
Fate/Stay Night the Last Stardust

In a world filled with injustice, Aidan Lancaster fights valiantly for his ideals. However, when he meets his untimely demise, his soul unexpectedly merges with that of Kiritsugu Emiya, courtesy of All the World's Evil. This fusion gives birth to a renewed 'Kiritsugu Emiya'-a unique blend of the two souls, familiar yet distinct. Now faced with an extraordinary situation, the new Kiritsugu must grapple with one urgent question "How the fuck am I going to get out of this damn coffin?!" -takes place one year before the fifth holy grail war- Author's Note: -this was the prototype to Fate/Survivor I don't know if I will continue it, I am only posting it on here just for you all to see where I got some of my ideas from -If I do update its random like usual pretty much -I am not a pro so don't expect anything professional I just do this as a hobby

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Fate/Stay Night the Last Stardust #2 Recollecting Myself

Kiritsugu POV:

I swiftly exited the nearby cemetery, finding myself in the dimly lit streets of Fuyuki City. Seeking familiarity, I headed towards a small shop that I had known before my death.

Entering the shop, the owner turned towards me, ready to speak, but his words faltered as he noticed my lack of attire. Without delay, I cast a swift hypnosis spell, ensuring he would overlook my presence and allow me to acquire the clothing I required without protest.

Navigating further into the shop, I located the men's section, selecting a suitcase from a nearby shelf designated for travelers. Carefully, I packed three sets of suits, complemented by three black, long trench coats and a pair of exquisite sunglasses.

Retreating to the fitting room, I swiftly changed into the first suit, catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. To my surprise, I appeared considerably younger, resembling my eighteen-year-old self. Dismissing the nostalgic thoughts and memories that surfaced, particularly regarding my last mission with Natalia, I shook my head to refocus my attention.

Emerging from the fitting room, suitcase in one hand and the other casually in my pocket, I left the shop, releasing the shop owner from my enchantment. The next crucial task at hand was to retrieve my Thompson Contender and Origin bullets, both concealed within the basement of the Emiya residence.

The prospect of reuniting with my son filled me with a mix of nervousness and excitement, each emotion stemming from different aspects of my past selves. Following a few streets and turns, I arrived near the back window of my former room in the Emiya household.

Although the window was securely locked, it presented no obstacle I couldn't overcome with projection. Creating a replica of the old house key, I inserted it into the lock, ensuring it would not shatter because of how hollow it was. It was important to note that I refrained from using Shirou's tracing ability while I possessed the knowledge, its successful execution required practice and the genuine key itself.

Drawing upon the extensive stealth training accumulated from two lifetimes, I skillfully controlled my breathing and movements, minimizing any sound that might betray my presence. I exited my old bedroom the lights were off meaning Shirou was probably asleep hopefully not training in the shed like how I used to see him but having knowledge of the future due to my other half I knew there were times he would train his tracing in the back shed till the point of exhaustion.

I frowned not because of Shirou training or anything like that originally, I had intended not to train him fully and as a result I had never known he was using his nerves as makeshift circuits much less the fact he would be forced into a war that I had accelerated.

Carefully, I approached Shirou's room, slowly opening the door. There he lay, sound asleep on his bed, his face marked with weariness. Warm emotions welled up within me as I gazed upon my son. Oh, what would I do when I saw him again in the war, let alone his Counter Guardian counterpart, who earnestly embraced the path of becoming a hero of justice due to my influence.

An agonizing sense of pain enveloped me, knowing that I had led an alternate version of my son to his downfall. Tears streamed down my cheeks I was undeserving of the title of being Shirou's father, as well as Illya's. I had failed them both Iri if only you had been still alive you would surely know what to do.

I silently wiped away my tears and leaned down gently ruffling Shirou's hair like how I used to do when he was still a child and covered up his exposed chest with his fallen blanket to keep him warm from the cold.

As I slowly opened the door to make my exit, I heard Shirou murmur, "Dad." I froze, thinking I had been caught. But when I turned around, he was still sound asleep, a faint smile gracing his lips. It seemed he was immersed in a pleasant dream. Exiting his room, I leaned against the door, seeking emotional support. No, I could address these feelings later for now, I needed to focus on the task at hand.

Taking a deep breath, I ascended the stairs and made my way to the basement, exercising utmost caution to avoid any creaking noises. Arriving at a particular section of the basement, featuring a hollow-like design, I used my reinforced hands to pry it open.

The contents beneath revealed a silver suitcase, and beside it laid my most trusted weapon a Thompson Contendor, accompanied by fifteen Origin Bullets. Repacking all the contents I left the basement as fast as possible and left from where I had originally come from nearby the window of my old room I jumped out.

Now I can finally focus on sorting myself out and then plan out from there I thought with a look of determination that could never be sported by the original Kiritsugu.

This determination burned within me, a flame fueled not only by my own resolve but also by the influence of my other self, Aiden.

Aiden, who yearned to set things right and was diligently prepared to aid his idol the one who inspired him to become a hero in his world.

Even the original Kiritsugu within me aligned with Aiden's aspirations, desiring this chance to make plans that would save and protect both his son and daughter from the upcoming dangers of the fifth holy grail war.

He especially did not want his son to lose his arm like he did in one of the other timelines nor did he want him to become lost like that certain black coated counter guardian alter.

With these thoughts in mind, I went in the middle of public street and grabbed a taxi to take me straight to the airport.

-end of chapter 2-