
Twin flame

<p>"Let's take a blood oath bonding us for life…"Mel spurted <br/><br/>"Wh-what" clears throat "I mean that's risky, it's not I who's the problem here I know myself, it's you I'm scared for, you know what blood oath does, you get bonded with me, you can't even think of another man not that I'll want you to, but c'mon baby girl we don't know what the future holds we don't know what might become of us" *sighs* "I don't want the basis of our relationship to be on the fact that we're bonded my blood,I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you into the relationship one day since you'll have no other option"<br/><br/>"No no shh don't say that, I'll never and you know it, I've loved you and it's a lifetime thing…. If you think blood oath is risky, fine then but promise me after I'm deflowered you won't see me as other girls, you won't think me as cheap and loosed, that I won't disgust…." Her mouth was closed with his kisses, he ravaged her mouth deepening the kiss with time out of passion and to stop her from saying those harsh words about herself, breathing hard after being cut from air for that long <br/><br/><br/>"I'll never melody" he said out her name with a gasp, he was half way inside of her not breaking her hymen yet "Not after things you've made me feel, can't even bring the thought of you being in another man's arms, if you don't want us to do this right now, it's fine I'll withdraw and sort myself out"<br/><br/>She smiled even with teary eyes, he was already within her taking his time to prepare her body for the last push"I love you" she smiled and gave him a peck on the lips "may I take the honor Melody Francis?"</p>