
Fated Elven Queen

Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.

Ludinor · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Can Finally Relax

After several minutes some employees leave the checkout office. Glenn steps out and then stays behind. He waits at the door until Aika leaves.

"Hey." Glenn calls Aika.

"Hey. What's up?" She asks.

"Erm… Do you know why the CEO is here again? Is there any plan for Cankyoto?"

"Well, I don't know."

"The guy saw me forgetting hand items of luggage. How lucky of me."

She giggles.

"Relax, Glenn. I know it's not something frequent. Everyone knows that. Until I know, he's not here to fire anyone." She wears her jacket as she speaks and feels pain in her shoulder, but keeps quiet about it.

"I'll trust you then."

When she puts her backpack on one of her shoulders, she feels pain again.

"Are you all right?" He asks her when she lowers down the backpack she just tried to put on her shoulder.

"Yeah. Just my shoulder that hurts when I carry something."

He touches her shoulder.

"Don't kid about that."

Odir was feeling jealous and got up moments before, he got there right when Glenn touched her. Startled, Glenn looked at Odir that came from his back.

"Done? I've brought your coffee." Odir says, giving the coffee to Aika. She smiles thanking him. "Glenn, right? Nice seeing you again." Odir shakes hands with Glenn tightening his grip more than normal.

"The same, sir. It's an honor."

Odir looks at Aika, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Ready?" He asks her.

"Yeah. Let's go. See you, Glenn. Nice job today." She answers.

"See you…. Hey, what about your shoulder? You should see a doctor. Want help? I can take you there." Glenn speaks, firstly finding strange the way Odir talked to Aika, but then remembering what is more important to worry about.

Odir looks worried to Aika, then carries her backpack and helmet.

"Are you all right, babe?" He asks, really worried.

Glenn's breath stopped for a second when he heard how Odir called her.

"Yeah. Just my right shoulder hurts when I carry something or raise my arm. Maybe I carried the bags in a bad way, but it's fine. This already happened before, I just need a cold compress and I'll be brand new tomorrow." She explains when sensed Odir got really worried.

"I'm really sorry. If it wasn't those bags I forgot." Glenn apologetically says, and Odir almost wants to scream that Glenn is right and should just leave her alone.

"Don't worry. Believe me, I had already had worse things. I'll be ok."

"Will be your day off tomorrow, right? Rest a lot. If you feel you need anything, just call me." Glenn promptly says, making Odir even more pissed.

"Thanks. I'll take care of her. Don't worry." Odir speaks with a calm tone, but inside he's burning with jealousy.

He can see Aika keeps treating Glenn professionally, but Glenn keeps trying to push closer.

"Bye, Glenn. Thanks for worrying. See you." Aika waves at Glenn as Odir and she walks away.

"Bye.." Glenn waves back softly, watching Odir walking with her.

"Are you really OK? You carried a lot of bags back there." Odir asks Aika.

"Yeah. It's all right. Don't worry." She answers sitting on the chair he pulled for her to sit.

"Can you move your shoulders like this?" He asks her, showing the circling movement to her with his own shoulder.

She tries doing the same movement and makes a little face of pain again.

"Yeah. I can move, but it's sore."

"Did you get injured?" Ian asks Aika. All of them are looking at her with worried faces.

"I'm fine, really. When I get home I'll make a cold compress. It was just excess weight lifting, like the gym."

"All right... Let's go then? After you finish your coffee, of course." Odir says, just wanting to leave that place with his Queen.

"Sorry to ask, but do you always work like this? Rushing things, going under the airplane that is a bit dangerous, carrying things..?" Ian asks Aika.

"Sometimes. Aviation is something very unpredictable even if we have protocols and training. The flight you arrived at came delayed and if we don't rush, connections will be lost and the company loses money. It's a pressure that makes us run to accomplish." She answers, after taking a sip of coffee.

"I remember there are agents just to get hand luggage in SY. I didn't see them here." Paul speaks.

"We don't have them here. Actually, only big bases these agents are present because of the number of paxs. We're a little base, well I guess it's something you know more than me."

They're worried about her. She understands the bureaucratic things that involve the administration of a base, but they even think of raising funds for her base just so she never has to carry bags ever again, have more staff, and don't work so much.

"I came with my bike and it doesn't have a big seat, but I think if you drive I can hop behind." She says to Odir.

"Oh yeah. We didn't think of that." Odir answers.

"Why don't you take a cab? I can take your bike. You say your shoulder is fine, but you might have an accident if you try to force it." Ian speaks.

"I agree, babe. I don't want you to risk getting hurt." Odir is grateful Ian spoke that out.

She raises her arm, pretending she's riding her bike, and feels her shoulder again.

"Yeah. It's risky indeed. I completely forgot about the sidecar too." She admits.

They stand up after she finished her coffee, the bodyguards pretend they will be getting cabs to their hotel, but they will be going to the same hotel the other bodyguards are, and Aika takes Odir and Ian to where she parked her bike.

"Oh! What a beauty." Ian points out when he sees her bike.

"It's my baby, be gentle." She gives her keys and badge of the airport to Ian." When you leave, you just touch this one on the sensor that will open up for you." She explains pointing to a specific badge.

"Got it. Sign up for me when you leave, Odir." Ian tells and Odir nods.

Odir flags a cab for him and Aika, she tells the driver the address and location while Odir hugs her closer to him. They pass in front of Ian and Odir signs by lowering down the window and raising it again, just so Ian sees it's them.

"Mister, I was really missing my girlfriend. Do you mind if I kiss her in your cab?" Odir asks, making Aika and the driver giggle.

"Not at all, sir." The driver answers.

Odir thanks the driver and gets closer to Aika, then kisses her the way she missed a lot, worshiping her lips as if they were gods.

They kiss for a long time, Odir feels complete with her, and all the anxiety is gone. The driver knows he allowed this, but he fears it's getting too steamy now. When they finally stop to take their breath back, they look at each other closely, smiling happily.

"I can see you were really missing each other. How beautiful." The driver speaks out to break the moment a bit, so they don't keep escalating for something hotter.

"A lot.." Odir softly affirms, touching his forehead to hers.

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