
Fated Elven Queen

Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.

Ludinor · ファンタジー
25 Chs


The next morning, the alarm wakes them up. Aika gets ready for the training and Odir watches her completely in love. He takes her to the academy after they have breakfast together again, and before leaving, he takes off his helmet to give her a nice kiss.

"Have a nice day." She tells him.

"You too, beautiful. I'll come pick you up at 06:05 pm. You said tomorrow you're going to the airport after the training. I want to take you somewhere nice." He says.

She nods, smiling. They kiss again. She goes to the academy and rides back to his home. He enters his mansion, floating through the halls so happily.

When he finds the main living room, he throws himself on the sofa, remembering the details of his weekend.

"Finally showing up, brother. I was thinking of going to check what kind of girl you found for not coming back home. The bodyguards said you were with this girl all the time." A man with black hair like Odir's, but short, with blue eyes, and wearing a suit was walking into the living room. He has the beauty of elves too.

"How old am I, Ian?" Odir asks, sighing happily, still looking up to the ceiling.

Ian laughs, sitting in an armchair next to the sofa Odir is on.

"You count?" Ian asks, joking.

"I just had the best weekend of my entire life. "Odir affirms, taking Ian by surprise.

"Wow. That's a lot. Why is that?"

"I…" Odir says, then he sits to look at Ian. "I have found my fated mate, Ian."

Odir had such a tender smile that made Ian almost dislocate his jaw. Ian rushes to Odir, and kneels in front of him holding his arms.

"You what?" Ian tries to confirm what he has just heard.

"I've found my fated mate. Ian, I'm so lucky. She's amazing." Odir answers. Ian gasps for air, smiling.

"Oh my Gods! Where is she? Where's our Queen?!" Ian asks happily.

"She's at the Alpha Airways Academy."

"You met her there?" Ian asks, curious. Then he sits at Odir's side to listen.

"I met her while visiting the Cankyoto base. She's one of the reasons that base is giving such good results, by the way. I got interested in her the first time I laid my eyes on her. It was something I couldn't explain. The manager of the base invited me to a party with the team, and I went just so I could get closer to her. She didn't give me much attention, but we could exchange numbers. Ian… I wanted to call her every day, every single day… But I didn't understand why I was so interested, so I didn't call or send messages… Then the Gods helped me again. I went to visit the Academy, and she entered the elevator. I went crazy, my mind exploded there. I insisted on giving her a ride and paying her for some drinks. We had a great night together and I felt completely… Ian, it felt like everything was where it was supposed to be. When we first kissed, I knew and felt it. Every string of this world tied me to her, Ian… I don't know how to explain it. It's a strong feeling that is hard to measure." Odir says, his eyes shining and smiling from ear to ear.

Ian heard him carefully and by hearing his voice, and watching him, he knew it was true.

"Did you mark her?" Ian asks. Odir sighs with the pain.

"We made love, but always with a condom. I didn't finish marking her because… She's human, and she still doesn't know I'm an elf."

"I see… You need to mark her, Odir. Our enemies will end up finding out that she's our Queen. She will become immortal when you do too."

"I know, but… Ian, she went through a lot. She can feel our bond, that I'm sure, but she went through things that… hurt her heart deeply."

"I understand… But you need to tell her as fast as you can."

"She will go back to Cankyoto tomorrow night. I want to tell her after I go visit her there.

"She's going back? But Odir…" Ian says worried.

"Aika needs to keep having the life she wants. Find me a place to stay in Cankyoto and provide us with all the security we will need. For her and for her brother too. Without her knowing yet."

Ian sighs, knowing he can't argue with his brother.

"All right. Well, can I see her?" Ian asks.

Odir takes his phone to show Ian some pictures of Aika.

"Oh… She's hot and looks wild with these tattoos." Ian says, impressed, he wasn't expecting to see a woman like Aika at all.

"Respect for my mate." Odir growls.

"Wow! She's a tattoo artist too?" Ian asks, picking a specific photo of her tattooing Bones.

"Yeah. A great one." Odir says, showing his wrist to Ian, proudly like he was showing a medal of honor.

"You got a tattoo?! Look who has grown up?" Ian jokes looking at Odir's tattoo. "She did it?"

"Yeah. She will design my Cesna and will tattoo me. I could give my entire body to her to tattoo."

"I hope I can get a tattoo from our Queen. It will be the honor of our group to have a tattoo from her."

They talk about Aika a bit more. Odir tells Ian a bit about what he learned about her past, making Ian understand more why Odir is so cautious with her.

"All right. I'll assign bodyguards to travel with her and watch her from a distance. I'll find us a home to buy in Cankyoto too. It might take a bit long because finding one with everything we need is hard and we might need to build things up." Ian says, after standing up.

"Do that. Tonight I'll take her to have dinner and we will spend the night together. I'll call some friends to prepare some things."

"So, you're not coming back home tonight? Ok. Where? So I tell the guards." Ian asks. Odir tells him his plans, and Ian smiles, nodding. "I hope she loves it."

Odir first goes to buy him more clothes again, so he looks less formal. After starting to date her, he noticed he almost didn't have casual clothes.

He takes his CVO and goes to meet her at the combined time. They greet each other with a kiss, and he feels that tingling electric wave he missed so much from kissing his mate.

She rides behind him, and he takes her to the hotel. Walking together to her room, holding hands, he tells her he had prepared something nice.

"Dress the way you always dress. Don't need to worry about whether it will fit the place." He tells her.

"All right…" She is curious, really curious.

She takes a shower and decides to wear something like he was wearing. He's wearing jeans and a dark blue long sleeve shirt pulled to his elbows. So she wears jeans, a white t-shirt, and her cropped black leather jacket.

She puts on light makeup and lets her hair loose. He's waiting for her patiently, sitting on the bed, checking his phone.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, his heart skipped a beat. He hugs her waist after standing up and kisses her lips.

"Deadly beautiful." He says.

"It's just jeans and a t-shirt." She giggles.

"Still deadly beautiful." He kisses her." Let's go before I take your clothes off." He says and she chuckles.

When they get to his bike, he gives her a helmet.

"So, I'm going to take you to have a special night, somewhere nice to relax. I hope you enjoy it." He tells her, actually nervous, really hoping she will like it.

"I'll enjoy it. We will be together, right?" She says, thinking it's really cute of him to worry if she will like the place or not.

"Of course. I'm not going to give you any more clues than that we will be together all night." He says with a big smile.

"Then all good. I like it this way." She answers, smiling too.

Odir rides to the dock. Aika looked at a big beautiful yacht. She holds her mouth open when she notices he's taking her inside it. A butler comes and welcomes them with a court bow. Odir takes her to the deck and sees the ocean.

She doesn't see any other customers, making her shocked when the boat starts to move away.

"Are we going to be the only customers?" She asks him.

"I rented the boat for us for the night. We will be the only ones besides the crew." He answers, still holding the guardrail with her between his arms.

"Oh wow… I have never entered a boat before. This is awesome." She says, impressed with the water splashing on the hull of the boat.

"I'm glad you liked it. And I'm glad to give you your first experience on a boat too." He says, smiling. She looks at him smiling too. He hugs her by the waist after she turns around to face him." I told you I wanted to spoil you."

"Renting an entire boat is beyond the concept of spoiling that I know of." She giggles.

"Tell me your concept, then." He chuckles while passing his fingers on her hair to put it behind her ear with a tender movement.

"I don't know. A massage? Flowers? I'm not saying I didn't like this. My concept just got upgraded." He laughs at her comment.

"Upgraded? Good. Prepare yourself, then. It will keep upgrading."

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