
First to Fall

Braylen (FL) ________ "How did it come to this? How could I have lost the bet? HE was supposed to have caved before me. I've never fell in love with someone before, but WHY did it have to be HIM of all people?!" °°° Mikhail (ML) "Impossible. I can't love Braylen, can I? No way I fell for her, she is so stubborn and annoying. She is so pretty though.. And she smells amazing. Woah, wow first time ever I lost a bet. I guess I did then huh, I fell for the enemy." *** "Mikhail I'm tired of playing cat and mouse with you! Are you going to kiss me or not?!" I said, growing increasingly agitated. He smirked and pushed me against my bedroom wall. Then without a word, smashed his lips against mine. Dang. He tasted amazing! I wrapped my arms around his neck and his, snaked their way around my waist. I found myself sighing against his lips, in contempt. I've wanted this ever since we both knew we liked each other. Started out as a casual crush, and then the bet happened. He then deepened the kiss as we both grew hungrier and more needy for more. "You taste so good Braylen.. Let me taste every part of your mouth." He mumbled in between kisses. I could feel my cheeks redden even more at the thought. Seemingly growing impatient with my silence, he bit my lower lip for access. My lips parted open, when I uncontrollably gasped. Giving him access and he thrusted his tongue into my mouth without any hesitation whatsoever. I widened my eyes in shock, but soon relaxed and fought for dominance over my mouth with my own tongue. We fought with our tongues for a bit, but of course I lost our little battle. He took the lead and as his reward, I let him explore every inch of my mouth freely. Soon he left my mouth, and started slowly leaving a trail of kisses down to my neck. I tried to keep quiet, considering my parents were just right downstairs but I failed. I let out a small moan and let my head fall against the wall, giving him better access to my neck. I felt him smirk against my skin and he bit my neck playfully. I let out a small yelp and my hands seemed to find their way into his hair, entangling my fingers into the soft black curls. Soon his hands found their way to hips and started to squeeze them with a firm grip. I gasped. He then started trailing kisses back up to my mouth, once again claiming my lips. He then started kissing me passionately and me returning the passion the same. I could feel a fire start to flicker inside my lower stomach and knew if we didn't stop, I was going to let him go all the way. If we didn't stop, he was going to take my virginity.. But I didn't care.

ArcanaCanes · Teen
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2 Chs

First to Fall

It started out as a bet, a bet between rivals. A bet between seventeen year old teenagers.

A bet that they had to take every single person in they're entire school of the opposite gender, on a date and then break their heart.

Soon they both had achieved they're goal, which took no time at all and it became incredibly boring.

They both decided to make things a bit more difficult and challenging.. Not to mention, more fun. They're next bet was to make each other fall in love.

Whoever caved first, lost. Whoever lost, had to do whatever the other one said or wanted for the entire rest of the senior year. They both took bets extremely seriously, and 'losing' was a word neither of them was fond of or acknowledged.

Although this bet proved to be the most challenging one either of them ever took on, the bragging rights and reward were far too great to ignore.

What happens when the two most popular kids in highschool start falling in love with each other, without realizing it..?

What happen when two rivals, that have been enemies for years start to feel something other than hate?

Who will be the first to cave? The first to Fall?

We'll just have to find out in chapter one of 'First to Fall' with Mikhail and Braylen!!