
Konaha (Part 1)

Hokage: What you are telling me is Renjiro is now a spy?

Kichi: Yes Lady Hokage.

Hokage: Well, bring him back then!

Kichi: He seems pretty adamant about this.

Hokage: Well then we will treat him as any other missing ninja then.

Kichi: You're not going to send people after him, are you?

Hokage: Only if he attacks other places. Right now we will label him as a class B ninja threat, but if he trains with Orochimaru he might end up as class A or S. You also cannot tell anyone that he has not actually betrayed the village. If he attacks somewhere we will capture him, and return him home. You Kichi, since you seem pretty sure that he won't betray us, will be the one checking on him. You, by yourself, will gain his information.

Kichi: What if he is followed by Orochimaru, what then?

Hokage: Fine, bring your team.

Kichi: No, I need jonin! Send the anbu black ops.

Hokage: I won't waste my time then. I will send them to capture Renjiro if you don't collect his info.

Kichi: Yes Lady Hokage.

Hokage: You may leave my office.

Kichi leaves.


Kichi runs through the woods. Eventually, he makes it to the Great Naruto Bridge. The town is bustling. The town is full of merchants and traders that come to their town over the Great Naruto Bridge. Renjiro is standing in a crowd so it is hard to pick out, but Kichi finds him.

Renjiro: Sensei.

Kichi: Renjiro.

They both stand next to each other on the bridge.

Renjiro: Orochimaru has been making his own people.

Kichi: What do you mean?

Renjiro: He has been recreating people from their DNA. Niko is a 5th Hokage clone, and he has a new clone. I don't know whose DNA he took to make here though. That is all I have learned.

Kichi: Is that all?

Renjiro: That's it so far.

Kichi: Is there anything you want to tell your friends?

Renjiro: Tell Nanami to find someone else to love. I have a feeling I will be away for a few years. Tell her I have gone bad or whatever. Since I know you probably have to tell everyone I am evil now. Also, tell Ray the next time I face him I will kill him. Get him riled up. So that we can have a great battle the next time we see each other.

Kichi: I will tell them what you said. See you, Renjiro.

Kichi runs away.


Kichi goes back to the village of the hidden leaf, and finds Nanami.

Kichi: Nanami I have to talk to you about Renjiro.

Nanami: Is he coming back?

Kichi: No, he has been killing people for Orochimaru. A day ago I fought him. He has become more powerful. I tried to persuade him to come back, but he said that he no longer cares for anyone in this village. Then he took off his necklace, and stomped on it.

Nanami: ...Can I have some alone time?

Kichi: Of course.

Kichi leaves, and goes to find Ray.

Ray: Kichi, are you here to train me?

Kichi: Yes, but first I have to tell you what Renjiro said. He said the next time you guys meet he is going to easily kill you no problem, and to train all you want because it won't do anything to change your fate.


Kichi: I'm glad you're all fired up! Yeah, let's train real hard!

Kichi(In Head): I don't know if telling Nanami a lie helped, but Renjiro was correct about Ray. I don't know if I will be able to get Ray to stop training.


Nanami had been crying in her bed, and Kichi knocks on the door. She drys her eyes, and opens the door.

Kichi: Nanami, you have been slacking off on your training for a whole week, what's up?


Kichi: It's not Renjiro, is it? He has gone to the dark side. It's no one's fault, but his own.

She starts crying.

Nanami: You don't get it Kichi! We had been friends since we were kids! Even if I didn't have a crush on him! We were best friends! Rays only taking this easy because he has changed! I can't talk to anyone about it! None of you even care that Renjiro left!

Kichi: Nanami, I do care. That's why we have to train. So one day we can take him home. I wasn't saying move on, and forget about Renjiro. I was saying push him aside. Focus on yourself. You matter more than Renjiro right now. Can you do that for me, and come train with us tomorrow?

Nanami: I think I can.

Nanami then trained for the rest of 3 years. She mainly focused on her wood style because Kichi thought that would be best for her. She still trained in strength, but her jutsu are way more powerful. She grew a lot the next three years.


Kichi: Ray you should probably try, and unlock your mangekyou sharingan soon.

Ray: What's that?

Kichi: It's like your sharingan, but better.

Ray: I don't need it!

Kichi: It makes you better at physical combat.

Ray: How do I unlock this power?!

Kichi: You have to go through a big emotional trauma.

Ray: Sorry I don't care about anyone!

Kichi: Anger is another emotion.

Ray: You sure I haven't already unlocked it?

Kichi: I'm pretty sure, and then there is also the eternal mangekyou sharingan. You need someone related to you that also has the mangekyou sharingan to make the eternal mangekyou sharingan. Which won't make you blind like the regular mangekyou sharingan.

Ray: I need a family member's eyes, hm.

Ray trains hard over the next three years keeping the fact that he needs his family member's eyes in the back of his mind. Then after lots of planning, he killed his mother. Then ripped out her eyes for when he needs the eternal mangekyou sharingan. Now that the Uchiha clan needs a new leader he makes a speech.

Ray: We all grieve at my mother's death. We were very close. It pains me to say that she is gone, but now someone needs to stand up in times of vulnerability to make the clan strong again. We will all be voting still for the next election. Even though I could have just taken the rest of her term. I believe that we should always be able to choose our leader. I hope you choose me. Thank you.

When the Uchiha Clan learned that he could have taken the term (Which was a lie). They all voted for him. Thinking that he was humble, but they never added in the rule that candidates couldn't lie in their campaign. By the end of the three years, Ray was now and the leader of the Uchiha clan. He intends to keep moving up the ranks to become the most powerful shinobi.