
First ever

<p>Sipping some more cola, not taking my eyes off the 2 inch text book in front of me, with an entranced face, I smiled afterwards and placed the book on the table in front of me digesting true facts I just unveiled <br/><br/><br/>I'm Mel, and yes im so much in love with biology but more on the animal aspect, I always had this thing to study and just make random science research<br/><br/><br/>Just finished prep school awaiting my admission letter but still I couldn't give my self that time rest as my chem tutor always said training the brain daily prevents it from getting rusty. Lol. Funny though but I really did take interest in infatuating myself with anything biology<br/><br/><br/>I liked most calculations in physics but the problem was grooming, I didn't have whom to groom me in some aspect since I needed basic tactics and procedure in deciphering a problem so I focused more on what I think I did best, my precious biology <br/>Though wrong, but biology was the only thing I read for month while awaiting admission <br/><br/><br/>At some point, I got familiarized with some guy on the blue app even after timelessly wading him off with rude speeches<br/>6 months passed, we eventually became friends, chat buddies preferably and more so quarrel buddies<br/><br/><br/>He did profess love for me one time, and I just laughed over it, though I caught feelings I didn't want to bring myself to the reality of being in a relationship<br/><br/>We gradually grew from friend zone to sort of a lovers thing but still I stood my ground on no relationship.<br/><br/><br/>My long awaited admission letter finally dropped and my father's choice came through… Something led to something, i wasn't going to the school anymore <br/><br/><br/>I had to re enroll and wait a year plus extra before seeking another admission in an entirely different school of my choice settling with the agreement of me paying part of the fees <br/><br/><br/>With the time being I got engrossed by this guy's love, yes we did start chatting dirty<br/>At that point I couldn't let a day go by without texting him <br/>I finally went visiting after a year plus and there the flower bloomed, we got into a relationship when I turned 18. Nice start I'll say, he was my first ever<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>