
The Origin Part 2

When the three Gold coins were successfully made, the hooded guy dropped down from exhaustion.

After resting for a few moments he got up and grabbed the coins still weak from the nonstop hammering and continues strike of lightning for a million years.

He went back to the center of the galaxies where the combined Golden lights are located.

He tossed the coins slowly and they floated in separate locations. One is at the top then the two are located on the left and right side of the bottom part, forming a triangle shape as the Golden lights center the three coins.

The hooded guy struggled to stand up, after making a final glance at the three coins he created, he clearly felt accomplished.

He slowly went back to his post in a void space to recuperate. His energy is completely drained, and he also exceeded his limits many times just to finish his work.

Earth was pulled out from that space and was guided back to the Golden lights where the coins are now located.

After collecting his thoughts on the scenes he witnessed from the moment he saw the image of his soul to the creation of the coins, a sudden thought appeared in his mind.

He thought of an unimaginable theory. At first, he denied these thoughts, but then he made look at those coins, however, he was too far from them and he could not make a better look at the shape and design of those coins.

At this point, the waiting game continues, as the worlds evolve, civilizations grow.

What happened next to his surprise is that the scenes in front of him fast-forwarded at for times speed.

He doesn't know how he could take note of the passing years but it was actually 10 million years passed by since the creation of the coins and from the last convention of the 7 entities, it was actually 11 million years since then.

Only a million years remain and an epoch is about to end. Then he saw a change happen to one of the coins.

This alerted the hooded guy, and he immediately teleported to the location of the coins.

"This can't be" he murmured.

"It's too early for you to come into this world my child," he said as he tries to communicate with the coin at the top of the golden lights.

When the hooded guy was speaking to the coin, there was a reaction, it started vibrating.

"This is a violation Destiny!" an almighty voice sounded.

"I punished you for a million years with lightning bolts for defying the course of nature when you are creating these things"

"Is it so wrong to have my own kin!" he questioned the almighty voice.

"But your ways are wrong," the mighty voice said insisting, then a lightning bolt flashed and landed on the coin atop the golden lights.

"What is wrong, and what is right? Only in the eye of the beholder can one see the true beauty and you are denying the birth of my child" he replied.

"I only ask this from you oh great father of all creation, let me have my kin in this world to accompany me, I will do anything you ask without any questions, just let him live" he pleaded.

"You gathered the different destinies of each world, combined them into one body of light, then you took the essence of those destinies and made them into coins, in the hope of it having a sentience and a soul. What Identity will it have?" the almighty voice asked him and continued,

"There can be no more than 1 holder of destiny, and that is only you, I created you for the purpose of destiny with the book of all living things. You have the world in your hand in view, for what purpose is the birth of this child?"

"Precisely because of the book of the living that I possessed that I created him, a great change will happen in this world, other gods will emerge, chaos will erupt. We need him to shoulder the responsibility of the pain the chaos will bring" the hooded guy explained.

There was no reply from the almighty, a moment of silence happened.

"You are harsher towards your creation" the all-mighty finally voiced again.

"To have him bear the pain of sufferings brought by the destiny of the living beings, you are condemning him for eternal pain."

"You are wrong, it is not my intention for him just to suffer pain, but to lessen the pain of the mankind you created. In the distant future when the other gods joined us, there will be a time when mankind will be left alone to progress. They need a pillar of hope when darkness descent." the hooded guy countered.

While they are conversing, another change happened to the coin.

In a coin, there are two sides of it, we mostly call it head and tail, it is also aligned with yin and yang, a harmony of two different kinds of energy, black and white, good and evil.

The changes happened in a snap, the coin started rotating faster, and as it rotates an image can be seen. What shocks the hooded guy is that he didn't expect the result of the birth of his child this early and for it to actually birth two entities.

There are two infants, birth from each side of the coin.

The birth of these children brought changes to the book of the living. 'Destiny' is the name of the hooded guy, and he immediately opened the book and there is a new page appears on it.

He couldn't understand how it happened for them to have this kind of destiny, it wasn't what he planned. He finally understands how it turns out like this, aside from him who oversees destiny, only the creator of destiny can manipulate it.

"They inherently hold a multitude of destinies. They need to unlock their fates. If they are able to overcome nine cycles of reincarnation their tenth reincarnation will bring them the chance to hold their own fates. Only through this way can they finally break away from their destiny and truly elevate and own their lives." explained the almighty voice.

"Each time they reincarnate, a birthmark from their death will be present on their next birth, this birthmark symbolizes the number of reincarnations."

"When is the time that they will be born?" he asked.

"It depends on you. The longer you wait, the closer you will be to the end of your life. But if you do not act soon, you might be unable to move forward." advised the almighty voice.

"Then I must decide, I will let the choice of the coin rest to fate and destiny, and I will accept whatever comes next."


Twelve years had passed after the appearance of the twins. Earth witnessed the birth of the twins under an eclipse while aurora borealis danced in the night sky.

Twins are born from a single soul of destiny coin, and this means that each twin has one-half of the soul. Their mother died giving birth to them, so their father raised them alone.

Their father is a very kind man, he always looks out for them.

As they grew older, they realized that they have feelings of love, hate, and kindness for others.

"I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want to be liked by everyone, and be happy," said the older twin. "I want to be happy and not worry about anything, I am sick of being sad and not knowing why I feel this way, I wish I could die already."

"I'm also afraid of death, I want to live a long life and continue to exist forever." said the younger twin brother.

Earth is worried and confused about what the meaning of life is, he is scared to know that he will die someday.

"We will create our own destiny," said Earth to the brothers.

"What did you say!" responded the older twin. "Are you insane!? How can we do something like that!?"

"You know the dreams that we have every night, get darker and heavier to sleep." Afraid to defy the premonitions.

When they turned five years old, somehow they started having weird dreams, and at times these dreams happen in their town and whatever they dream about becomes true.

They vowed to never mention this to anyone afraid that they will be condemned for doing witchcraft and be staked and burned alive.

As they grow up, it became increasingly depressing as more visions happen often as they sleep. There are times that they no longer sleep just to avoid the visions.

One day, the older twin fell asleep after a week of no sleep. He dreamed about his younger twin brother, caught by the vigilantes.

He saw him being tortured repeatedly day and night, then he was burned alive.

Due to the nightmare of the dream, he forced himself to wake up, and after he woke up, he was drenched in sweat.

Then he saw that he was alone in the room. Recalling his dream about his younger twin brother, fear overwhelmed him.

He runs outside the room searching for him, but for a while, he couldn't find him and he started panicking.

When he already run out of energy and breath running around looking for his brother, he slumped down to the floor.

Then he heard a voice saying "brother?".

He turned his head and when he saw that it was actually his younger he felt relieved.

The younger brother came next to him, worried, and asked " what's wrong?"

He couldn't reply, rather, he is unsure whether it is the right thing to tell him his visions or to keep them secret.

"Don't worry, I got you," he said reassuringly.

"Where have you been, I've been searching for you everywhere!" the older brother said.

"I was at the town to get some bread for breakfast, then I saw you coming to the woods. I was following you while you were running around in search of something."

The older brother finally understands that in his panic, he forgot to shout the name of his brother while searching for him and just kept running in search. If he just mentioned his name once then perhaps his brother already called out to him.

At that exact moment, he pledges, that he will do his best to protect him.

"Hurry and pack your things, we will leave this town in an hour. Only bring what is necessary so that it will not be hard for us to carry it while we journey," he said to his younger brother.

"Why all of a sudden, what's happening?" the younger brother asked worriedly.

"Just do as I say, hurry," he said while grabbing his hand and started sprinting towards their house.

"What about father?" the younger brother asked.

"We will leave a letter but we can't say where we are going, this is to keep him safe," he replied while thinking about what will come next when they left.

They hurriedly packed a couple of clothes, and money, then they made a farewell letter to their father.

Exactly after forty-five minutes of packing, they came out of the house.

To their surprise, there are mobs of people coming to their house.

When the older brother saw this, a bad premonition started building up in his chest.


"NO! We escape together! Brother don't leave me" the younger brother protested.

"There they are! Capture those spawns of demons!" one of the angry mobs spotted them and yelled.

Then the siblings started running towards the woods and behind them, about 50 angry mobs are in their pursuit.

They just run and forgot the actual route that they are taking.

After almost three hours of running, they finally saw the exit into the woods. But to their surprise, they actually arrived on a cliff. It was a dead end.

They couldn’t go back as the mobs are closing in.

The older brother loosened his hold on his younger brother's hands and looked him in the eyes.

He saw tears running down his face then said, “Remember that brother loves you, ok?”

Then the younger brother nods in understanding “ I love you too brother ”

Then they heard voices indicating that the mobs are getting closer.

“Promise me that you will live, for my sake, and never return from here.” the older brother said.

“What do you mean brother?” the younger brother asked in confusion.

“If you must, learn to control your power but in secret. Trust no one, alright” the older brother said without explaining and he added, “Promise me”.

“I promise,” the younger brother said reassuringly.

The next thing that happened was out of his expectation because the older brother pushed him off the cliff.