
Fog the Hedgehog

In an alternate dark alternate future, the world is left in ruins by an evil robot named Superior Metal Sonic and his evil legion of robots. The only ones who can stop them is the son of Silver the Hedgehog Fog and a little blue Hedgehog named Velocity. They will embark on a new adventure through the intense wasteland that was the world to maybe end this nightmare once and for all.

Giggabits606 · ゲーム
10 Chs




Onyx runs to the center of the room

Onyx pulls out a walkie talkie


"Everyone! Code black, evacuate all civilians now!"

Outside, Metal Knuckles punch through a wall of a house in the Residential District

A family of four. A little boy, little girl, mother, and father look at Metal Knuckles with horror

Metal Knuckles turns his head toward the family and his red eyes flash

Fog looks around with a worried look

Fog looks down at Velocity and then at Onyx

Onyx looks at Fog


"Fog, there is a secret tunnel under this building."

Onyx takes out a remote and punches in a code

A bookcase in the background opens up into a doorway


"You need to get out of here with the kid!"

The wall, opposite of the opened-up bookcase blows open, revealing Metal Amy as the perpetrator wielding a long-handled blue hammer

Metal Amy looks at Onyx, Fog, and Velocity


"Target acquired."

Onyx looks at Metal Amy with a surprised look, then quickly back to Fog and Velocity


"Go now!"

Fog sighs

Fog rips off his cloak and throws it into the air

Fog looks at Onyx


"You know I'm the only one who can handle them."

Onyx looks at Fog with a surprised look

Fog takes a few steps forward and stops a little bit in front of Onyx and Velocity, looking toward Metal Amy

Velocity looks at Fog with a surprised look with awe


"Fog. I told you-"

Fog looks back at Onyx and Velocity


"I told you to go! Take the kid and go, please."

Onyx looks at Fog with a surprised look.

Fog reminds Onyx of how Silver sacrificed his life for Onyx and Fog back when they were kids. She's scared that Fog may end up like his father

Onyx takes Velocity's hand and runs toward the open bookshelf

Onyx presses a button to the side out of view

As the bookcase closes, Onyx looks between the closing gap at Fog


"You better come back to us alive!"

Fog smiles and looks toward Metal Amy


"Don't worry, I got this."

The bookcase finally closes


"Is he going to be okay?"

Onyx hesitates

Onyx then regains her confidence and looks at Velocity

Velocity looks up at Onyx


"Don't worry kid. We'll see him again. He's too much of an idiot to die.

Onyx holds out her hand


"Let's just get to safety, so he doesn't have to worry about us. Kay?

Velocity smiles and takes Onyx's hand

Outside the closed bookshelf, Fog looks toward Metal Amy

Fog looks at Metal Amy's hammer


"That's a nice weapon of choice."

Metal Amy looks at Fog with a robotic glare


"Fine, stay quiet."

Fog gets into a fighting stance


"Bring it on."

After hearing that Metal Amy lunges at Fog, getting ready for a vertical strike with her hammer

Fog looks up at Metal Amy with a determined look

Fog breathes in and out

Like it was in slow motion before Amy hits the ground with her hammer, Fog jumps out of the way

Fog then kicks Metal Amy in the head, knocking her straight into the ground, and leaving her in a crater

Fog sighs

Metal Amy, who is stuck in the ground, turns her head around looking at Fog

Fog gets back into his combat stance and gets ready to strike

Fog jumps and gets ready to hit Metal Amy with another monstrous kick

But right before Fog could get to Amy

Amy turns her body around, breaking the floor beneath her, in a flash and attempts to hit Fog in the stomach with her hammer

In mid-air, Fog tries to dodge. But he is only able to maneuver to the point where he won't take full damage

Amy hits Fog in the stomach, knocking him back straight into a wall ten feet away

Fog leaves his imprint on the wall and falls to his knees

Fog starts to breathe and pant violently

Fog's vision starts to blur

Fog coughs up blood

Fog holds his stomach


"Crap, all that was from one unsuccessful strike?"

Metal Amy gets out of the crater and starts to slowly walk toward Fog

Fog looks up at Metal Amy as his vision starts to get more clear

Fog smiles as blood drip from his mouth

Fog slowly stands up, still holding his stomach


"I guess I have to be more careful with you, don't I?"

Fog takes his hand off his stomach

Fog looks around and sees that he is in a cramped area

Fog looks at the giant hole in the wall Metal Amy created

Fog looks back at Metal Amy


"Why don't we take this outside?"

Fog runs toward Metal Amy

Fog gets ready for an almighty kick

Fog spins around and sends a flying kick toward Metal Amy

Metal Amy blocks the kick with the handle of her hammer. But still, the force of the kick is continuing. It's causing Metal Amy's boots to dig into the ground as it moves her back

Fog takes a deep breath

Fog relents the force and lets himself fall, causing Metal Amy to fall forward for a split second

For that split second, Fog lands on the ground and kicks Metal Amy in the side with an almighty kick. Sending Metal Amy through the opposite wall

Fog runs toward the hole where Metal Amy was at and jumps out of the building

Fog looks forward as he is falling and he sees Metal Amy lunging itself toward Fog

Fog got ready for another kick

But before Fog could kick, Metal Amy gets ready her hammer

Fog looks at Metal Amy's position, knowing what she is about to do. Thinking that his legs won't be able to handle a full-on collision with her hammer, remembering how he lost his arm to Metal Knuckles

As soon as Metal Amy gets close enough Fog controls his body midair into a diving position, causing himself to fall faster

Metal Amy then hit the casino building with her hammer with full force. Destroying at least three layers of walls, making the whole building shake

Fog lands on the ground safely and looks up at the rubble plummeting toward him

Fog runs out of the way of the rubble and looks up at the hole in the building above him

Fog looks around for any civilians, seeing that the place is deserted

Fog sighs in relief


"I guess they work pretty fast."

Metal Amy steps out of the hole she created and jumped out of the hole toward Fog

Fog sees this and turns around. Starting to sprint in the opposite direction

Fog runs into an alleyway and leans on the wall behind him


"I have to find a way to destroy that thing."

Fog looks up at the fire escape

Fog smiles

Metal Amy slowly walks down the street, dragging her hammer in the ground

Metal Amy's sensors pick up the sound of something stepping on trash

Metal Amy looks in the direction of the sound and swings her hammer

The wind pressure from the hammer cuts through the walls of the building, showing the alleyway, revealing that there was no one hiding

Fog, on top of a building, looks down at Metal Amy

Fog looks down and picks up a pebble

Fog drops the pebble on the sidewalk right below the ledge he's standing on

The sound of the pebble hitting the ground causes Metal Amy to look toward the direction of the pebble

Metal Amy turns toward the direction of the sound and started to walk toward the pebble

As soon as Metal Amy got to the pebble, she looks down at the pebble, then up at the ledge it fell from

Metal Amy's feet suddenly start to transform and turn into rocket boosters

Metal Amy slowly flies to the top of a building, still hovering

A window then breaks in the background, catching Metal Amy's attention

Then Fog comes out of the shadow and kicks Metal Amy in the back with an almighty kick! Knocking her back in the street, causing a medium-sized crater to be created from the impact

Fog slips back into the shadows

Metal Amy uses her boosts to fly out of the crater, unveiling a giant dent in her back, still holding her hammer

Metal Amy flies back to where it was and looks around for Fog. But instead of just hovering by the building, it decides to hover over it


"Scanner activate."

Metal Amy then tries to scan the entire area but finds nothing

On a higher building, Fog runs toward the ledge

Fog jumps off of the building and points his momentum toward Metal Amy, getting into a stance of a flying kick

Fog falls toward Metal Amy

Metal Amy turns around and looks up at Fog, but it was too late


"This is the end for you."

Using the downward momentum he gained from falling Fog uses the heel of his foot to kick Metal Amy in the head, causing it to fly straight into the building, going through two floors, and reaching the ground floor!

Metal Amy sits in a crater on the bottom of the building, in the crater. With a hole in the left side of her head, sparking from all the damage

Fog falls from the ceiling, landing on his feet. Then looks down at Metal Amy

Fog jumps down to where Metal Amy is

Fog looks down at Metal Amy

What's left of Metal Amy looks up at Fog

In the P.O.V. of Metal Amy, all it sees is a red cracked interface, showing only the right side because of the damage to the left. Displaying many errors because of "system failure"

Fog raises his leg


"Good riddance."

Fog stomps, causing what's left of Metal Amy's red cracked interface to shatter

Outside, Fog stands on the ledge of a building and sees an explosion in the distance

In distance, Metal Tails flew with his two tails, dropping bombs from his stomach onto the streets and buildings. Decimating them completely, as screams of civilians are heard in the background

Fog continues to look into the distance

Fog breathes in and out


"You're next."