
First to Fall

Braylen (FL) ________ "How did it come to this? How could I have lost the bet? HE was supposed to have caved before me. I've never fell in love with someone before, but WHY did it have to be HIM of all people?!" °°° Mikhail (ML) "Impossible. I can't love Braylen, can I? No way I fell for her, she is so stubborn and annoying. She is so pretty though.. And she smells amazing. Woah, wow first time ever I lost a bet. I guess I did then huh, I fell for the enemy." *** "Mikhail I'm tired of playing cat and mouse with you! Are you going to kiss me or not?!" I said, growing increasingly agitated. He smirked and pushed me against my bedroom wall. Then without a word, smashed his lips against mine. Dang. He tasted amazing! I wrapped my arms around his neck and his, snaked their way around my waist. I found myself sighing against his lips, in contempt. I've wanted this ever since we both knew we liked each other. Started out as a casual crush, and then the bet happened. He then deepened the kiss as we both grew hungrier and more needy for more. "You taste so good Braylen.. Let me taste every part of your mouth." He mumbled in between kisses. I could feel my cheeks redden even more at the thought. Seemingly growing impatient with my silence, he bit my lower lip for access. My lips parted open, when I uncontrollably gasped. Giving him access and he thrusted his tongue into my mouth without any hesitation whatsoever. I widened my eyes in shock, but soon relaxed and fought for dominance over my mouth with my own tongue. We fought with our tongues for a bit, but of course I lost our little battle. He took the lead and as his reward, I let him explore every inch of my mouth freely. Soon he left my mouth, and started slowly leaving a trail of kisses down to my neck. I tried to keep quiet, considering my parents were just right downstairs but I failed. I let out a small moan and let my head fall against the wall, giving him better access to my neck. I felt him smirk against my skin and he bit my neck playfully. I let out a small yelp and my hands seemed to find their way into his hair, entangling my fingers into the soft black curls. Soon his hands found their way to hips and started to squeeze them with a firm grip. I gasped. He then started trailing kisses back up to my mouth, once again claiming my lips. He then started kissing me passionately and me returning the passion the same. I could feel a fire start to flicker inside my lower stomach and knew if we didn't stop, I was going to let him go all the way. If we didn't stop, he was going to take my virginity.. But I didn't care.

ArcanaCanes · 若者
2 Chs

Chapter One; "I hate you!"

Braylen's POV :

Annoying. He's so dang aggravating and annoying. Mikhail, the most popular guy in our school, and my rival. I hate him so much, and like him at the same time.. Hes so hot one minute, and so disgusting the other.

Me and him have been against each other since the very beginning of kindergarten when we first met. And ever since then, we just have been at each other's throats constantly and at competition against each other for everything.

I liked being the best-out-of-the-best, and so did he. We were complete opposites, but we had one thing in common. We liked to be winning, and that was hard when one or the other was.. Most of the time, me and him ended up tying. Which we both hated beyond compare. There could only be one alpha, and we have both fought over the title for years.

We had prank wars, we tied. Had grade wars, tied. Kiss bets and/or date bets, tyed. Everything we made out to be a competition, we always tied. No one ever won, and that was very aggravating for the both of us. This time, this bet.. It would be different. SOMEONE, whether it be me or him, was going to win. And I was going to make sure, it was me.


"Hmm. This new style looks better on you. You should wear it more often." Mikhail said while examining me from head to toe then he smiled. Making my heart stop, with the action.

My eyes widened in shock and I could feel my cheeks heat up a little. He likes the way I look today? But he has always told me that I look ugly? D-Does he finally like me too?

"R-Really? T--"

Mikhail grinned evilly then turned his lunch tray upside down, and dumped it's contents all over me. Then he and his posse started holding there stomachs and burst into laughter, the entire students in the cafeteria following suit.

"See! Everyone don't you all think this new style she's trying looks good!? It really does seem to suit her! Doesn't she look good!?" He said his voice getting a bit louder, to address the entire cafeteria before he started laughing even harder than before.

My mouth widened, my eyes watered and I could feel my lip trembled. I felt hurt and betrayed beyond compare. I should have known he was not trying to be nice, Mikhail Draken was NEVER, never nice to anyone. The previous emotions passed quickly to be replaced with pure blind rage bubbling up inside me growing increasingly fast and the intensity by the pound as the seconds went by. I gritted my teeth and smiled coldly at him.

"Hmm.. Mikhail, I think your right! You, youself on the other hand you don't. Let's make you look just as good as me!"

Before he could say anything or decipher what I meant, I poured my drink over his head and then dumped my lunch all over him too.

I bursted into laughter and my friends started laughing too. His eyes widened and his jaw locked. His pinched his brown together in a scowl and his eyed turned cold.

I stopped laughing and dared step closer to him, glaring up at him with an evil smirk. His lips stretched into a thin line and twitched in anger while he looked down on me. Without a word he pushed me to the ground with too much force than he probably intended to, causing me to hit my head on the ground with a loud 'BAM' to the floor. I winced a bit to loudly and squeezed my eyes shut in pain.

I started to feel something wet and warm slither it's way down my forehead. I sat up slowly with a yelp and touched the liquid with my hand and saw dark red ooze on my finger.

I looked up at Mikhail and his eyes were widened and his lips parted in shock. His brows were pinched together, with what looked like guilt or regret if I didn't know him any better. It was probably just rage. I gritted my teeth together and slowly got up, with all the strength I could manage I pushed him back.

"Your a terrible person Mikhail! I hate you!" I spat and the entire cafeteria went silent. Mikhail stumbled back a little but the push mostly didn't do anything. His face flashed through a few different emotions, but I couldn't pin point what any of them were because as soon as they appeared they disappeared just as quick as they arrived. Now the only thing thing that showed on his face was pure undeniable coldness.

Everyone in the cafeteria went silent for awhile.

Me and Mikhail just glared at each other in silence, neither of us flinching at the other. He narrowed his eyes and finally spoke, his voice loud and clear with no emotion whatsoever and very detectable authority.

"Stay out of my way Foyer. There is only one person in this school that owns it, and that isn't you. I hope I've made that clear." And with that, he turned away from me, along with his posse and left the cafeteria. I gritted my teeth and felt my lip tremble. Then without any indication at all, my eyes started to burn.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall, so before everyone could see I ran out the cafeteria and into the school faculties bathroom. Once I got it, I immediately locked the door behind me. And without a second to spare, the tears started flowing ferociously, they just wouldn't stop.

I turned my back towards the door and slid all the way down to the floor. I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them then buried my face between my legs and cried. I cried for what seemed like hours until I could cry no more.

I have always had a teeny crush on Mikhail, have had one since kindergarten. I tried to make friends with him on the first day, but instead of accepting the offer.. He laughed in my face and made fun of me. I couldn't help but attracted to him, but gosh his personality was evil. It was such a toxic person, but even so that never stopped my feelings.

I wish I'd never met him, I wish I never liked him. And most of all, I wish he liked me too. Pathetic. I'm so pathetic. I laughed bitterly at myself with gritted teeth. I stood up and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. My eyes and cheeks were puffy and red, had a dry tear stained faced and nose was a bit runny.

I cleaned myself up as much as I could before I walked out of the bathroom. As soon as I walked out, I heard the end of school bell ring.


As soon as I reached my room I slammed the door, locked it, dropped my backpack and slumped into my bed face first with exhaustion. I just stayed there not thinking about anything, just nothing. Blank. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.