
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 8-The Game Begins!

Okara and Crimson stand before the first knight of Flyro's team. Tora, a crazed psycho killer kid. Who has overwhelming power. Fighting gets him excited as he hops before he fights.

"Are you ready? Can I start now?? Huh? Can I, can I?" Tora asked with a polite tone.

"Why are you asking us?"

Tora stops bouncing and looks at them coldly.

"I wasn't..." Instantly vanishing from their eyes. Nothing, but a streak of static touching their bodies. Before a completely spazzing. Eyes rolling into the back of their heads as they fall to their knees, and onto their stomachs. Taking a moment before being able to breath again. As they cough harshly, Okara and Crimson push themselves up off the ground breathing easier.

"W-What the hell, did he do?"

Tora turned with a creepy smile on his face.

"I can't believe that's what happens when I touch you! It's so funny watching your bodies twitch like hell."

"T-Touch? He only touched us and we nearly went under?! This is insane! No, this is madness!"

Okara was shaking his eyes vibrating as he sweat profusely. He couldn't comprehend it. The power of the five around them. The fatal error he made by playing their game.

"Okara!(Okara come back to reality.) Snap out of it! Right now!"

Crimson stood, his head held high as his aura morphed around him before bursting out completely.

"We mustn't fear the uncertain, we must stand and face it head on. It doesn't matter what it could be. May it be death, or world ending, we stand together as one. You and I are the heroes this world needs, not what they want! We were brought here together for a reason! For a purpose! Do you hear me, Saiyans! This is the will you so seek, the will and courage you so desire to see from us! I will not bend! I will not break! I will not shatter! I will stand and stop you all with my own two hands! Even if you break this body, I will stand and fight while I bleed for this planet!!!" In that instant Crimson transformed into a Super Saiyan with his hand extended to Okara.

"Lets do this! Together!"

Slowly Okara stood beside Crimson his body calmed, his mind at ease as he closed his eyes. His aura exploded around his body. A shining golden along with his hair. Slowly as he opens his eyes the blue coloring excites Tora.

"We are the heroes of the world."

"The knights of this game!"

In sync Okara and Crimson slid back their left leg and speak in together.

"We are stronger together!!"

Then with a synchronized rush, Okara and Crimson begin fighting together against the formidable Tora. As he happily and excitedly dodges all of their attacks. As Crimson brought in a heavy left knee, Okara swung with a right hook. Tora's speed was immaculate as he caught both of their attacks at the same time with his arms crossed.

"My, my you guys are fun! Keep it up, okay?!"

Crimson and Okara glanced at each other before going into action. As Crimson gripped Tora's left wrist, Okara gripped his right. Tora's facial expression changing from happy to I made a mistake. Within range Okara and Crimson both rotated inwards towards Tora with fierce elbows. Bashing against his face. Keeping a hold on his wrists. Tora's face squinting as he prepares for each blow, his wrists turning red as friction irritates his skin. As Okara and Crimson land multiple blows before switching positions. A suddenly jolt breaks through their bodies, and they find themselves standing holding nothing. Okara and Crimson search quickly. Looking for Tora and as they look up they spot him. His silhouetted body shining golden. As materials rise from the earth around them.

"Here it comes, Okara. Get ready!"

"I know, I know!"

Tora's golden aura shined down upon them as streaks of blue shot from him. Instantly as it ran through Okara's right leg. He felt to his knee. Then instantly felt a shove against his left shoulder. Crimson was shot in both shoulders and put onto his back.

"W-What the..."

Within seconds Tora appeared before them. Grabbing Okara by his hair and jolt with haste, before launching him at Flyro's feet. As Crimson turned his head. He felt Tora's hand around his face.

"Going up?"


Tora streaked into the sky like a lightning bolt. Taking Crimson with him as they hovered in the sky. Crimson used his core and wrapped his legs around Tora's waist, then grabbed a hold of his right wrist.

"So you've chosen death!"

Tora aims himself downwards and begins descent. Speeding up faster and faster as he falls. Streaks of lightning trailing as he breaks Mach one! Slamming Crimson into a body shaped crater and igniting a medium sized lightning bolt from the ground. Sending Crimson into a unconscious state.

At Flyro's feet Okara slowly opens his eyes.

"Have you conceded? Do you wish to end the game and give up?"


Okara leans up slightly to see Tora appearing from a crater.

"C-Crimson." Okara struggles to get up, but manages allowing him to sit up off his back.

"W-What did you do to him!"

Tora raises his left hand with a crazed smirk on his face. Lighting sparking from his fingers and into the center of his palm.

"I just put him to sleep for a while. Nothing to extreme, but you... I'm gonna enjoy making you suffer. So try to stay awake...(Within two steps Tora appeared before Okara, his left hand placed against his face.) Okay?"

Okara's body instantly became a conductor, as Tora pumped energy lightning into his body. Torturing Okara. With excitement all over his face.

"This is so much fun!! I haven't had this much fun in so long!!"

Okara's hair frizzing his body glowing and sparking as lightning continue striking him.

"T-That's enough!"

Tora's eyes were widened as he watched Okara grab hold of his wrist. While taking the amount of torture he was dishing.

"You can still go! After all of this!" Tora continued as he amped it up even more.

Okara's grip loosened for a bit, but instantly right back to where it was.

"That's enough!!"

Okara's hair spiked even more and with an incredible amount of force. Okara crushed Tora's wrist from his face, giving him time to breathe before pushing him back with a shove.

"I'm mad now!"

Okara's eyes were dead serious and with sparks of his own lightning, Tora could tell. Within a second.

"So you've kicked it up a notch! That's fine by me!