
Fated Elven Queen

Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.

Ludinor · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Dream Plans

Aika goes with Aidan to his school after wishing Odir luck on his meetings and wishing him an amazing day. She has a meeting with Aidan's teachers and they tell her they're very impressed and happy with his grades.

Aidan is very capable to skip two years, actually, but they don't indicate that he should do that because he might be too forced to grow up to fit in with older children. Aika agrees that Aidan needs to be a child and enjoy childhood as much as he can, even knowing he's already very premature due to the life they had, but that doesn't mean she believes he needs to grow up fast.

All teachers know Aidan just wants to grow up fast to help his sister, and they support him on being a studious boy and wanting to help, but only with things that he can do, and along with Aika they tell him to slow down as much as possible.

Aika talks to Aidan a lot, hears his thoughts and lets him be independent and critique things, supports his dreams, but she never lets him do something that a child shouldn't be doing. She knows very well, by experience, that time doesn't go back and that losing part of childhood is something very bad for someone's mental health.

The teachers explain that Aidan will be put in a third-year classroom and watch if he will adapt, that he will need new books and special tuition since he's also more advanced than third grade. The tuition will have a different price from usual because it will be more like a personal tuition just for him and the books will be included in the price. Aika checks the price…

All of her savings for his next year's tuition.

She was already imagining she would need to pay something more, so she was already pondering if she would do that or not. And of course, she would do that, because his future is more important to her than anything else.

After she left school, she goes to the airport and sit on a table to call Bones and tell him everything.

"Oh man… I didn't expect the additional tuition would be so expensive even if it makes total sense. Will you be alright?" Bones speaks.

"The savings for next year is over now, but I'll work on some strings to keep expenses at the same price and then my salary raise goes entirely to next year's tuition. I need to prepare myself to pay for this two times again next year, he could have skipped two years. I don't doubt he keeps growing like this." She tells.

"It's true. If you need help, tell me. Really, don't hold all this by yourself. I'm up to help. Would be like aiding my son and you know that." She smiles. "You will still be capable and strong enough to raise him, even accepting some help."

"Thanks, Bo. Really. I can't forbid you to do anything." She says pulling her lunch from her backpack.

"Actually… I wanted to talk to you about some things. You said you wanted to go live on Zealand Island because you two love that place. Why don't you try to transfer there? I'm planning on opening a bar there too and moving to Zealand. We can go together and we will be supporting each other."

She even stopped her bite midway after hearing that.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah! Totally. I'll keep with this bar in SY, I'll open a filial of my own bar in Zealand. We could live together and I'll be more present in your lives."

"Bo… This is awesome! I would love to do that! Aidan would love to live with you either, even more in Zealand! I just got promoted, so probably I'll be able to be transferred in 6 months if there's an open position in Zealand's base."

"Do you know for sure if it's in 6 months? Can you talk to your manager about this? So we can prepare better."

"Sure. I'll check and keep you posted. Of course, we need to bring this up to Aidan and see his reaction."

"We can tell him our plans when I go visit you guys next week." Then he remembers in a flash. "I know it's weird to bring this up, but you're dating the owner of your company now. Maybe he can help you."

"I can't ask him this kind of thing, Bo. We just started dating and he might think I'm just using him. I'm not going to ask him."

"You're right. Would be weird indeed, but if he likes you the way he tells you, he will try to help somehow, and he wouldn't be using his authority to do that because you're good at your job and don't need anyone pulling strings for you." She smiles.

"Well, I'll have to tell him this either way and he might want to help somehow, but I won't let him do more than supporting us… Besides, when he finds out I am what I am, things might change for the best or for the worse. Wouldn't be good relying on him too much not knowing how he will react to this."

Bones knows Aika and Aidan have magical powers, that they're Wizards, and she told him Odir is an elf. He worries about her, but he remembers the way Odir looks at Aika and he's sure those eyes are from someone in love. He only hopes things keep this way.

Aika is being watched by Carl all the time, he's very far from her so she doesn't notice and he also can't hear what she's talking with so many other people talking around him. He's also trained to hear only what he needs to hear, in other words, only if it's something he needs to intervene or he's being called to do. He watches her going to the toilet and then coming back wearing Alpha Airways uniform. A dark blue shirt and pants, red collar, and black shoes with silver high heels. The uniform of a supervisor.

Carl couldn't watch her working everywhere because he was not allowed to enter the boarding lounge without proper credentials or having a boarding pass. After the last flight, Aika calls everyone to thank them for the day and to be on their team and promise she's there as Aika. A supervisor or not, she's still Aika.

After clapping hands, they start to leave and there's a man outside carrying a big bouquet of wildflowers. Glenn asks the man who he's looking for and is shocked when he answers Aika.

"Wow! Look at that. Aika received flowers!" John says jokingly. Aika thanks the man and then takes the card inside.


'Spoiling you a little bit.'


She smiles knowing it's from Odir.

"Are you dating someone, Aika? You never got flowers." Sarah asks Aika.

"Yeah… I'm dating someone." Aika answers and smells the flowers.

"Since when?" Glenn asks.

"Does it matter? Aika is human! She's not an alien after all." Sarah jokes.

Aika shakes her head smiling and goes to her table. Glenn thinks of going to ask Aika for details, he always felt an attraction to her and always wanted to try something but she always kept things professional. After everyone leaves, Grant asks Aika about the flowers.

"So, you're dating. I'm happy for you. I thought I would die before this happened." Grant speaks.

"Yeah… Someday you'll meet him. Soon, I guess." She answers.

"Oh really? I can imagine a biker like you, but a sweet man for sending you flowers."

"Well, he has a bike, but he doesn't look like a biker. He's sweet, yes." She says with a smile.

"That's good. You deserve this."

She finishes the reports and has a meeting with the other supervisors and the manager through an online meeting. After that, she takes a selfie with the bouquet and sends it to Odir.

'Concept upgraded'

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