

Sora POV:

I was walking home packing my bags when I heard Jin called out


I turned around to see him huffing and puffing.

Me: You ok?

Jin: Yeah Yeah I'm fine!!

I nodded slowly as I got a text from my phone. It was from my mother.

It read:

Hey Hon, I'm going out to get groccies so I need you stay and babysit Chiyoko so please come home asap love mum

Jin: Everything ok?

I nod and turn off my phone.

Me: Sorry Jin I gotta get home to babysit my sis

Jin: Oh that's ok I'll walk home with you

My head starting spinning I wasn't sure how to react.

Me: umm... O..kkk

We started walking down the endless staircases. My legs were aching by the time we finished them all. We walked down many streets as-well as some cafes and restaurants. We were walking in silence when Jin finally said something.

Jin: Soo... uhh... Do you have siblings?

Me: Uh...Yeah, I have a three month old sister

Jin: Aww, what's her name?

Me: Chiyoko

He nods as we keep walking.

Me: Do you?

Jin: hm?

Me: Do you have any siblings???

He shakes his head.

Jin: My Mum is in the military and my dad is abusive and is addicted to alcohol. So uh....

My eyes widened in disbelieve.

Me: Really?!

He nods

Me: Jin, I'm so sorry

Jin: Nahh don't worry about it

In my mind I was thinking how open and honest he was with me. I only just joined there group just recently and he's already told me some really personal things. He must trust me a lot.

Me: You must trust me a lot

Jin starts to blush.

Jin: Uhh....uh... duaa...

I walked a bit slower to walked closer to him and widened my eyes. This would hopely get an answer out of him.

There was a slight pause.

Jin: We..well... its because... uhh.. i...

But he didn't get to finish his sentence because my mum rushed out the door and came straight to me.

Mother: Oh Sora!! There you are!! I really need to get going! Chiyoko is right now taking a nap so when she wakes up could you please feed her her food its in the fridge bottom shelve with the....

Me: Mum! I know don't worry!

My mum took no notice that Jin was standing right next to me hearing everything.

Soon my mum hoped in her car and drove down the street.

Me: Now, what were you saying?

I was at my door step ready to go in.

Jin: Nothing its ok, it doesn't really matter

Me: That's ok :)

Me: Well, uh i better get going

Jin: Yea uh.. Cya

Me: See you

I closed the front door to the sound of silence.

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