
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Side Story Chapter 34-Tuxedo Heroes

After a peaceful car ride, Bell pulls up to a giant building, one with the name of Tailor Ryan's Tuxedos and Dresses.

"Alright! We're here everyone! Let's go get some clothes!" Bell cheers as everyone follows her in.

As they walk in they instantly notice Rose talking to the desk worker. The chiming of the door distracts her instantly and she and Bell lock eyes.

"Oh thank heavens you're here!" Rose walked over hastily to Bell.

Rose grabs Bell's hands and looks her in the face.

"Okay, so I need you to return the favor for me, Bell."

"Favor? Wait! Did you get us in?"

"Yes, everyone is welcome to join the students as long as they behave."

"That's great! Thanks so much Rose!"

"Don't thank me yet, I still need a favor from you."

"Oh, okay what is it?"

Rose looks around at everyone with an embarrassing look on her face.

"Could we talk in private?" Rose asked still looking at everyone else.

"O-Oh! Yeah, yeah."

Bell turns to everyone and asks them to start looking for something they liked. So they did all spreading out throughout the store looking at different clothing.

"Now, what is it Rose?"

"I might sound like a horrible person, but... Crimson and I don't have enough to fully pay for the rentals for the suit and dress. I was wondering if you could-."

Suddenly Bell started chuckling.

"W-What's so funny?!"

She was laughing so hard she could contain herself, instantly grabbing everyone's attention in the store. Even the random customers who were peacefully shopping until she arrived.

"Stop, Bell stop laughing. It's not nice! Stop!" Rose was shaking Bell in embarrassment trying to get her to stop laughing.

"O-Okay! Okay I understand. Of course I can help you. You don't need to be worried about asking me for money, trust me I've got plenty of it."

"Oh, oh thank you Bell!"

"Don't thank me, Rose. It's the least I could do for a friend in need."

Rose smiles happily as she turns to see Crimson walking out of the changing room.

"O-Oh my..."

Rose was... Wooed and so were some of the other shopping moms in the building.

His body was just built different.

He stood with a perfect fitting tux of red and black. Red jacket; black vest; white undershirt; black tie, and black slacks with black dress shoes. He was the star of the room at the moment.

"Now that, is a suit fit for you." The worker walked up to him with a strong smile. Reaching his hand out for a hand shake.

Crimson takes it and they formulate a strong grip.

"How do you feel about it, because it seems everyone else in here is eyeing you for a good reason?"

Crimson looked around, a strong smirk appearing on his face as he notices the eyes.

"Is it that bad?"

"No, no it's quite the opposite, see everyone has a weak taste when it comes to clothing or design options. But you, you seem to know what you want and what makes you look the best."

Crimson eyes the tux one last time.

"I'll take it."

"Excellent choice, uh."

"Crimson, just Crimson."

"Ah, well mister Crimson, I'm Ryan."

"It's nice to meet you... Wait, are you the Ryan this place is named after?"

"Ha ha sure am. I founded Tailor Ryan's ten years ago."

"Ten years ago, wow. That's impressive."

"Thanks, come on why don't I tell you more over the counter."

"Alright then."

Crimson and Ryan leave to get Crimson's tux payments set up. While Okara's search is just beginning.

"Alright Okara, here's what's going to happen, we're gonna find you a tux that will make you look just a good as Crimson. Alright! Let's do this!"

So it begun! While Cassa looked for a dress, and Arako his own tuxedo. Bell was helping Okara pick out a suit.

"Wait, wait. Bell don't you need to find a dress as well?"

"Don't worry about me, I know what I want. I'll get it before we leave."

She eyed this long silk dress, before refocusing on Okara.

"Time to begin! Lets go!"

Okara appeared in his first tux, a regular black plain lookin style. As he turned and checked himself out in the mirror, Bell was already on it.


Next suit was a dark blue with gray undertone. A black tone with a pique bib type style.


Then the next suit


It was suit after suit, ranging from multiple colors. Till


Okara was about to change again until.

"That's it, that's perfect Okara."

He turned back towards Bell, in his new tux.

A dark green jacket; a black vest; black dress shirt; dark green pants, and a black and gold light sparkle bowtie.

It was effective even he noticed he got Cassa's attention. Yet after him Arako appeared behind him, in a suit of his own.

A dark blue jacket; black dress shirt; gray vest; dark blue pants; and a gray bowtie

Suddenly the attention was taken from Okara, and thrown onto Arako.

"Wow, A-Arako you look."

"It's stiff, but it'll work. Let's just get out of here already."

Arako passed everyone and Okara slowly followed. Soon enough everyone found a dress and a tux. Leaving it all up to Bell to pay.

"Alright ma'am that'll be four thousand, eight hundred and thirty two dollars."

"Pricey, but it's worth it. After all we're going to make some memories. Right everyone!"

Everyone cheered with Bell, soon enough they finally left to the car all set for home.

"Okay, so we're going to hit my house, hang out for a bit then get ready for the dance. Rose, Crimson you should come with us."

"We'd love to Bell."


Everyone packs into their vehicles and begins their drive back to Bell's house.

"Say Bell, how are you so... Uh how do I put this?" Cassa questioned


"Y-Yes! That."

"Well, lets just say when my grandmother was alive. She was a very popular person, a star to be exact. She loved making music and even traveled the world, while my grandfather stayed to train people. They were an odd couple, but they were strong together. Soon after she returned it was apparent something was off, and we were right, my grandmother was diagnosed with a brain tumor. But it was too late, it had started spreading since she left. What makes it worse is she knew... The entire time, yet she kept it a secret from everyone. Even me."

"I-I'm sure she had a good reason too."

"S-She did, actually. She just wanted to keep everyone happy, which is why when she passed, she left everyone a large sum of money and belongings in her will. Most of it going to me, since I am her only grandchild."

"Oh! What's a will?"

"It's a written document stating that anything you own will be given over to whoever's name is in it."

"So a gift?"

"I-I guess you could call it that... Yeah."

"Ah, well that was very kind of her. She sounds like she was a great person."

"She... Was the best."