
Bonus Chapter

Kichi was walking back to the village, and sat down for ramen when he finally got back. When he finished the Ramen he was digging in his pockets for money. He found money, but also a crumpled-up piece of paper. He paid for the meal. Then he started reading the paper.

Kichi: This is Renjiro. I knew you were going to try and stop us. So I wrote this letter for me to put in your pocket when you fight us. I am not going to betray the village. I knew that Niko was connected to more, and that I would never get her in jail without joining her. I also knew there was more to that puzzle than just Niko. So I decided to join her. I will report back to you whenever I can. You were always like a father to me Kichi. Thank you for everything you did for me. Also tell Nanami that I love her, and will see her soon. Finally, tell Ray that the next time we see each other. I am still gonna win. I bet he's pretty angry right now. He must want to train. Me going on this mission could be a way to repay the village with enough intel to make up what I lost. You guys will always be my family. I love you all, Renjiro.

Kichi starts crying.

Kichi: Dammit Renjiro. You are always so smart. I won't leave you alone there too long. We will see each other again. I gotta go inform the Hokage that he is one of our spies.

Kichi leaves.