
Fated Elven Queen

Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.

Ludinor · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Really Together?

"If you will be together, she will end up telling you some things." Bones says, after noticing Odir's curious eyes.

Aika comes back, and Bones hugs her tightly like a spoiling father, making her laugh.

"You're my beautiful and talented girl! I'll bring you one more round, but then that's it. It's getting late and you started early." Bones tells, making Odir smile again after noticing how much Bones cares and worries for her like a father indeed.

"I'm not even sure if I want one more. I'm afraid I won't wake up tomorrow." She says laughing.

"Then I'll bring you two of my special drinks to prevent a big hangover. Be right back." Bones says and walks away.

Aika sits on Odir's side again, and he pulls her into his arms, kissing her cheek. Wanting to glue her to him.

"You were awesome there. You could be a professional." He tells, smiling at her.

"Thanks. Living of music is not as good as it looks. A bit too uncertain, if I may say. It's scary not having sure I will have enough money to pay the bills every month. One month is good, then the next not so much. So music is only to add a bit more budget for me today. -She explains.

"I see… Getting in Alpha Airways was the best job for you?" He asks.

It hurts him just to imagine her by herself fighting every day to have some money.

"In terms of salary, yes. No doubt." She answers.

"In other words, are they not good?" He asks, really curious, because if he can do something to make her job better, he would do it in a blink.

"It's not that. The job is great, really. The people I work with are nice, but they're very different from me, so I feel less part of a family. They like parties, drinking and dancing, and traveling to rich cities. I prefer to go hiking and camping. So we don't relate outside of work. I just feel weird between them. I'm not sure if there are differences between bases on that matter, so I can't say it's a bad side of the work itself. It's not an actual problem if you just camouflage a bit and pass unnoticed."

"I understand what you're saying now. You're not weird. You're perfect on your way. You're unique. Camouflage is something I also do. No one would believe I'm a CEO if I don't dress like one. But it's been so long since I camouflaged that I think I lost my identity a little. Maybe that's also a reason I got so interested in you from the beginning." He tells. She chuckles.

"We can spot when someone is doing it. That there's more than it shows."

"Yeah. And I got curious to find out what is behind the airport supervisor. I must say I'm loving every discovery."

They smile at each other. She can't deny she's loving to know who is behind the rich CEO.

Bones arrived with their drinks, but before arriving at their table, he saw her smile at Odir. He knows when her smile is genuine, and that makes him happy. Really hoping that Odir will be a good guy for her somehow.

They toast the tonic with lime Bones brought, and Odir promises to himself that she will never suffer again.

Back at the hotel, they kiss wildly inside the elevator, where they're always lucky no one ever got inside with them.

Odir takes the key from her when she finally finds it inside her purse. Thirsty for her kiss, he almost forgot to lock the door and turn on the electricity of the room by putting the card on the lock of the door.

"I need a shower first. We're wearing the same clothes since morning." She says, taking off her shoes.

He takes off his shoes, too, while watching her, taking her clothes off and staying in underwear. He groans, hugging her from behind.

"I don't think I can wait…" He says softly. Who would have imagined? Odir never had problems to wait, he's older than anyone imagine, and patience is something he naturally has because of his immortal race. But when it's about his mate, he feels he can't wait.

She turns and kisses him deeply, making his legs shake by the power of her kiss.

"Who said I'm telling you to wait?" She asks as a whisper on his lips looking deeply into his eyes.

He sighs excited as she walks to the bathroom, then quickly takes off his clothes. When he steps inside, he sees her naked body under the shower. She smiles, moving her head to invite him in.

"How perfect can you be?" He asks, feeling so hard, and takes off his boxers to free his already crying sex, watching her figure entirely and feeding his lust. "Aika… I'll wash every inch of you, worship you, make love to you, and make you come countless times. I'll prove how special you are." He tells her, as a statement, warming her body more than the water.

Making her leak between her legs and her air missing, just by hearing what he said about what he will do with her. She totally believes in him just by the reaction of her body.

He gets inside the box with her, to finally kiss her again and feel his hands on her wet body. Never had he imagined in his life that just touching his mate feels like being hit by many electrical jolts. Every inch of his muscles vibrated, and his mind forgot about the rest of the world.

Having a mate is much more than what anyone said or wrote. She feels the power of this bond, but she doesn't know what is really happening. She's just sure that she feels a connection that is completely different, something she never felt, and at the same time she's scared. She's loving that feeling.

Taking the soap, she passes on his chest slowly as they kiss. He moans at her touch, letting her explore what belongs to her. She washes his length and balls slowly, looking deeply into his eyes, giving him pecks on the lips. He groans at the effect she gives on him. He takes the soap from her hand and washes all over her too.

He asks her to sit on the kind of step where she puts the shampoo and conditioner bottles, which is made of the same material as the floor. He washes her legs, feet, then between her legs, making her a moaning mess. He kisses her lips while playing with her folds, making her crazy and desire more.

"Hum!" She moans louder when he puts his finger inside her.

"Tell me… Tell me what you want." He says softly, thrilled and happy to see her mate in pleasure because of him.

"I… ah… I want you." She obediently answers.

He stands to turn off the shower, takes the towel, and dries her body and his own, but jerking on her ass and not losing contact from her skin.

She turns around and pulls his face by the back of his neck, kissing him deeply, pulling him to the bed, showing how much she wants him.

He hates to stop and wear the condom; he wants to mark her and show on her body that she's his Queen.

But he needs to tell her who he is first. He needs to prepare her to learn the truth, but now he only wants to make love to her intensely.

Like he promised, she comes many times that she's heavy breathing, and when he can't hold anymore, he finds his ecstasy with her. He falls on her side, heavy breathing and she's feeling her body actually buzzing.

"Are you all right?" He asks, looking at her laid down, looking to the ceiling as she takes her breath back.

"Yeah… my body is just… You were just too great." She answers, not really knowing how to explain. He smiles, happy to see that she enjoyed as much he did and that she can also feel their bond. He kisses her lips.

"You were amazing." He affirms. She smiles and runs her hand on his hair. It's still shocking to her knowing she's dating the owner of Alpha Airways.

"We're dating now, right?" She asks.

"Yes. You're my girlfriend." He answers, hugging her and kissing her lips again." It's what I wish. And you?"

"The same. I just hope… That you still like me after knowing more about me. Or don't feel ashamed of my background." She answers. He holds her face, to make her look at his eyes to listen carefully what he will say.

"I'm sure you went through hell many times, and that you have things hard to share. I also have my demons and secrets, but I promise you that nothing you tell me will make me want you less, or like you less. Neither feel ashamed. I would proudly have you on my side anywhere." He affirms.

She smiles and hugs him. He hugs her back firmly, showing he would never leave her alone and promising that soon enough, when she shows she trusts him more, he will tell her who he is and about their bond.

When she learns about their bond, he will make her be sure that he will never leave her.

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