
The Origin Part1

Earth doesn't know what to believe anymore. His mind went blank for a moment.

"What are you afraid of?" said a voice that is echoing in every corner of his head.

When he heard this voice, it woke him up from being dazed.

"What are you afraid of?" asked again by the same voice.

He stayed silent, as he is unsure what to reply to.

"Remember who you are!" the voice said repeatedly.

After he heard this command, he felt a bolt of lightning hit his head.

He screamed in pain at the first lighting, then came a second, and the pain brought him to his knees.

He tried to catch his breath, but the third bolt of lightning came down, and the iris of his eyes became white, and now his eyes are all white.

What he saw next is a ball of spirit, but on second look, it is not actually a ball but a coin with a human-shaped spirit print with chains around him and a couple of locks.

How he recognized that this is a soul because one of their lessons tackles the power of souls. It was explained that for most a soul is a representation of their true appearance.

So how come, his soul is in a shape of a coin? This has become even more frustrating to him.

Unknowingly he came closer to his soul and when his hand involuntarily reach out to touch it, he was pulled inside.

What he saw is an empty space in the galaxy, it felt like a void, as it is blank.

He observes his surroundings, and while he was looking around he saw a light from the distance.

He felt a pulling force towards the light and automatically he was brought closer to it.

Upon closer look, the light is actually composed of seven orbs that it is rotating around the sphere of light.

Time accelerated and he couldn't understand how he can actually feel the time pass by as he calculates while he observes the light.

After about a billion years, the orbs around the light separated and expanded. They all became spheres of light and are aligned vertically in the void.

He continues to observe and after a few million years, he saw another change in those seven spheres.

Slowly it changes shape and form and after a millennium, the first sphere transformed into a human shape.

The image that he saw is a person draped in black cloth from head to toe. You couldn't even see his face clearly since he has a hood on and only his lips and chin are visible.

But even though you could only see his lips and chin, you can tell that this person is divine.

There are chains around his body like an ornament, and a black book hanging on his neck.

When he saw this person, he felt connected to him.

The hooded guy grabbed the book chained to his body and opened it in an act to read while waiting for something out of boredom.

Earth kept on watching, unable to extract his attention towards the hooded guy.

Not too long after the hooded guy transformed from one of the seven spheres, the second sphere transformed as well.

However, he couldn't see the image of the transformed sphere, unlike the hooded one.

Then came the third person, and the fourth, and so on till the last member finally transformed.

The rest of the transformed spheres are unclear, only the hooded guy can be seen clearly as if he is only connected to this person, was this even a person to begin with?

After all the spheres transformed, they all faced each other while encircling the light in the middle.

The hooded person stretched his arms forward toward the light and gold light emitted around him and slowly it is being absorbed by the light.

Then followed the second person who transformed, it did the same with the hooded person and unlike the gold light, it emitted black light, dark as obsidian.

How they chronologically transformed, they followed the steps of the first person.

There are 7 colors that represent each individual going in the light, it is Gold, Black, Golden-brown, Green, Blue, Red, and Grey.

When he observes the process of the lights from those individuals. He felt different kinds of energy. The Gold light felt ethereal, the Black is like an abyss, and the Golden-brown is dreamy.

Green felt like peace, Red was scorching hot, Blue felt like a storm, and Grey felt numb.

As the seven individuals pour their energies into the light. It slowly expanded until it became big as the combined biggest known planets from his world.

Then it stopped growing, and after that, they slowly pulled out of the Light. Then they connected their energies to each other, First from the Hooded Guy then to the Grey person, it is now in reverse as the last who receives the energy was actually the 2nd person who transformed and ended again with the hooded guy.

Their energies intermixed and slowly cracks appeared on the light between them.

The light seemed more like a glass container now and is about to break as more cracks appear.

Then when it can no longer hold on, it exploded. Multiple Galaxies formed then the universe followed by the planets.

To Earth's surprise, the events that are happening right now seem what science depicted as the big bang theory.

He saw mirrors like Galaxies and the universe. After the birth of the Galaxies, the seven individuals scattered.

He can only see the hooded person, sitting in an empty space while overseeing the entire galaxies.

He continues to observe him. Then the first living creatures started appearing in every universe.

Different civilizations and species were born. Then came the birth of the planet Earth.

When this planet was born it was first blank, but slowly it began to develop lands and living creatures.

Then multiple planets of Earth appeared in every universe.

He witnessed the birth of the first civilization on this planet. The creatures are not what is called humans.

They are birth from nature. A creature will have the energy of water since he is birth from the ocean and so on for every individual that appears on this planet.

They are what is now called in the myths, which are nature's spirits.

Then everything changed in his view as if a part of the movie has been cut and he cannot witness the things that happened next as the scenes he saw are the birth of the humans.

When humans started building their foundations, wars erupted, and deaths are happening. Slowly humans evolved.

While watching how humans evolve, Earth saw the hooded guy, reaching out toward the planet Earth. Wisps of golden lights began to transmit in his palms just like the act of collecting.

After collecting enough golden lights, he traveled around the galaxies to the different kinds of planets with civilizations. He did the same and collected golden lights.

It took him a million years to collect before he stopped. Then he came to an empty space in the void and pulled out all of the golden lights he collected.

At first, the void was pitch black, but the number of golden lights he collected, illuminated the space.

It first observes the different lights. Then one by one he merge them, it wasn't an easy process as there are times that the lights tend to reject the idea of merging, he has to try multiple ways, and with the trial and error process of merging these lights, he finally merges them.

Then he saw for the first time the hooded person plastered a smile. Joy was written in his mouth.

The merged Golden lights floated in the center where all the different galaxies surrounded it.

The hooded guy stayed in his place in the void just reading the book hanging on his neck and from time to time he would look at the Golden light that was combined from different planets and occasionally will come closer to observe it.

Earth, couldn't understand what does this have to do with him. He has a bold idea that the hooded guy could be him since it is the only entity he could actually see, unlike the rest of the transformed spheres.

He couldn't do anything aside from watching the events repeatedly as the hooded guy read his book, observing the golden light.

Then one day, the hooded guy felt something and looked into the distance, and one by one the other six entities came to him still shrouded in mystery.

"It is peaceful now," said one of them.

"Too peaceful if I may say," agreed another one.

"What should we do now? If this continues, our energies will deplete" said another with a worried tone.

"It is simply the calm before the storm," said the hooded guy as if it has nothing to do with him.

"For how long will this peace remain?" said a sinister entity.

"Not too long," said the hooded guy and paused, "About an epoch I estimate" and he continued.

"That long huh?" said a childish voice.

"Take this chance as you are resting. One epoch is merely a passing time for us brothers and sisters" said the hooded guy."

"12 million years is definitely short for us as we are immortals, in this case, I will just continue my travel" confirmed the entity of a raspy voice.

One by one they left, and only 2 remain by the side of the hooded guy.

"Brother," called a female voice.

"I know what you are worried about, however, it is pointless, I am bound to this desolate place never to leave only with this book to accompany me. Unlike the rest of you who can roam and build your own domains to supervise, I am eternally isolated here, for countless years you guys never even once visited me till now. Only when your powers are at risk that you decided to visit me" said the hooded guy in a mocking tone.

"Don't say it like that brother, this sounds like an excuse but having our domains takes a lot of responsibility from us. Just like you, we can't just leave our domains as we are restricted by the rules of the universe," said the other entity and he paused, contemplating if he should mention what he discovered,

"Is this why you are doing this? Out of boredom? Feeling lonely?" he continues and waited for the reaction of the hooded guy.

"You. dare. judge. me?" said the hooded guy as he flared in anger.

"Calm down brother, I'm sure it is not what he meant," said the female entity as she tries to calm him. down.

"Just leave, do whatever preparations you have to do before an epoch ends," He said exasperated and he vanished from his post and came to the golden light.

He made a grabbing motion and pulled out a part of the golden light.

"It still needs a lot of time before it reaches maturity. One epoch is not enough time." said the hooded guy to himself solemnly.

He went to the Sun and made a furnace out of the magma. Then tossed the peace of golden light into the furnace. After a while, he pulled out the golden light, it was only a ball of energy but now it became a peace of gold metal.

Magically a round hammer appeared in his hand. He started hammering the transformed gold. He repeated this action until it became round as a plate. Then he sunk the metal in an ice-cold bucket of water. He waited before all the smoke evaporated before he pulled out again the metal.

Then he divided the metal into three parts and melted them again in the furnace. Once the metal pieces are melted he hammered them again but now with a certain shape and form.

While doing this, the hooded guy contemplated the shape and form and he decided to make them into a coin.

It wasn't an easy process to make this, as the cost of making these three coins is his flesh and own blood. Every time he hammers the metals to make them into the shape of a coin, lightning bolts strike him.

It took him a million years to complete the coins. Earth was just watching and is amazed at the tenacity of this entity. Imagine, for a million years of continuous lighting strikes while hammering, the energy and dedication he has for this work is unimaginable.