
Fog the Hedgehog

In an alternate dark alternate future, the world is left in ruins by an evil robot named Superior Metal Sonic and his evil legion of robots. The only ones who can stop them is the son of Silver the Hedgehog Fog and a little blue Hedgehog named Velocity. They will embark on a new adventure through the intense wasteland that was the world to maybe end this nightmare once and for all.

Giggabits606 · ゲーム
10 Chs

CHAPTER 10: Mysterious Cave

Fog and Velocity, cloaked cloaked in rags slowly walk through the dust storm that is encircling them from the desert of storms. The two continue their journey through the storm trying to find anything that might be able to help them in their search. Until they eventually slowly stumble upon a cave. Fog looks down at Velocity and points at the cave.

Velocity nods.

The two slowly make their journey to the cave.

When they enter the cave a wave of relief rushes over Fog and Velocity. As they are now finally able to hear, breathe, move, and talk normally again.

Velocity sighs out of relief and looks up at Fog.


"Finally! This desert really is a pain."

This causes Fog to chuckle.


"You're right. It really is."

Velocity and Fog look forward. Seeing that this isn't just a normal cave. It's a cavern leading to something bigger.

Fog smiles.


"This is interesting."

Velocity looks up at Fog.


"Can we go!"

Velocity's eyes start to glisten out of excitement.

Fog smiles. Giving into Velocity's impulsiveness.


"Yes we can go."

Velocity starts to jump in the air out of excitement as he starts to run down the cave.



Walking down the cave Fog starts to look around. Starting to see strange tribal markings around the cave. Some resembling the old hero Knuckles of old.

"This might actually be something."

Fog and Velocity continue down the cave and reach a somesort of arena area. It is a wide-spaced, circular area with a strange symbol in the middle. Random boulders are randomly sitting around the arena, like something exploded. There is also two pillars at the opposite end of the arena that strangely looks like a portal. Velocity runs more toward the arena. Fog reaches out his hand to stop Velocity but he's too late.


"Velocity no!"

Velocity stops in the middle of the arena and looks back at Fog with a confused look.


What? Nothings happening.

As Velocity says the strange symbol in the middle starts to glow. Velocity looks down.


"Uh oh..."

The boulders from around the arena start to hover and converge in front of the portal. The boulders start to come together, creating a giant rock golem.


"You don't belong here..."

Velocity runs to Fog's side as they both look up at the rock golem.

The Rock golem takes a few steps forward. With every step shaking the entire cavern.

Fog and Velocity look at each other and smile. The two anthromorphs take a step forward, confronting their challenge head-on.


"This is what I've been training you for."

Velocity smiles confidently.


"I know."

Velocity and Fog start to run toward the Rock Golum.

The rock golem throws it's first punch at the two anthromorphs.

Velocity and Fog look at each other and nod. The two run past each other, dodging the giant hit from the rock golem's first punch. Shaking the ground entirely.

When Velocity gets to the rock Golum's leg he places his hand onto it. Causing the rock to accelerate it's age, turning the rock into sediment. Causing the rock golem to fall to one knee.

Fog decides to take advantage of this and jumps up. Giving the rock golem a loud "CRACK!" as he kicks it with one of his monstrous kicks. Knocking the rock golem off its balance. Afterwards, Fog and Velocity jump back. Standing at each other's side as they try to figure out their next move.

Several of the smaller boulders in the rock Golum's torso start to break. As they shoot out to surround Fog and Velocity. Turning into their own mini rock golems.


"What the?"



Velocity nods and smiles.


"Yes sir!"

Fog lunges at a rock golem and punches a hole through one. Immediately moving to another to kick it into pieces.

Velocity runs at a rock golem opposite from Fog and touches it. Immediately turning it into sediment.

Fog jumps back to next to Velocity.


"You're relying too much on your power. Mix it with your martial arts."


"Okay, if you say so."

Fog jumps another rock golem and kicks it in half.

Velocity turns his attention to another rock golum and palm strikes the rock golum back. Using that millisecond skin contact to turn the rock golem into sediment. Velocity turns to another rock golum and starts to fight his way through his own.

Fog looks back Velocity and starts to display a proud smile.

A rock golem tries to punch Fog. But Fog jumps over the rock golum, using the rock golem as something to jump off of. Seeing the rock golum's future. Seeing the rock golem hitting back with a projectile.

"Ignore it! I have to focus on my own fighting style!"

Fog lands on the ground and turns to another rock golum. He lunges at the rock golem and gets ready for another monstrous kick. But before he could get to the rock golem a rock flies through the air and hits Fog in the head, knocking him to the ground. Knocking him into a daze.

Seeing their chance the surrounding rock golems try to smother Fog.

Velocity sees this and runs toward the mosh pit.


"No…. Not again!"

Velocity puts his hands on the ground and starts to accelerate the aging of the stone. Causing the stone floor of surrounding area to crack and shatter. Causing the rock golems to lose their balance and gives Velocity a window to run to the mosh pit and pull Fog out.

Fog immediately snaps out of the daze and stands up. Fog looks at Velocity.


"I definitely didn't teach you that."

Velocity smiles and gets into a battle stance.


"I practice on my own from time to time."

Fog looks at the giant rock golem and thinks for a second.


"We have to destroy the main source."

Fog looks at the smaller rock golems.


"I'll handle the little ones."

Fog looks at Velocity.


"I'll leave the big one to you. Find the core and destroy it."

Velocity nod and runs toward the giant rock golem.

Fog looks forward toward the army of smaller rock golems and cracks his knuckles.

Velocity runs toward the giant rock golem. A couple of mini rock golems get in his way. But determined, Velocity does not stop and jumps over the two mini rock golems, turning them to sediment. Velocity jumps onto the giant rock golem and starts searching.


"Where is it?"

Velocity runs over to the chest area and sees nothing. Until he looks up at looks at the head. Velocity smiles. He runs over to the head of the rock golem. But before he could get there, a human-sized rock golem appears.


"So you're trying to protect this spot specifically? Interesting..."

Velocity gets into a fighting stance.



Switching to Fog's point of view, he is tirelessly fighting through the mini rock golems. Destroying one after another with his strong body. After awhile, Fog starts to pant out of exhaustion. Fog looks in Velocity's direction.


"It would be nice if you found the core about now!"


"I'm working on it."

A group of mini rock golems appear in front of Fog.

Fog smirks and gets into a fighting stance.


"You guys really don't know when to quit, do you?"

Switching to Velocity point of view, Velocity is dodging one hit from the rock golem one after another. Velocity waits for another second for the rock golem to attack him again, but Velocity sidesteps and goes in for a gut punch. Knocking the rock golem back a few feet. Blocking the blow with a rock shield it created. But of course it crumbled after a few seconds.. Velocity looks forward and realizes a second before he hit the rock golem, it created a shield. Velocity smiles and lunges at the rock golem. The rock golem catches Velocity and throws him away. Velocity catches himself and starts to think for a second. Velocity reaches into his bag and finds something useful, causing him to smirk.

Velocity takes out a smoke bomb and throws it at the rock golem. Causing it to be confused. But before it could realize where he was, Velocity sneaks up behind it and touches it. Immediately turning it to sediment. Velocity walks out of the smoke smiling.


"A little trickery will help with anything."

Switching to Fog's point of view, Fog punches a rock golem to pieces. Fog stands there with his knuckles bleeding and with bruises all over his body. Not giving him a break, a whole armada of new rock golems appear behind him. Fog turns around and looks at the arma and sighs out of exhaustion.



Fog looks up.


"Did you find it yet?! Because I would very much so like a break right about now!"

Velocity sighs. Velocity now backs up a few steps and sprints toward the head. While he sprints to the head, the rock golum starts to summon a new army of rock golums to stop Velocity. But Velocity jumps over them and finally, lands his hands on the head. Causing the entire head to turn into sediment.

This causes a butterfly effect turning all of the remaining rock golums into rubble once more. Ending the fight.

Fog falls butt and sighs out of relief.

Velocity walks over to Fog, smiling.


"How did I do?"

Fog slowly stands up and looks down at Velocity.


"Not bad kid. Not bad."

A weird popping sound is heard in the background, catching Fog's and Velocity's attention. Fog and Velocity look toward the noise seeing that the two pillars on the opposite side of the room have formed a shining bright portal. Fog looks down at Velocity and smiles.

Velocity nods.

The two walk through the portal.

A bright flash occurs.

When their vision fades back, Fog and Velocity find themselves on floating green luscious island with beautiful waterfalls, beautiful forests, and beautiful pretty much everything. There is also a giant temple in the middle.

Fog and Velocity look forward and see a red anthromorth looking at them with a fierce glare. The anthromorph is covered in tribal-style attire, matching the inscriptions of the tribal markings on the walls of the cave.


"Who the hell are you?"



Sorry, I have been super inactive. I have been really busy with school, work, and a lot of other stuff. Actually, just last May I graduated highschool! Crazy, right? Now I'm in college. But I'm gonna try my best to make more time to post for you guys, I promise! ^-^