
Fog the Hedgehog

In an alternate dark alternate future, the world is left in ruins by an evil robot named Superior Metal Sonic and his evil legion of robots. The only ones who can stop them is the son of Silver the Hedgehog Fog and a little blue Hedgehog named Velocity. They will embark on a new adventure through the intense wasteland that was the world to maybe end this nightmare once and for all.

Giggabits606 · ゲーム
10 Chs

Chapter Five: Fog Vs. Metal Knuckles



"Five years ago. I was trying to take down an android production plant on my own."

A younger Fog with fewer scars and both arms kicks down a random android

He then uses his arms to punch the head off of another

Fog pants and looks behind unveiling the hundreds of random androids he took down that were guarding the plant

Fog hears a noise in the distance

Fog looks in the direction of the noise

Metal Knuckles crashes to the ground and looks at Fog with his glowing red eyes

Fog looks at Metal Knuckles with a tired look


"If you want to fight. Then let's fight!"

"I guess it's safe to say I failed."

Fog, beaten up and bloodied, looks at Metal Knuckles. As Metal Knuckles looks like it's undamaged

Fog lunges at Metal Knuckles and gets ready to kick. But instead of a kick he swings his body around to get ready for a punch

In response, Metal Knuckles gets ready for a punch of his own and collides fists with Fog

Fog is blasted back as his right arm explodes in tiny bits

"And I lost an arm because of it."

Fog, standing on a building, looks down at Metal Knuckles in the distance


"This time, it'll be different."

Metal Knuckles walks through torn up parts of the city looking for targets

Fog jumps down, facing the back of Metal Knuckles

Metal Knuckles turns his head toward Fog


"Remember me?"

Metal Knuckles turns his whole body to face Fog




"I remember you. You lost an arm because of your stupidity."

Fog looks to Metal Knuckles with a stern look


"It's time for our rematch you scumbag."

Fog holds his metal arm


"If you say so."

Fog gets into his battle stance

Fog and Metal Knuckles lunge at each other

Fog gets ready a kick. But shifts his weight to spin into a punch

Metal Knuckles gets ready one of his monstrous punches


"Same body. Same mistake."

But before Metal Knuckles could make contact Fog shifts his weight toward the ground, causing Metal Knuckles to miss

Fog then jumps into the air and uses a kick to kick Metal Knuckles

Metal Knuckles catches the kick with his right-hand glowing red


"It's time for you to lose a leg too."

Fog jumps into the air and uses his other leg to kick Metal Knuckles's hand, causing a specific joint to become lose. Giving Fog the opportunity to cover some ground away from Metal Knuckles

"If I fight him like a did back then, I'll for sure lose."

Fog looks toward Metal Knuckles with a stern stare

"I focused too much on power back then. Now, I need to play smart."

Metal Knuckles lunge toward Fog and gets ready a monstrous punch

Fog dodges the blow as the punch goes straight into a building behind him, causing the building to start to crumble

Fog starts to run down the street. Using his own specific skills to dodge the upcoming obstacles, as Knuckles start to bulldoze through them like a wrecking ball

Fog turns a corner, making it look like he started to run down the street

Metal Knuckles destroys a car that was in his way and turns the corner, drifting his feet in the process because of his previous speed

Fog jumps from the corner and kicks Metal Knuckles on the head

Metal Knuckles tries to grab Fog's ankle but Fog shifts his weight in the air to spin around and kicks Metal Knuckles in the side of it's head

This stuns Metal Knuckles for a second. As soon as Fog touches the ground he jumps away, to gain some space from his opponent

Metal Knuckles regains it's composure and lunges at Fog and gets ready a monstrous punch

Fog steps to the left, dodging Metal Knuckles

Metal Knuckles, in response, hits Fog with the backside of it's hand. Knocking Fog through the wall of a building

Fog is stuck in a daze for a couple of seconds as he tries to regains his composure

Metal Knuckles charges his jump and jumps toward Fog, hoping to crush him completely…

As soon as Fog snaps out of it, he moves out of the way of Metal Knuckles

As soon as Metal Knuckles hits the ground, a crater is formed

The force from the fall then knocked Fog six feet away from the crater, into a bookshelf

Fog looks at Metal Knuckles

"I can't let this bastard win."

Fog stands up and starts to run and jumps out of the nearest window

Fog continues to run to the street as Knuckles charges through the window, chasing Fog

"This is obviously not working."

Fog looks back at Metal Knuckles

"I need to find a way…."

Metal Knuckles catches up to Fog and grabs shoulder by the arm and throws Fog through another wall

Fog sits in a crater inside another building panting

"Maybe I should give up..."

"I can't do anything to stop it. I failed..."

A breeze passes by and a picture that was hanging out of Fog's boot flows away

Fog looks up at the picture as it floats in the air

Fog sees a picture of himself and Velocity smiling at the camera

Fog focuses on Velocity's smile


Fog slowly stands up

"To protect his smile. I can't give up."

Fog catches the picture before it flies off and stuffs it into his right boot

Fog clenches his fists

"I have to come back to him, no matter what!"


Metal Knuckles lunges toward Fog

Fog jumps out of the way

As soon at Metal Knuckles comes into view Fog uses the wall behind him to launch himself toward Metal Knuckles!

Then Fog uses all that momentum to kick Metal Knuckles through the opposite wall with the force of a wrecking ball

Fog lands on his feet and looks toward the recent hole in the wall

Fog looks defiantly in Metal Knuckles's direction


Fog jumps through the hole to the outside and looks at Metal Knuckles, already standing up from the impact

"If I can't beat him with strength. Then I'll beat him in speed."

Fog lunges at Metal Knuckles and Metal Knuckles does the same

Metal Knuckles throws a right hook

Fog dodges the right hook and does a front flips forward, kicking Metal Knuckles in the head with his heel

Metal Knuckles continues to try to punch Fog as Fog narrowly dodges every single blow, sneaking in as many punches and kicks as he can

A punch almost hits Fog but Fog manages to dodge


The fight slowly starts to pick up even more speed. Getting faster by the second

Metal Knuckles throws a left hook and Fog narrowly dodges with a duck

Fog then jumps and knees Metal Knuckles straight into the chin!


The dodging game starts to continue after that. But even faster than before


Metal Knuckles's fists started to become blurs, as Fog's dodges started to become afterimages. The fight becoming faster than imagination

As the fight slowly starts to continue Metal Knuckles starts to get hit as the fast movements continue. Then it gets hit again, again again, and again!

Metal Knuckles's movements start to slow down as it starts to get over bombarded with a barrage of attacks from Fog

One of the hits dents Metal Knuckles's head, then it's side, now the next hit destroys it's leg. Causing it to bend to one knee

Fog continues his barrage

Metal Knuckles's body slowly starts to break down, body part by body part. Leaving Metal Knuckles down to it's knees

Fog spins his entire body getting ready a punch

Metal Knuckles looks up at Fog and powers up one of it's monstrous punches


Fog spins around to the left


Fog then uses a monstrous vertical kick to kick Metal Knuckles's head straight into the ground!


"I have to finish this."

Fog gets into a proper battle stance


"For good."

Fog puts down another vertical kick straight to Metal Knuckles's head, causing it's head to cave in. Destroying Metal Knuckles for good…..

Fog pants out of exhaustion


"It's finally over…:

Fog almost falls over because of exhaustion

A rumble is heard

Fog looks in the direction of the rumble with a suprised look

Metal Silver flies into the cavern and looks at Fog with a glare



Metal Silver uses his Phsycokinesis to pick up a tiny rock

Fog starts to run toward Metal Silver


"I won't let you!"

Metal Silver then shoots the rock at high speeds right through Fog's heart…

Fog starts to fall to the ground


"Hurt anyone else..."

Fog hits the ground as a pool of blood starts to form around him