
Fated Elven Queen

Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.

Ludinor · ファンタジー
25 Chs

What Do You Wish?

After finishing Odir's tattoo, he was so excited about having somehow a mark of his mate on his body, but exposing only what he thinks about the tattoo.

It's a little mountain with the moon behind it, and he says that makes him remember scenarios he can see in the cockpit, and now imagines other tattoos. Bones and Aika were certain they had created a monster.

Bones takes them to his private kitchen to prepare some spaghetti, to try to fill their stomachs a bit.

But Bones had to shove the food into his mouth and leave them alone to check if the bar was getting ready for a new night of work.

"Bones asked me if we were dating and if I was serious about you. He really worries about you. That's sweet." Odir tells her.

"Really? And what was your answer?" She asks, looking at him.

"The truth. I'm serious about us, but I'm walking on your time because I feel you worry about me being the CEO. -

"And don't you worry? I know you said you didn't care about status, but people will judge us. -

"Judgment is something I will always go through, so I don't care. But I worry about you. I would feel really horrible and bad if you decide you don't want to stay together because of this matter. Of course, I would do anything possible for you to not get hurt, but I don't want to force you. So we can take your time." He says, actually fearing she would turn him down because of that.

"I don't really care about what people think about me, sincerely. I just worry about being forced to lose my job. I need to raise Aidan, and I didn't raise funds enough for an emergency like losing my job for who knows how long." She softly tells, looking at her plate.

He smiles. He understands her, she was always worried in hard times, and she worries more about others than herself. A true Queen.

"I would never let that happen to you… Never. The last thing I want is for you to suffer. You will not lose your job because of us. I'll not make you quit for any reason, and if I discover someone is trying to do that, I'll not let them. I'll protect you if someone tries to say you use me to keep your job too, even being sure that if the person knows your history in the company will also know you're the best from your base since before we met. If you grow, it will be your merit, and not because of me." He says, holding her hand to make her look at him.

She smiles, feeling warm inside, and that she can trust him. At the same time, she fears trusting someone. She also feels it's right to trust him.

"I must admit I'm a bit worrisome, even more after you told me a pax slapped you, and that made me want to move you to another sector of the company." He tells, it is true, but that made her laugh. He smiles at her smile. "I can't promise you I won't be spoiling you on other matters, that I won't be visiting you frequently, and that I won't treat you as my girlfriend in front of others." She giggles again at his remarks, blushing. "So… will you give me a chance?" He asks. His heart was beating so fast, longing for a positive answer.

She turns to him on the high chair, and puts her arms on his shoulders, making his heart jump stronger in his throat.

"After all these good points, I can only let myself follow my heart." She says.

He smiled so happy he could scream. They kiss tenderly.

"Follow your heart. I have followed mine since the first time I saw you, and I don't regret one second." He says, feeling overjoyed.

They kiss again, in a more passionate way.

"Let's get ready for some more drinks today?" He asks.

"Let's go! I don't know a way of telling I like beer without sounding like an alcoholic, which I'm not." She says, standing up as he chuckles, he pulls her by the waist again to kiss her deeply again.

The high seat gives him a perfect position to kiss her and hug her close.

"Sorry… Your kiss is addicting. I could kiss you all day and would not be enough." He softly says.

"The real problem is stopping with just a kiss." She says, really close to his lips, then biting his lower lip.

He groans when she pulls his lip while walking away carrying the empty plates.

"Little devil." He purrs, trying to calm down.

He sighs relieved at her answer, that means they're together and that she's giving them a chance. He only needs to use this chance the best way to tell her who he is and their fate together.

However, as he knows more about her, he knows he has to build her trust.

"Do you think your brother will like me?" He asks.

"Well… He will not trust you at first. It's kind of my fault. I never wanted to lie to him about anything, and I told him our father abandoned us. He always thinks someone will leave us without thinking about our feelings. Bo took some time to gain his trust, you will probably have the same issue." She explains while washing the plates, also thinking that Aidan will have a harder time trusting Odir because he's an elf.

"I understand. I don't blame him. Have no problem building his trust. I need his trust to make you happy too." His remark made her smile.

"Thanks. I'll talk to him before introducing both of you. I just can't guarantee he will be opening up to you. Or will talk a lot." She finishes washing the plates. "And you? What about your family?" She asks as she dries her hands on a hand towel.

"My parents are retired, traveling the world again. I have a younger brother, Ian." He tells no lies, just hiding their ages.

Asking about his age came to her mind, but it will be clear that she knows he's an elf, or at least that she knows he's older than he looks like, and she's not sure if it's the right time to tell him she's an Enchantress.

She just wonders, in her mind, how much younger she is compared to him.

Their night started early. At 6 p.m., they had their first beers. As the bar starts filling with more people, and a band starts playing, they are having dinner so they don't get drunk.

After some songs, the singer greets and thanks everyone for being there. Then, from nowhere, he points at Aika, saying she wouldn't hide from him, and calls her to come sing with them.

Completely taken by surprise, Odir looks at Aika, and she just answers him with a smile and a shrug of her shoulders.

She stands up, and everyone is already starting screaming and whistling loudly. Bones sits where she was sitting, taking his phone to record her.

"Can't lose this. Have you ever seen her singing?" Bones asks Odir, who is also getting ready to record her.

"Only some videos on Instram." Odir answers.

"Oh, you don't have any idea, then." Bones states, laughing.

Aika takes a guitar from a case that wasn't being used, plugs it, and tries it. She checks some other things before going to the microphone.

"Good evening, people." She says, and her answer was some screaming and loud whistles again." I must say. I had some good beers already." She laughs and makes everyone laugh too. "I hope I don't make your ears bleed."

"Even drunk, you sing perfectly. I've seen it." The singer laughs.

"Let's go, then!"

The song starts softly with the piano and some scratches on the symbals, then stops, so Aika starts singing a long wave of voice going up and down, as if she was playing with her voice to only just say" wow".

She sings some more waves to finally sing lyrics following the groove of the song. Just by that entrance, everyone screamed and clapped their hands cheering for her.

Odir is completely overwhelmed, feeling the electrical waves around his body that turn into goosebumps.

He looks with his mouth wide open to Bones, who is looking back at him with wide eyes as he was saying" I told you".

She keeps singing and playing the guitar. There's a moment her voice ascends as a controlled scream.

Everyone screams, some stand up clapping their hands, and Odir can barely breathe at the sound of her voice.

At the end of the song, she plays with her voice again in a way that Odir couldn't control his own voice.

"Oh… man…" He moans.

The band stops playing, but she's still playing with her voice until the last word, letting the band finish the song with many notes in a fading way.

Everyone clapped hands, screaming for more, Odir could only lay his forehead on the table so overwhelmed.

Odir records her singing some more songs so he can listen to her whenever he can. Not only is her singing beautiful, but she also plays the guitar very well.

She plays some solos, and her face of who is enjoying the music is something Odir wants to tattoo in his mind.

When she finishes her participation in the show, she bows, thanks everyone, and leaves the stage. She goes directly to the toilet.

"Oh, my girl always melts my heart." Bones says with a proud smile, as he checks some pictures he took from her on his phone.

"I'm so damn lucky, Bones." Odir is in the clouds, looking in the direction Aika went. Bones giggles, watching Odir's reaction.

"Yes, you are, boy. I'm lucky, too. Meeting her on that road was the best thing that ever happened to me. After knowing of… How much she went through, and she's still so good and caring. How could I not care for her the same way, right?" Bones' eyes have nostalgia, but they also have pain in them.

Odir has no idea of what Aika went through. He doesn't know much of her story. He wishes to know more so he can provide the best for her.

She's everything to him now, and he wants to give her a better life.

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