲーム
10 Chs




Fog and Velocity are walking through a dead forest. The remains of an old city

Velocity looks up at Fog


"Hey Foggy, can we take a break? We've been walking forever."

Fog sighs

Fog looks down at Velocity


"Maybe, give me a sec."

Fog looks around for a moment

Fog looks up at the sky and realized that it is already evening

Fog looks back at Velocity


"Yes we can Velocity. I didn't realize it but it's already evening. Let's just camp out tonight."

Velocity's glum bored face turns into an excited smile



Fog chuckles


"Yes, we are taking a break Velocity."

Velocity jumps out of excitement

Fog looks around

Fog sees an old pot sitting on the ground

Fog raises his brow

Then back at Velocity


"But before we do that. I'll have to set up camp. Could you go find some firewood?"

Velocity looks around, looking at the dead forest around them


"Well, that'll be easy."

An hour later Velocity and Fog are sitting around a campfire with a pot of stew cooking over it

Fog opens the pot and sees that it's done

Fog then uses his metal arm to pick up the pot and places it on the ground

Fog opens the pot of stew

Velocity looks over the stew smelling it


"That smells so good!"

Fog closes his eyes and smiles


"That's good to hear."

Fog takes some bowls out of his bag and a ladle


"Now, time to pour some."

Velocity jumps with excitement



An hour later, after Fog and Velocity finished their food. Now they're just sitting around the campfire

Velocity gases at the stars above


"Hey Foggy."




"What were your parents like?"

Fog snickers


"Growing up all I had was a father. He was the bravest hero of all. He would stop at nothing to save someone. Just because it was the right thing to do. He would always tell me stories of his adventures when I was kid and I loved every single second of that."

Velocity's eyes light up looking at Fog


"He sounds so cool!"

Velocity thinks for a second then looks back at Fog


"Did you ever have a mama?"

Fog looks up at the sky


"Maybe. But she died before I was born. My dad never told me much about her. But he told me that she was a magnificent woman."


"Do you think I have a mamma Foggy?"

Fog looks at Velocity, smiles, then looks back up at the stars


"To be honest, I don't really know. But maybe you do, who really knows? This world is big."

Velocity smiles


"Well that's okay. All I know is that I have an amazing dad."

Fog looks at Velocity with a curious look

Velocity looks at Fog

Velocity puts on a big smile


"You Foggy!"

Fog looks at Velocity with a surprised look

Fog closes his eyes and smiled

Fog opens his eyes

Fog sighs


"It's time for us to get to bed."

Fog stands up and walks toward his sleeping bag


"B-but I don't wanna!"

Fog looks at Velocity


"Then stay up and be miserable the next day. It would be your fault though."

Velocity looks at the ground with a pouty face

Fog enters his sleeping bag and gets into a relaxed position

Fog closes his eyes and goes to sleep

Fog starts to see the sun through his eyelids

Fog opens his eyes and stands his body up and yawns

Fog toward Velocity's sleeping bag and sees it's empty

Fog sighs

Fog looks toward the campfire and sees Velocity sitting on a log sleeping

Fog stands up and walks toward Velocity

Fog shakes Velocity awake


"Wake up, we still have some walking to do."

Velocity looks up at Fog


"D-Do we have to?"

Fog looks at Velocity and sees the bags under Velocity's eyes


"You stayed up all night, didn't you?"


"No! I just uh-"

Fog sighs

Fog puts his hands on his hips


"What am I going to do with you Velocity?"

Fog looks up


"Well, I guess I gave you a choice. So that's on me."

Turns around and walks toward his sleeping bag

Fog starts to roll up his sleeping bag

Fog looks at Velocity


"Come on, we have to pack so we can get back to walking."

Velocity looks up at Fog with a tired

Fog looks down as he finishes rolling up his sleeping bag and wraps the strap around it to hold it still


"Can't we just stay a bit longer?"

Fog looks back up at Velocity


"I'm sorry Velocity but no we cannot. We have to get going, you know this."

Velocity looks at the ground and sighs


"If you say so."

Velocity walks toward his sleeping roll and starts to roll it up

Velocity tilts his head toward Fog


"How long do we have to walk anyways?"


"Probably a few hours if we hurry."


"Can we take breaks?"


"You know we can't do that."

Velocity groans

Fog snickers


Fog walks through a desert carrying Velocity, who is sleeping, on his back

Fog sees a cave in the distance


"I finally found you."

Fog enters the cave and sees darkness

Fog thinks back to when he was in the town named Deadlands to what the barkeep said

Fog sits in a barstool looking at the barkeeper

The barkeeper is currently polishing a glass


"I heard from a couple of travelers that the Capital is fifty miles to the east. I got curious and asked them what they were talking about. So they told me if I ever got the chance to go to-."

Fog looks at the deep darkness in the cave


"Follow the darkness to find the light."

Fog walks into the darkness

All Fog sees is darkness but he still decides to keep moving forward. Going deeper and deeper below ground

As Fog keeps going, he feels a sensation that he is being watched

After ten minutes of walking, a spotlight appears shining on him


"Why are you here? Who are you?"

Fog's eyes squint because of the bright light


"I'm a friend, the name's Fog, I'm here to see Onyx. Ask her, she'll know me."

The light turns off

A minute passes

A gateway then opens, clothed in light

Fog walks toward the light

Fog and Velocity enter the gate of light

When Fog enters the light, he looks around and sees a metal room with a single light at the top

A guard dressed in red, black, and white combat gear enters the room. Holding an M16 rifle

The city guard looks at Fog and Velocity

Fog does the same to the guard


"I hope I don't get in trouble for this. But break any law here, I'll jail you myself."

Fog sighs


"Got it."

The City Guard tilts his head up


"Open the door now!"

A door opens in front of Fog

The City Guard looks at Fog


"Go through here and you'll be in the city."

Fog nods

Five feet away from Fog a door opens, leading to the city


"Welcome to Casino City dirtbag. Hope you gamble to your heart's content. Don't blame us if you lose all your money though."

Fog walks past the guard and goes through the door

When Fog exited the entry area all he saw was a bright extravagant city

The City is huge and is divided into three sections. The living area, working quarters, and finally the main attraction the legendary "Casino district"

Fog looks at Casino district and thinks

"She has to be there."

The Casino District is glowing with all sorts of neon lights

Fog starts to walk toward Casino District

On his way, Fog passed many poor gamblers who gambled their life away in one evening

The closer Fog got to Casino District, the faint sound of music and people talking slowly starts to get louder

When Fog and Velocity got to Casino District, Fog looked around and saw a glowing street with groups of people at every corner. Looking to either gamble or just have great time

Fog sighs


"So this is the infamous Casino City."

Fog looks around and then sees a casino all the way down the street called "Onyx Panther Casino"

Fog sighs and continues to walk through the district. But now trying to make his way to the Onyx Casino

Fog was surprised to see that there were actually functioning cars going down the street. Something he thought he wouldn't even get to see again in his lifetime

Fog looks around with a curious look


"They're not afraid of us?"

Fog smiles as he finishes his journey to the entrance of Onyx's Casino

Fog looks up at the tall glowing pink building


"Kinda tacky for you Onyx."

Fog takes Velocity off of his back and sets him on his feet


"Hey wake up, we're here."

Velocity slowly opens his eyes and then looks up at Fog then the building



Fog walks into the casino as Velocity follows

When Fog and Velocity enter the casino they see a lavish casino covered in black, and purple walls. and floors, with gold accents all around. Also with slot machines with people operating them at every corner

Velocity looks around and his eyes start to light up


"This place is so cool!"

Velocity looks up at Fog

Fog looks down at Velocity


"No, you're not allowed to play here. I may be dangerous."

Fog looks to his right and sees a door with a bodyguard in front of it

Fog starts to walk toward the door as Velocity follows


"Why are we here anyways?"

Fog tilts his head back toward Velocity


"To see an old friend."


"Oh cool!"

Velocity runs up and cuts Fog off


"Is she an old friend of mine too?"

Fog closes his eyes and snickers

Fog opens his eyes and looks at Velocity as he continues to smile


"I'd say so, yeah."

Velocity jumps to Fog's side

Velocity smiles ear to ear


"Yay! I have an old friend. I can't wait to see her!"

Fog smiles


"Me too kid, me too."

Fog and Velocity walk up to the BodyGuard

The Body Guard looks down at Fog


"Heck you want?"

Fog smiles again


"I would like to see Onyx."

The Body Guard clenches his fist


"Says who?"

Fog looks up at the Body Guard with a glare


"Says Fog the Hedgehog."

The Body Guard thinks for a second and unclenches his fists

The Body Guard steps to the right of the door


"Go right through sir. She'll be happy to see you."

Fog and Velocity open the door and start to walk down a hallway

Velocity turns his head and looks at Fog


"You know him."

Fog smiles


"No, but he sure knows me."

Fog looks up


"Seems Onyx talks about me once in a while."

Fog and Velocity start to walk up a long flight of stairs

Velocity sighs



Fog snickers

Velocity looks up at Fog


"That's not funny!"

Fog and Velocity walk up the long flight of stairs. After they get to the top, it leads into a small hallway. Fog and Velocity walk down it then at the end of the hallway they then finally see Onyx, sitting on her throne. A white female anthromorph with bat wings, wearing a red dress, with her face wearing black eyeliner, and bright red lips

Onyx looks toward Fog


"Glad to see you here Foggy boy."

Fog looks around and sees an arcade in the corner

Fog looks down at Velocity


"Hey Velocity, you go play at that arcade over there. I have to talk to Onyx alone for a minute, okay?

Velocity groans


"But I wanna talk to her too!"

Fog smiles softly


"You'll get your chance soon, I promise."

Velocity hangs his head low


"Okay, if you say so."

Velocity turns around and runs toward the arcade area

Fog walks up to Onyx nonchalantly


"Is that the boy you brought here before?"

Fog nods

Onyx looks in Velocity's direction, as Velocity plays an old Pacman machine


"Ten whole years, dang."

Onyx looks back at Fog

Onyx gets off her throne and walks toward Fog


"Let's get straight to the point, shall we? why are you here Fog?"

Fog sighs


"I wanted to ask you if you could help me train him."

Onyx hangs her head low and nods no

Onyx looks up at Fog


"Goddamnit Foggy, you know I can't do that."

Onyx turns around and slowly walks toward her throne

Onyx stops and turns toward Fog


"Do you even know what he is?"

Fog stays silent


"He's the cloned offspring of that hero named Sonic, years back. You remember the stories your father told us about him. If I helped you I could put this entire city in danger. Do really want that?"

Fog pauses for a second


"Onyx, please."

Onyx stomps his foot


"I said no!"

Onyx shakes his head


"For gods' sake, has his ability even appeared."

Fog nods no


"Then how do you expect me to train him?!"

Fog looks up at Onyx


"There is more to training than just superpowers. My father taught us that, you know that."

Onyx sighs

Onyx turns her back to Fog


"Just shut up and leave. Please!"

Fog sighs

Fog looks in Velocity's direction, Velocity seems like he's enjoying himself


"Velocity, we gotta get going!"

Velocity hears Fog and runs toward him

When Velocity gets to Fog he looks up at him


"How was your talk with your old friend?"

Fog looks away for a second

Fog looks back down at Velocity


"We just have to get going Velocity. I'll tell you everything later."

Velocity smiles


"Okay! If you say so."

Fog starts to walk toward the exit and Velocity follows

Velocity turns around and looks at Onyx

Velocity waves at Onyx


"By old friend! It's nice to see you!"

Onyx gives Velocity a surprised look

Onyx smiles and closes his eyes


"See you later kid."

Then suddenly a crash happens in the background, shaking the building

Velocity and Fog look around

Fog looks back at Onyx with a stern look

Onyx looks at Fog with a surprised look


"Oh god."

On the other side of the city, a hole has been drilled from the surface, through the ceiling of the cave. Rubble has fallen below and destroyed some of the Residential District

Two robots come from the hole and land on the rubble of one of the houses

A red metal foot steps on a rock and crushes it

Metal Knuckles, Metal Amy, and Metal Tails look out into the distance. Metal Knuckles look to the Residential District


"Target Acquired."