
Feigned Love: welcome to the family business

“ hi baby good morning, wake up" Ye- Jun tried waking Riley up

“ come on get up, am off to work" He added

Riley opened up and stretched the body,Riley stood up and took a sitting position on the bed.

“ I wish you will not go to work " Riley spoke

“ well if I don't go to work, how do I pay my institution fees, how do we feed, cloth ourselves and meet other personal needs. so the job is important" Ye- Jun replied

Riley stood up and embraced Ye- Jun from the back, “ it's so sweet your working for both of us, I love you " Riley spoke

Ye- Jun felt the embrace and he turned and replied “ I love you too, I prepared some food for you. Am going love you, see you later" Ye- Jun left the house and boarded a taxi,

“ where to?" the taxi driver asked

“ the great Hillstone" Ye- Jun replied

“ ok sir, come in let's move" the taxi driver responded

“ ok, thank you" Ye- Jun replied and got into the taxi and the taxi drove out.

Ye- Jun is a good looking, intelligent, talented and smart one. He hails from Country A, W City and an orphan brought to Country V, he is also a student. He works at the great Hillstone company in the Financial department.

Ava rolled from one side of bed to another, she had been awake since 4:00am thinking of what the next step since her contract was taken and Mr A has travelled back to the states promising to look for more opportunities for her.

“ what do I do now, I can't be sitting down, sleeping all day doing nothing" Ava said to herself

“ it seems it's time to start working" Ava said and stood up from the bed, she went in to the bathroom and had her shower.

Ava dressed and applied a light make up, since she is already beautiful there is no need for much make up. she took her bag, went downstairs got the car keys and drove out from the compound to the company.

She arrived at the parking space and park her car, she got her bag, before entering the building she decided to buy coffee from the nearby coffee shop and after getting the coffee she walked towards the entrance of the building.

Ye- Jun cursed within himself for the lateness because of the traffic, he was so annoyed for being late and tried to hurry up In to the building that he did not notice a young lady coming towards him, he mistakenly hit her and splashed her coffee on the ground luckily no of the coffee touched the lady.

“ Am sorry miss I did not mean to do that” Ye- Jun apologized

“ I will buy back you're coffee,I promise " he added pleading

“ hey, there is no problem you don't need to buy......" the young lady was interrupted by the handsome, good looking young man in her presence, she couldn't help but admire him.

Ye- Jun was already used to this “ hi are you okay" Ye- Jun tried calling the attention of the young lady who seemed to be lost

“ yes am fine and okay" Ava recollected herself

“ once again am sorry miss" Ye- Jun apologized and excused himself

Ava wondered who this guy was, so charming, glittering like diamond, his girlfriend or ex must have been lucky. “ he did not even feel surprise seeing me or he doesn't know my identity" Ava thought.

She was surprised because a lot of Men will be stunned to see her but this stranger was different “ I wonder who he is, I will find out" Ava said walked in the building to meet her brother

“ Hi brother good morning " Ava greeted Jett, she walked towards his chair and moved to his back. She cross her hands over him and place her head on his shoulder.

“ hey what's up" Ava spoke

“ Am fine Ava, what are you doing here" Jett asked

“ come on, is this not our family company, am I not free to come here when I want" Ava responded

“ that's not what am trying to say" Jett defended

“ am saying that you don't normally come here" he added

“ well let's say today is different " Ava replied and took a sit.

“ so what are you doing here?" Jett questioned

“ I need a job, since I don't have any contract for now" Ava answered

“ I can't be staying at home lazing all day, waiting for school to resume " she added

“ ok, that's not a problem. I will make you my assistant manager" Jett responded

“ No!!" Ava objected

“ I want to start from a lower position" she added with her legs crossed

“ why! your family owns the company, why do you want to work from a low position. it may take weeks, month or even a year to climb up" Jett asked with surprise

“ well that's my decision brother, I want to know the company properly" Ava still stood her ground

“ ok your wish is my command " Jett replied

“ so where do you want to work, which department" Jett asked

“ any department that is good, I will go for it" Ava replied as she stood up and took a magazine by the desk side.

A young lady walks into the office to drop a report for Jett, Ava noticed her body language as delivers her report and her dress was rather seductive.

“ woah, I can see some girls are after my big brother " Ava applaud

“ what are you talking about" Jett asked

“ the young lady who walked in to here. I read her body language and it was obvious that she likes you" Ava replied

“ that's outrageous, she knows the rules of no sexual relationship amongst workers" Jett replied defending

“ what stupid rule, so that's how you separate God made lovers " Ava asked

“ I advise you go after her, you have been single for long and it's not good" Ava admonished her brother

“ am not interested " Jett replied

“ okay that's your headache, I rest my case" Ava responded and went to her seat

“ I will appoint you to the marketing department" Jett spoke, Ava gave a nod.

Jett and Ava walked out of the office to another part of the building

“ Hello Mr Jevon, this is my sister Ava, I suppose you should know her" Jett introduced Ava

“ woah, who do we have here. I know Ava it's a pleasure to meet you" Mr Jevon replied

“ Thank you sir" Ava responded

Jett turned to Ava and spoke” Ava this is the head of the marketing department, Mr Jevon"

“ Mr Jevon my sister will be working under you, so will direct her and show her everything about the marketing department" he spoke directly to Jevon

“ No problem sir , Ava you are welcome" Jevon replied with a smile

“ So Ava shall we, let me introduce you to others" he added

Jett stood by and watched as she was introduced to everyone after seeing that everything was ok he left and returned to his office.

After a hectic day at work, Ava yawned as she walked toward jett office, she opened the door of his office without knocking.

“ you know fully well that am now your boss, so you should knock before getting in " jett spoke as Ava sat down and removed her shoes

“well bossy I promise to obey that rule when am strong enough to knock for a long time before getting a reply, so whenever am exhausted like I am right now that rule will not count" Ava responded and she placed her legs on the sofa to lay down.

“ so how was your first day at work" jett asked

Ava yawns and replies" hectic, stressful but at the end it was good. I had to sigh a lot of autograph today because majority of the workers happen to my fans"

“ am sure it must have been cool to you" jett said as he types some words on his keyboard

“ cool! that wasn't cool at all, I stopped it by letting them know that I now work here" Ava replied with a shock

“ Ava you won't blame them, its not everytime you get to work in the same company or department with your role model" jett responded

“so they are just taking advantage of it, don't be harsh on them" jett added

“ am not being harsh on them, am just letting them know that am working not modeling" Ava replied

Ava stands up from the sofa and started looking around like a person who is new to a certain place, jett who was working on some documents on his system looked at his sister and asked“ what are you searching for?"

Ava turned to him and asked with her hands on her waist “ where is your restroom?"

“ right there" jett pointed at a door not too far from the exit door

“ ok thanks" Ava responded and walked into the restroom

“ excuse me sir these are the documents you asked for" a well looking young man walks into jett office

“ ok, lets me see them" jett stretches his hand to collect the documents.

Jett slips through the files “ you can go, goodnight" jett said,

“ wait" jett interrupted the footsteps of the worker as he walks towards the door

“ Ye- Jun the documents you provided do they contain the financial reports of all the department for last month

“ yes sir they do" Ye- jun replied

“ok you may leave" jett responded as he waves his hands indicating that he should go

“ good night sir" Ye- jun said and left the office

“ who was that?" Ava who heard the voice while inside the restroom asked as she came out

“ ah that's was the head of the the financial department" jett replied

“ ok " ava responded

Ava yawns and stretches her body she lift's her hand up and looks at the watch on her wrist

“oh my God the time is pass 7;00pm, like seriously is this how it works, closing late" Ava asked

“ wow i did not know that it up to that time" Jett responded surprisedly

Jett stood up and packed up his laptop and some documents, come on sis let's go home I will round up the remaining at home. Ava stood up and joined him in the car, “ what of my car" Ava reminded and asked

“ That ? we can collect it tomorrow" Jett replied

“ ok" They drove out of the parking garage and went home.

Noah got home and had his shower, he paced around the house searching for his wife, he walked to the kitchen and saw her cooking. He stood at the door and admired her strength after all this year's of marriage, she still beautiful and good looking he thought in his mind.

Sophia who was so concentrated on what she was doing did not even take notice of her husband's presence, Noah slowly walked to her, he wrapped his hands around her waist.

“ honey we have maids, you do not need to be cooking" Noah said

Sophia after feeling the warm embrace from her husband and the sweet and familiar aura that turns her up gave a reply “ I know darling but it's just that I feel happy to cook for you and our children".

Sophia collected the knife to cut the vegetables, Noah held her hands to stop her. He removed the knife and vegetables from her hands, and she turned and looked at him, “ oh my God Noah what are you trying to do " Sophia blurted out when Noah held her by her waist, lifted and placed her on the table.

Noah used his hands and walked round her body, he gently placed a kiss on her lips, Sophia responded to his kiss, and Noah kissed her again with more passion, as they continued in there pleasurable moment.

“ Mom, dad we are back, where are guys" their moment was interrupted by there children.

Sophia immediately came down from the table and went into the living room, " hi baby girl your back" Sophia spoke

“ Hi mom, hi dad good evening" Ava replied and hugged them

“ where is Jett? " Noah asked

“ brother went upstairs to take a shower" Ava replied

“ ok dear, just go and have your shower. dinner will be ready before your done" Sophia spoke and returned to the kitchen, Ava gave a nod and went to her room.

Noah gave his wife a hand in arranging the table for dinner, he also helped in placing the food.

“ Woah these couple are making me jealous" Ava spoke as she walked to the dining table

“ yes they are" Jett added as he took a sit

“ ok guys lets eat" Sophia blushed

“ Ava I heard you started working at the company," Sophia asked

“ yes mom, the job is awesome including the company" Ava responded happily

“ ok then, hope you will enjoy yourself and by the way welcome to the family business" Noah gave ava a welcome

“ thanks, dad" Ava responded

“ come on let's eat" Jett who was feeling hungry had to cut the discussion

“ ok, cheers to Ava's job" Sophia raised a toast

“ Cheers" everyone responded