
Fate/Stay Night the Last Stardust

In a world filled with injustice, Aidan Lancaster fights valiantly for his ideals. However, when he meets his untimely demise, his soul unexpectedly merges with that of Kiritsugu Emiya, courtesy of All the World's Evil. This fusion gives birth to a renewed 'Kiritsugu Emiya'-a unique blend of the two souls, familiar yet distinct. Now faced with an extraordinary situation, the new Kiritsugu must grapple with one urgent question "How the fuck am I going to get out of this damn coffin?!" -takes place one year before the fifth holy grail war- Author's Note: -this was the prototype to Fate/Survivor I don't know if I will continue it, I am only posting it on here just for you all to see where I got some of my ideas from -If I do update its random like usual pretty much -I am not a pro so don't expect anything professional I just do this as a hobby

FateAuthor · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Fate/Stay Night the Last Stardust #3 New Weapons

Kiritsugu POV: A Few Months later

Months had passed since my departure from Fuyuki City, and I found myself in the war-torn country of Iraq. It was a desolate and isolated place, a perfect setting for me to sort out my emotions and thoughts. The scars of the past weighed heavily on my soul, and I needed solitude to reconcile with my actions and seek clarity for the path ahead.

I delved deep into the mysteries of magecraft with a newfound realization that both my affinity and origin had been shifted to time via self-structural analysis, although I still retained the severing-binding origin of my original self, this now made me an incarnation of time, just like how my son was an incarnation of the sword.

It was also the second step to developing a reality marble. The first step was having a distorted view of the world, which I achieved by literally dying and coming back to life. My reality marble was obviously related to time due to my affinity and origin.

Through rigorous self-study, I achieved the first count aria for the deployment of my reality marble. The line reflected on my very being, but I still needed to fulfill the ten-step aria count in order to fully deploy it.

But unlocking this power was only the beginning. I knew that to fulfill my mission, I had to retrain my old skills as Kiritsugu. I had to become the skilled assassin and strategist that I once was. Additionally, I incorporated the martial arts skills that Aiden possessed, blending them seamlessly into my own combat style.

While I was at it, I had also learned the seven-step form of projection or tracing as my son would like to say. It was skill that Aiden had taken to memorize for fun during his off times when he wasn't protecting the streets of his own hometown.

Now my reality marble might not be able to store or create an unlimited number of weapons, but I could still add a small amount. I discovered this when I traced my Thompson, Origin Bullets, and normal bullets, permanently adding the blueprints to my mind but that was all I could store any other weapons such as a sword or spear could not be added.

Which now takes us to the black market that I had heard about during my previous information gathering in a nearby village.

Of course, I did not pay for anything with my magecraft, I used hypnosis to obtain the tools I would need for free, unless a normal person had a stronger will to resist.

I also acquired a new set of weapons to start modifying against any rogue magus I may encounter. I began with a Heckler & Koch HK416, a popular assault rifle known for its high performance and reliability. It is a gas-operated, selective-fire rifle chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition. The HK416 offers excellent accuracy, improved ergonomics, and modular capabilities.

Next is the SCAR-H/L. The SCAR-H is chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO, providing increased stopping power, while the SCAR-L is chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, offering better control and maneuverability. The SCAR rifles are renowned for their reliability, durability, and adaptability, making them suitable for a variety of combat situations.

The last two weapons are a Walther P99, a semi-automatic pistol chambered in various calibers, such as 9mm Parabellum. The addition of a suppressor allows me to take out targets quietly without drawing unnecessary attention.

Lastly, a Remington 870, a popular pump-action shotgun known for its reliability and versatility. It is available in various configurations and chambered in different gauges, such as 12 gauge or 20 gauge. The Remington 870 offers a robust construction, ease of use, and the ability to customize it with different barrels and accessories to suit specific mission requirements.

I stored the weapons away in my traveling suitcase that I had turned into a mystic code, providing expanded space the size of a room on the inside, allowing me to store my large collection of weapons.

Once this was done, I quickly returned to my unofficial workshop to begin adding the only two enchantment skills I knew. It was a shame that the original Kiritsugu never advanced his studies in that particular skill.

Enchanting had so much potential for mystic code making, but due to having only ten average circuits, plus one from the Emiya crest, the original couldn't create as many mystic codes as he would have liked. Thus, he saw it as a pointless skill to further evolve.

For me, it was different this new, younger body of mine possessed thirty-one slightly above average quality circuits, plus one average quality circuit from the Emiya crest, making it thirty-three. This made it easier for me to create mystic codes without much backlash.

But as I mentioned before, due to the original not knowing a lot of enchanting spells for an assault weapon I was only able to apply a permanent reinforcement and anti-protection to all my weapons, along with creating a new type of bullet based on my new origin, time.

Using my blood that I had drained instead my ribs, I mixed it with all of my bullets and left it like that for seven days, as the number seven is related to luck.

This was mainly based on one of Aiden's fan theories, and I thought, "why not give it a try and see what happens?" After all, that's what magi do they experiment until they get results. In this case, I was doing it to gain a more effective weapon.

I was in for a surprise when I saw the results. When I loaded one of the bullets into my contender, I could feel my connection with the bullet.

The moment I aimed and fired at the rock in front of me, it revealed several different effects. The bullet was able to move freely at an extreme speed, unaffected by gravity, air, or anything else, because the time around the bullet had stopped you could call it a time distortion.

When the bullet landed on the rock, it exploded, reset, and exploded again and again. I knew I had a connection with the bullet itself, so I mentally commanded it to stop the infinite resets.

I couldn't help but feel a smug satisfaction rise within me. The first chance I get, I am going to shoot that golden bastard Gilgamesh straight in the face for what he had done to my daughter in the Unlimited Blade Works timeline and Kotomine... this time, it was much more personal I would avenge Iri if was the last thing I do.

With these new additions to my arsenal, I knew now was the moment for me to begin my relentless pursuit and ensure that the magus world understood to fear the presence of the Magus Killer once more.

Regardless of their beliefs, I would make it abundantly clear that my justice would prevail over their evil the original Kiritsugu may have given up on that particular dream, but Aiden hadn't, and his dream had passed onto me.

-end chapter-

Note my Kiritsugu can't just add any random weapon or random assault weaponry it has to be one that he's either made as a mystic code or modified in some way using magecraft. Should he attempt to not follow this Kiritsugu will have a painful headache. I wanted to add this info in the chap but couldn't find a way around it.

The new origin bullet has two effects the third I will not mention until the time comes:

(1) The Sevenfold Time Disruption effect was born from the blood soaking of seven day's morning/night.

(2) The Time Reset effect came directly from his origin once the victim is shot at their is no chance of escape they are stuck in a unless death loop unless Kiritsugu releases the loop.

I know that most of this was more of an info dump then a chapter, but I promise chapter 4 will have more dialogue and action.

Furthermore, this takes place one year before the fifth holy grail war Kiritsugu will return to Fuyuki on time during the time of Saber vs Cu.

Modern Mystic Codes/Weapons Images: