
Chapter 22: My Love Is Dead 1.

Guys, I'll be writing a new story called Totally Friends (Lots Of Novels), It includes of stories


A beautiful girl named Ann with her red dyed hair came to her boyfriend's house and saw Police there also

Ann: What is happening here?

Police Woman (Vanessa): Kurt is dead

Ann: What? No, that's not true. You're lying please tell me you're lying

Vanessa: I'm not lying

Ann began to wipe

Ann: Nooo, Kurt My Love

Ann continued wiping

Vanessa: I think we have to go now

Vanessa left, Ann went home and continued wiping. Her sister Perpetual came to her

Perpetual: Ann stop crying, He went for a reason

Ann: I know pretty sure that someone killed him so I'll investigate

Perpetual: Ann, just stop it okay

Ann: No, I won't. Kurt was my boyfriend and I love him so much so I would investigate his death starting from today

Perpetual: Do u want to eat?

Ann: No, I don't want to. Just leave already Perpetual

Perpetual: Okay, Okay I'll leave u

Perpetual left, Ann began to wipe more and more. She was remembering she and Kurt the times they spent together

Ann: Kurt, how do I actually look?

Kurt: You look excellent, Ann

Ann smiled, they both kissed. The next day, Ann went to School and decided to investigate Kurt's death. Ann entered her classroom and saw 3 people throwing tarts on Kurt's picture

Ann: I can't believe u girls would do this to Kurt

Reggie (Kurt's brother): Kurt never loved u, crazy girl. You were always controlling Kurt around

Ann: No, Kurt actually loved me with all his heart

Rania (Kurt's Ex): Loser

Ann: I am not a Loser

Ann held Rania's hair and pushed her on the floor, Rania also held Ann's hair too. Grant (Rania's Ex) and Reggie broke the fight

Reggie: Let's get out of here, Rania

Hey, this is Annie or Jhernnie Pinkie and This is a new story titled Totally Friends and it contains New Novels Too Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

JhernniePinkiecreators' thoughts