
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Mega Chapter 51-Super Saiyan God Okara Vs God Of Destruction Kessa

Awakened in all his godly glory, Okara has transformed and ascended into the realm of the gods! He floats in his newly formed power and looks down upon Kessa.

"That's it! That's the Super Saiyan God power I've waited so long for! Magnificent! Absolutely magnificent!" Kessa quickly ascends into the snowy sky to float head on against Okara.

"It seems you weren't pulling my tail after all. You actually managed to become a Super Saiyan God. I'm sincerely impressed. But how about we give this old lizard a bit of a warm up before I truly decide if it was worth the wait?!"

With no emotion shown, Okara stares Kessa down and slowly inhales.

"Bring it." Okara exhales as he vanishes before everyone's eyes on the ground level. Appearing before Kessa with his right foot pressed against Kessa's right hand. A steady hold begins as Kessa looks up at the godly Saiyan. With a grin that reveals his sharp and crooked teeth.

"You must feel different! Why don't you tell me about it while we fight!"

Kessa forces Okara's foot back, allowing him to back spin in midair, and burst forward back at Kessa. As he approaches, Kessa barrels forward his head leaning down allowing his tail to shoot over him and smack down onto the top of Okara's head. Launching him down towards the ground at a furious rate. As he reaches the ground, Okara quickly regains control and lands fluidly; his hands and feet only touching the snow for a few seconds before bursting back into the sky. Retreating from the ground Okara hurtles towards Kessa, his right fist pulled back, encased in Godly Ki.

With a snarl Kessa extends his arms out wide inviting Okara in for his attack. Okara's eyes widen as he closes in, his right fist pulled back even more with his hips turned as he glimpses at Kessa, Okara springs back and drives his Ki fist against Kessa's snout. Kessa's snout shoots to the side, but he doesn't go down that easy as he simultaneously nudges Okara's fist off, then opens his jaw for a bite. As Kessa grips Okara's right forearm with his teeth, Okara grunts and notices blood dripping from his forearm. However Kessa began beating Okara down with his tail and right arm; his fist and tail pounding against Okara's body, face, and limbs instantaneously. Okara was so focused on his Kessa's bite he couldn't think straight.

After a furious beating that leaves Okara slightly bruised and blooded, Kessa releases his bite. But gives Okara no chance to react. Abruptly slamming his hardened skull against Okara's causing him to black out for a second and float back.

"Come now, I'm getting disappointed and honestly... Bored. You're suppose to have the power of a god! Yet you fight like a primitive being. Perhaps you haven't grasp the power yet. Maybe I need to give you a handicap? How about it?"

Okara slowly opens his eyes allowing himself to float a little bit longer, his body badly beaten and his arm bleeding harshly.

"For your handicap, I'll only use one arm."

Okara's eyes opened sharply and immediately he throws himself back into a vertical position in the sky. Kessa notices a grim frown on Okara's face.

"What is it? Are you not satisfied? Does the handicap leave a bitter taste in your mouth?"


Okara dashes towards Kessa and begins attacking furiously, using both his punches and kicks mixed into a berserker marital arts combo. Knees pressing against Kessa's single hand, Okara finally landing punches as Kessa couldn't keep up.

"See! Isn't this(Okara lands a blow against Kessa's face, but he's quick to reposition) so much more fun! Now that you can finally(Okara lands another blow with his whole arm swept against the side of Kessa's neck.) Land a hit!"

Kessa unleashes a shockwave that blasts Okara back. Okara uses his own Ki pressure and creates a shockwave behind him to stop him from flying further away. As he looks forward he sees nothing, but sky. Which gave Kessa his advantage allowing him to appear above him and shove a blast of Ki against Okara. Propelling Okara directly downwards, while he flew Kessa was quick to catch up and grasp Okara's face.

"Are you gaining control of the God power yet Saiyan! Don't you feel it flowing through you so divinely!"

Kessa increased his speed exponentially, almost instantly colliding Okara against the ground. As his body hit the ground; snow covered rocks shot up around them. However that wasn't the end of it as Kessa forced Okara through a hellish event of tunneling through dirt and stone. Breaking through it with his body like a jackhammer.

As they tunnel through underground caves and caverns, Kessa eventually releases Okara with a powerful shockwave that blasts him through a cave wall that leads into a cavern with magma and water. Okara's clothes torn to shreds, his body scratched up and slightly bloody. As he stood to his feet, Kessa grinned with excitement once again.

"The fact you keep getting up fuels me! It gives me fire to keep going as well! You Saiyan you interest me beyond belief!"

"I-I'm not gonna... Lose to you! I'll s-save this planet!"

"Tell me Saiyan! Why do you persist on protecting this rock! There's so many other planet you could live on. Many much more lush and vibrant than this one! Ones that aren't polluted by civil war, technology, or harmful advances!"

"B-Because this is my home! The place that allowed me to start again! The place where my family will enjoy everlasting peace! It doesn't matter if there's worlds out there more beautiful than this one! Because in the end you'll just end up destroying them!"

"My, my, you sure are persistent. It's a shame you will lose everything once you've lost to me. Your friends, your family, and... Your planet!"

Kessa removed his handicap and began firing Ki blasts rapidly filling the cavern. Destroying anything they touch causing the ceiling to shake.

"You'll trap us under here if you keep doing that!"

"Then stop me Saiyan!"

Okara shook as he clenched his fists. His teeth gritting as his eyes widened. Suddenly he burst off towards Kessa. Ki blasts wheezing past him at scary speeds, Okara weaving sharply to avoid collision with falling rocks and Ki blasts, however a rock catches him of guard and bashes against his back allowing a Ki blast to collide with his face, blasting him back.


Okara twirls backwards and presses his feet against a falling boulder and pushes himself off it to propel towards Kessa once again. Throwing himself back into the game of dodging as he weaves through all the obstacles and wraps around Kessa's body. Driving him quickly into a wall, as he folds into it. Okara pulls back and attempts to deliver a few blows, but Kessa stops him instantly and throws both of them to the ground.

Okara rolls from Kessa his body splashing through the water as he forces himself up, slightly wet and exhausted. But he doesn't give up as Kessa comes charging at him. Running furiously on all fours his mouth open wide while he releases a sinister hiss as he closes in. Okara readies and feels the weight of Kessa as he lunges at him.

Kessa's jaw grips onto Okara's left arm, but Okara planned for this and used it to his advantage. Quickly lifting and turning Kessa over and below; pressing him against the ground as his teeth sink into his arm.

"GRAAAAAAAH!!" Okara screams as he uses his right arm and punches against Kessa's body.

Sinking deeper into the ground as Okara beats against Kessa. Kessa takes it until he began to close his jaw even more. Blood gushing from Okara's left forearm. Kessa's eyes brightening as he sweeps his tail from under his legs and grabs Okara's left ankle; ripping him off and throwing him against the wall. Kessa quickly rushes at him, blood visibly coving his teeth, saliva ripping back as Kessa drives his knee against Okara's gut slamming him further into the wall. Soon enough Okara's god power vanished. But Kessa continued beating him further into the wall till he was trapped. As he slowly pulled back he sighed and pulled himself out of the hole he had created.

"It seems this fight is over... While you started putting up a solid showdown, I'm afraid you've ran out of time. For both your power, and your planet."

It was quiet, Okara was barely conscious but could hear everything Kessa was saying.

"Like I said before your persistent was intriguing, it surely had it's up rises. But sadly it didn't get you to where you needed. So now your very planet, your friends and family. Will all be obliterated because you failed."

Okara's eyes shot open, and suddenly a wild aura lit up the dark cage Kessa had created for him. This shocked Kessa as he turned to see Okara arise once again. His physical prowess, his valor, and his determination have relit. As he pulls himself from the wall he stands before Kessa as a Super Saiyan. But his power was brimming and ready to burst.

"I won't let you... Take everything from me!! I refuse to lose it all again!!"

Okara exploded; causing the cavern to begin collapsing as his power began to form into a second appearance. Kessa began dodging boulders and blasting rocks to prevent himself from being trapped.

"Excellent! Than come and show me that resolve! That valor! That power Okara!!!!"

Kessa burst through the ground and began tunneling with his aura. Okara following strongly after him with his green aura surrounding him. Instantly catching up to Kessa and grasping hold of him. As Okara forcefully pulls Kessa close, Okara begins beating him around while they continue tunneling upwards. Within minutes they burst through the ground causing snow to flurry up into the air and scatter with the rocks. As Kessa goes flying back into the air, Okara appears in his relit power. His Legendary Super Saiyan form, his lust flowing green hair, his green eyebrows and his visible yellow pupils. Surrounded by his wild flaring green aura.

Kessa shoots back and collides against Okara throwing him back, but Okara retaliates and charges back colliding with Kessa. Both dodging and blocking against each others punches and kicks. Clashing knees as they grip against each other's hands. Causing spots in the snowy sky to clear up for a moment. As Okara pushes Kessa forward; he quickly pulls him back in by his hands, and delivers a devastating headbutt into Kessa's snout. While Kessa's head shoots back, Okara releases him and delivers a roundhouse kick that sends him flying back.

Kessa vanishes within the snow fog and Okara glares to try and find him. However its no good as he couldn't lock onto his energy.

"Crap!" Okara began looking around expecting Kessa to come from a different angle.

As he looks he notices an orb grow from below him. As it gets closer Okara realizes what it was and quickly dodges. Instantly shooting past him, he turns to watch it collide against a mountain and notices immediately that the explosion dissolved it without struggle.

"If that had hit me I would've!"

Kessa appears right above where Okara's looking, however with no time to move Kessa began barraging energy blasts at him. Okara with no other choice began deflecting the Ki blasts causing explosions to happen below as Kessa's blasts exploded.

"T-This has to end now! Or the planets going to be destroyed!"

"Either way! Your world is as good as gone!"

Okara's eyes twitched and his pupils vanished, and suddenly an abrupt unleash of power happened. Okara's anger took over and he was okay with it. As he charged forward he wrapped around Kessa once again and began ascending new heights. While Okara forced Kessa higher into the sky. His body began to freeze from the cold, but he didn't let that stop him. Kessa continued making it harder for him as he regained partial control and beat him with his fists and elbows. Driving them against his back, this pissed Okara off even more to the point he released Kessa than instantaneously grabbed his arm and spun him. Immediately launching him towards and through a mountain, while Kessa busted through the opposite side he came darting around it back at Okara with his right foot extended.

Driving it forward and into Okara's gut, causing him to fold over it instantly. Okara coughs up blood as Kessa rotates and drives his left foot against Okara's right temple firing him off his right foot like a bullet.

Okara broke through multiple mountains and ended up held in one. As Kessa descended before him, he saw Okara had once again deformed to base.

"So you've finally fell. After all this time you've put up one hell of a fight. I admit it, you kid put up a fight against an old god pretty well."

Kessa grabbed Okara and threw him onto his shoulder.

"Time to get you back to your people."

Back at the wedding it seems everyone has been watching the fight from a projection from Cinthea's staff.

"O-Okara, lost..." Cassa fell to her knees in despair.

Everyone else began to panic in fear while Crimson, Arako, and Kytel fell silent.

Suddenly as Kessa appeared holding Okara. He quickly tossed him to the ground and everyone surrounded him.

"Your hero has fallen, and I stand victorious. Such a dramatic and sour end to your final hope."

Cassa helps Okara up who had regained a bit of consciousness.

"Saiyan Okara, you had put up a good fight especially against an opponent you knew you couldn't win again. I will give you praise for that. As for your planet and all that live on it... I-."

Kessa looks around at the scared and terrified people, he even looks at Kytel and the others.

"Will make you a deal, one that allows you to keep your planet, friends, and family."

Okara looks up slightly to listen.

"I will allow your planet to live, if you promise to come and train with me. So that I may have an even better fight later on in time. However that is not all to the deal, I will also be supervising the three of your friends with the Lyrx gemstones. As I've made clear those gems are nothing good. So keeping an eye on them will put my at ease a bit more."

Kessa looks at Okara and sees him slightly smiling.

"W-We have a deal if... Crimson can come and train w-with me. I-I promise you he can put up o-one hell of a fight t-too."

Kessa looks over at Crimson and saw a strong yet freighting power in him.

"Very well, it makes it easier to watch him. Cinthea and I will train the both of you so be ready to enter the realm of the gods. For it is an honor bestowed upon the strong and worthy!"

The deal was made and Earth was safe once again.