
Feigned Love:The unknown authority

Ava woke up from sleep and saw her brother sitting down staring at her, she rolls,stretches her body and yawns.

“ good morning beauty" Jett greeted

“ good morning” ava replied with a sleepy voice

“ how long have you been here” ava asked

“ for a long time,Just staring and wondering how my baby sister of yesterday has turned into a famous lady in M City" Jett replied

“haha" ava laughed

“ am I not still your baby sister" ava asked

“ of course you still are" Jett responded, he stood up and walked towards her and said “ no matter how old you get, your still a baby to me"

“ that's sweet brother" ava replied

Jett stood up and said “ go and brush you smell of morning breath"

Ava became ashamed and walked in to the bathroom, after brushing she came and sat down

“ I heard you won a contract with Clara Barton" Jett spoke

“ yeah, to be there model for there upcoming fashion show" ava replied

“ ok, that's good congratulations" Jett responded

“ so how long is the contract going to be" he asked

“ I don't know I have not yet sighed the necessary papers yet" ava replied

“ why?” Jett asked

“ Mrs Barton said the board is having some issues, but it will be settled very soon. she promised." ava replied

“ ok, if you say so, just be careful" Jett spoke

The door to Ava's room opens and Mr A walks in, “ ooh my God Ava your still on your bed” He spoke

“ come on get ready we need to go for shopping before the time for your rehearsals" he added

Mr A did not notice Jett presence early enough, he only noticed him when he turned his head towards the window he gasped and said “ ooh my gosh, Mr Jett am sorry I did not see you, good morning. I was scolding at her, I guess I have been petting her too much lately"

“ no problem your doing your job" Jett replied

“ thank you" Mr. A responded

“ I wish am a lady, I will happily marry you" Mr A teased

“ hahaha... hahaha" ava laughed

“ what a joke, I can't even imagine you as a female" ava said

“ Mr A that's was a really funny joke" Jett replied

Jett stood up and walked towards Ava, he placed a kiss on her forehead and walks towards the door,

“ take care of yourself, I love you, Mr A watch after her" he said and opened the door and walked out.

“ I love you too brother but I don't need to be watch after am okay" ava spoke aloud

“ don't worry Mr Jett, I will watch after her, trust me" Mr A replied aloud

“ why shopping?" Ava asked

“ it has been a long time you modeled for anyone, so we need to change your wardrobe" Mr A replied

“ why! I have a stock of clothes here that I have not used before and not even sure I will ever wear some of them" ava replied

“ who cares baby girl, your rich and a model, that's your job to get new stock every time possible even if you won't wear them" Mr A responded

“ now enough with this talks, get up and go have your bath the time is 10:00am and be fast" he added

“ yes Mr A" Ava replied and walked into the bathroom

She quickly had her bath and left the house together with Mr A.

After there shopping,Mr A decided for them to go the spa house,

“ I don't think that's necessary,I went to the spa two weeks ago. There is no need for that” Ava spoke

“ there is every necessity,as a Model your looks matters" Mr A replied

“ you have to always make sure you're skin is okay especially your face, now shall we go" he added

“ yes we shall” Ava responded

They left the shopping mall and went to the spa house, after few hours at the spa house they headed for the fashion house for rehearsal. on arrival they saw that the rehearsal has already started.

“ come on ladies I want to see you slay, slay like a queen. let those hips move" the instructor can be heard in the background

They walked in and greeted everyone, they had there sit and waited.

“ excuse, miss Ava, your next for rehearsal” one of the attendance spoke

“ ok am coming" Ava replied

The instructor ordered everyone to make way for Ava,

“ now Ava, I know this is not going to be hard for, I just need you to slay properly, move freely, moves those legs and hips” the instructor said

“ do it like today is the day of the show, show your skills, now the stage is yours" the instructor added

Ava nodded after getting all the instructions, she walked gradually with the popular steps know as cat walking, as she walked her elegance showed.

Everyone around were stunned,“ she's amazing, oh my god she's awesome" some of the other models spoke.

As Ava kept walking, she saw someone she never expected to see, she lost focus and missed her steps which caused her to fall.

Mr A and everyone saw what happened and was surprised, “ are you okay" a voice spoke and everyone turned and saw no other person than Lucas Wave.

“ wow she still loves him”,

“ I don't think so”

“ if not, then why did she miss her steps" the other models questioned amongst themselves

Mr A understood the situation at hand and what caused it, he walked towards Ava and helped her to get up, he assisted her to sit down.

“ it seems we will continue tomorrow" the instructor said

“ no sir, the rehearsal can go on, am not that hurt" Ava objected

“ yes I know you are not, but you need to rest, so am calling it a day off" the instructor responded

“ now ladies, pack your things we will see tomorrow same time" the instructor ordered

Meanwhile Lucas left after Ava sat down, Ava became surprise when she could no longer find him, she tried using her eyes to search.

“ you will continue to miss your steps if don't stop looking for him" Mr A interrupted her search

“ he is gone, now with Jenny. you have to over come that, I know he stood by you when you were still starting but now he has left you, if you don't work on that it will affect your career" Mr A added

“ Am sorry Mr A, I just can't help it sometimes" Ava spoke

“ I know, but you have to prove him wrong by stepping your games" Mr A responded

“ yes I will" Ava replied

“ now let's go, I will drop you off" Mr A spoke

They left the rehearsal ground, immediately after they left Lucas came out expecting to see them but was shocked when he did not see anyone. He asked one of the workers and they told him everyone has gone, he said ok and left.

The rehearsal for the fashion show continued without any issues, until two days before the day for the fashion show.

Ava and Mr A walked into the rehearsal ground and was surprised to see model Veronica Mars sited so comfortably.

When Veronica saw Ava coming she stood up and greeted her“ hi Ava good afternoon, am sorry I have not been here, I must have delayed the rehearsal as am the lead model" she spoke

Ava and Mr A were shocked and they spoke in unison “ lead model"

“ yes am the lead model" Veronica replied

“ wait that's impossible, there must have been some missed up somewhere" Ava spoke

“ what missed up?” Veronica asked

“ I was contracted personally by Mrs Clara Barton to be the lead model for her show" Ava replied

“ so I don't understand what you are saying" she added

“ wait that's must be outrageous,I Sighed the papers two days ago to be the model and I was never told anything about you" Veronica spoke confidently

Mr A who saw what was going on called the instructors attention for him to explain what was happening,

“ am Miss Ava but Veronica here was chosen by the board to be our lead model not you" the instructor spoke

“ who made these outrageous decisions" ava asked angrily

“ we don't know exactly Ma but all I know that it's someone powerful" the instructor replied and excused himself

Ava felt embarrassed, Mr A quickly took his phone and called Mrs Barton, she picked the call. He explained everything to her but she gave them a reply they never expected, “ am sorry Ava but the fashion house is not only controlled by me, I tried my best to make them change there mind but they all rejected" she spoke and cut the call.

Mr A took Ava and left,they went directly to Ava's house on reaching there they saw only Mrs Sophia with her friend Bella. Sophia was surprise to see Ava at home by this time.

Sophia and Bella walked to where they were seated, Sophia saw Ava tearing up.

“ what happened Ava?" Sophia asked

Ava looked up and saw her, she immediately embraced her and replied with a crying voice “ mommy, they took my contract away and gave it to Veronica Mars"

“ Veronica Mars, that girl" Bella uttered

“ what happened? Mr A" Sophia asked

“ I don't know exactly Mrs stone but I called Mrs Barton and she said she tried her best but someone with a higher authority refused" Mr A replied

“ it's ok honey, is there anyone you suspect" Sophia asked Ava

“ no mommy but......" Ava paused to think, she remembered seeing Lucas at the fashion house. could it be him, she asked. she grew I anger, she stood up immediately and wiped her face.

“ I need the car keys" she demanded

“ where are you going to,o" Sophia asked

“ I need to go and see someone" ava replied and collected the keys, she got into the car and drove out.

She drove down to Lucas house, the last time she was here, was when she broke up with Lucas. she got into the house and demanded to see Lucas, she was directed to the pool where Lucas, Jenny,sky and the other girls were seated.

On getting to the pool side, she walked directly to Lucas and slapped him, Lucas and everyone else's was shocked. Jenny stood up immediately to do the same to her but Lucas held her and ordered her stop.

“ what did you do that for" Lucas asked

“ your asking like you don't know what you have done ha" ava replied

“ what are you talking about" Lucas asked

“ you took my contract and gave it to Veronica Mars, did you not!" Ava responded with anger

“ what are you talking about, I did not take your contract" Lucas replied with surprise

“ that's a lie" Ava spoke aloud

“ if you didn't, then who did," Jenny asked

“ I don't know" Lucas responded

“ just stop playing your child games with me, I know one of you did it" Ava uttered

“ look ava am not denying the fact that I tried to take your contract, but my father couldn't do it" Jenny spoke

“ Lucas tried but failed" she added

“ haha...haha" Ava laughed

“ who do you think will believe such trash" ava responded

“ whether you believe it or not, we are innocent on this one, you better go find out who did it" Jenny replied

“ and whoever did it I raise a toast for that person, you better go find out cause I think that person is after you or your family " she added

Ava left the house and drove back to her house, on getting to the house she met her mom, Bella and Mr A waiting. As they all saw her, they ran to her to ask what happened.

She explained to them everything, they started wondering who the strange being would be.

“i need to go see dad" Ava said and walked out of the house.

Ava got to the company and went straight to her dad's office, she saw Jett her brother sitting down with her father and it seems they were in a very important discussion.

“ my contract has been taken and given to another person, I need to who that person is" Ava spoke bringing an interruption to their discussion.

Mr Noah and Jett who did not even notice Ava's presence at first where surprise when Ava said what she said.

“ who was the contract given to" Jett asked

“ Veronica Mars " Ava replied

“ I don't think Veronica knows anyone powerful enough to do that for her, so it seems the person is after you" Mr Noah spoke

“ dad I don't know, I confronted Jenny and Lucas but they both said it was not them" Ava responded

Mr Noah picked up his phone and spoke to someone “ ok thank you" he replied and cut the call

“ it seems whoever did this, is not ordinary so I expect to forget about it, you will get other contract's " Mr Noah spoke

“ what!! dad are you just going to throw it away just like that” Ava replied

“ am sorry baby girl,if it's something dad could handle he would have done something, the Barton family is a secretive one and we don't want to venture in it" Jett spoke

“ but I don't think what happened is from the Barton's, I sense it's from someone powerful who can control the Barton's that's did it" he added

Ava became mute, she walked out of the company into her car and drove home.

“ what are you trying to say Jett " Mr Noah asked

“ I already had an idea of what happened, Mr A sent me a message, so I investigated and found out none of them did it" Jett replied

“ the fashion house is owned by the Barton's but controlled by Mrs Clara Barton, she makes the decisions there, who ever collected the contract is power and must have threaten them" he added

“ ok just keep an eye on your sister" Mr Noah replied

“ yes dad" Jett responded

Meanwhile in an unknown location. A man is seen sitting inside a well furnished and decorated house with securities, the man sits inside his study room going through the magazines he faces the window. The door of the room opens and a man in his late twenties walks in,

“ your Instructions have been carried out,the contract was handed over to Veronica Mars as requested" the man spoke

“ that's good you may leave" the strange man replied

“ just keep an eye on the Stone, Cloud and Wave" he added

“ but boss why did you do it?" the man asked

“ you know, in this kind of battle. help a lot of persons, who knows you might need them tomorrow" he answered

“ yes boss" the man in his late twenties responded and left the room.