
Chapter 23: My Love Is Dead 2.

Reggie, Grant and Rania left leaving Ann. Ann held Kurt's pic and began to cry

Ann: I'll go to the Detective but first let me see if I'll get any clue around

Ann went to the basketball change room and began to search around, she searched in Kurt's locker and saw a briefcase

Ann: What's this?

Ann opened it and saw money and a note

Ann: Investigate my death and use this money you give to the Detective

Ann went to the Detective and saw Grant there but she thought it was Kurt

Ann: Kurt?

Ann hugged Kurt

Grant: What is happening?

Ann now saw that it was Grant

Ann: Grant, I'm sorry

Grant left, Ann sat down

Ann: Aren't u the Police woman?

Vanessa: I'm also a Detective, now what do u want?

Ann: I want u to investigate my boyfriend Kurt's death

Vanessa: Do u have money?

Ann: I do

Ann gave the briefcase to her, Vanessa opened the briefcase

Vanessa: I'll come to your School tomorrow to start the investigation

Ann: Thank u and please be quick

Vanessa: I would, u can leave now

Ann opened the door and left, Ann saw Kurt and followed him downstairs but when she went there He was not there

Ann: Kurt? I thought I saw him here, I'm just imagining things. I'll go home now

Ann was on her way home when she accidentally bumped into a handsome boy and his phone fell in someone's room

Edmund: Oh, My phone

Ann: Watch where you're going next time

Edmund: It was your fault and now my phone is not with me

Ann: Okay, I'll get your phone. It actually feel in my room, let's go so that I'll get it for u

Edmund followed Ann to the house, Ann gave his phone to him

Ann: Here u go

Edmund: Thanks

Ann: No need to thank me now just leave

Edmund was about to leave when Perpetual appeared

Perpetual: Ann, who's this?

Ann explained everything to her

Perpetual: Are u new here? Do u have anywhere to stay?

Ann rolled her eyes

Edmund: Both is a No, I ran away from my Stepmom and appeared here

Perpetual: Then, u can stay here

Ann: What if mom finds out?

Perpetual: She won't, he would be in the Basement