
Big Idea

Jin POV:

I chucked my bag on my bed and I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop. I opened it up and started to go to Netflix and watch my show. I was sitting there a still as a rock for a good hour or too when my phone buzzed.

Tom: Hey Bro, So did you tell her?? 😇

Me: Uhh...mmmm

Tom: Well?

Me: Not exactly.....

Tom: 😪 you didn't did you...

Me: No 😟

Tom: I thought you said you were tho!! Come on man!

Me: Idk what happened 1 minute I'm ready and the next I'm not.

Tom: Well, maybe tomorrow? 🔥

Me: Hmmmmmmm

Tom: 🥺

Me: Dude what are you, 5?

Tom: Just answer the question 🙄

Me: Ohhh Fine...!

Tom: Good 😄

Me: Your so annoying 😒

Tom : I know 🙃

We finished our conversation and a flush of instantly regret washed over me. I thought maybe there was some other way to confess to her. I sat there laying back on my chair looking at the ceiling. I sighed in thought that there was no other way. I grabbed my phone and turned on to see the conversation me and Tom had 2 minutes ago. Then that's the moment I had an idea. \

I quickly spammed Tombio with messages. This was important! VERY IMPORTANT! He wasn't answering. I wasn't going to stop spamming him till he answered. Finally after around 3 minutes of spamming and a sore finger. Tombio finally answered.

Tom: Her number??

Me: YEAH!!!

Tom: Why do you want her number?


Tom: What is? Dude your not making any sense

Me: This is how I can tell her!!!!

Tom: Ok well....

Me: Well what...

Tom: I actually don't have her number 😬

Me: Omg, seriously?!!

Tom: Yeah Sorry dude...

I sighed and finished the convocation. I was thinking of trying Hinako, but i had just remembered she's at Cheer Practice for the basketball game Tombio and I have next week. I sighed in disappointment. I heard a loud knock on my door. My drunk father came in.

I looked at him up and down

Dad: Err... *Burp* Yo ehhh *gulp* Whay r u doing there mate??

Me: Um, homework?


I roll my eyes and grab my baseball bat from my closet and threaten my father to hit him if he didn't leave. This was normal for dad because he's always drunk. He soon vacated the room, I chucked my bat on the ground and groaned. Sometimes I wonder why my life is like this. My ring tone on the phone was chiming on my desk. It was about to fall of from the vibration. I catch it before it hits the ground. I answer it.

Me: Hey wassup

Tom: Jin! *Pant pant* someth-*pant* has happened come quick!!!

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