
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 7-Intrusion


Several shadows have appeared over Eastdawn city before crashing. Causing massive explosions as they land onto civilian's vehicles, work buildings, stores, and even community markets. People being crushed and caught within the seven explosions. Killing dozens, along with injuring hundreds. Shockwaves shattering glass and throwing things off the ground. Smoke rushing through the road ways and city alleys. As people ran and screamed in fear, seven shadows arise from the giant center of smoke and dust. Their silhouette's pushing away the dust as they burst higher into the sky. Hovering over the city of Eastdawn, with different expressions on their faces.

"Look! Look! these aliens are running away in fear." Tora laughing evilly as he watches them scatter.

"Pitiful, running instead of showing courage to stand against a threat. They should be wiped out!" Pierce said with disgust at the humans.

Gollin with intense bloodlust begins firing yellow beams from his first finger. Sniping any running human in sight.

"Gollin, quit killing the inhabitance of this planet. They could proof useful." Flyro staring down Gollin with his arms crossed and a calm strong look in his eyes.


"Hey, boss. What about this one." Slowly Hylos floated closer to Flyro with a hooded white haired girl.

"Keep a hold on her... She may be of some use later."

Slowly the six of them floated down to the ground. Gollin examining his work as he lands.

"Red berries, look at the mess they make when they die."

"To think the beings on this planet are fragile.(Flyro looks at the hooded woman.) It seems so far your planet stands on top still."

She says nothing, but looks away with disgust.

"Come now, you are stuck with us forever. Might as well get use to it."

The woman began tearing up, then weeping intensely. Her cries echoing throughout Eastdawn. As her hood covers her face. Her tears are beyond visible.

"Can you shut her up! Her whining is making me angry!"

"Come on, Gollin. Don't get angry over a girl crying."

"Shut it, Tora or I will rip your head off right here, right now."

"Ohh!! Soooo scary.."

"That's it!!"

Tora turns and runs with a smile on his face as Gollin angerly chases him around. However as the woman cries, Flyro's divided attention converges to one area. The entrance road to Eastdawn city. The sun blinding the Flyro creating only silhouettes in his eyes.

"Now who could this be?" Flyro's attention was sighted directly on the two walking silhouettes. Hylos shakes the woman to shut her up, and finally Pierce interrupts Tora and Gollin. Causing them to all focus on the two coming their way.

"Finally someone on this planet with some guts to defend their world!" Pierce was feeling excited as he step closer to Flyro, attempting to get a better look at the two coming.

The silhouettes were slowly revealing as the sun's rays hit from different directions. Revealing their chest areas. One of red and black, the other of purple and black. Ones eyes colored red as the other blended with his silhouette. As they continue walking forward, the rest of their identities were revealed. Standing before this new threat, was Okara and Crimson. Earths strongest heroes!

Both standing with their right shoulders angles towards the six standing before them, serious looks in their eyes.

"I don't know where you came from, but you need to leave, right now!" Okara hands gripped into fists.

"While you're at it, hand over that woman. It's obvious she doesn't want to be with you."

Flyro stared at both of them without care in his eyes.

"Big demands from two pebbles of this planet." Gollin remarked with a short chuckle afterwards.

The woman looked at Okara and Crimson with a puffy face. Eyes widened in worry.

"Don't try to fight them! You'll die! Just leave, it's already too-."

Hylos gripped the woman's arms tighter. Making it feel as though her arms would snap.

"Ahh!" She screamed in agony as Hylos held his grip.

"If you speak without permission again, I'll break both of your arms."

She continued to scream and grunt in pain.

"O-Okay... I'm s-sorry!"

Hylos instantly loosed his grip and proceed onto watching the two new arrivals.

"How about a game, then?" Flyro smirked as he put his hands together.

"A game? What do you think this is? If you think we're gonna play this little-."

Suddenly Crimson's mouth shut and his body feel to his knees, along with Okara. Struggling to look up at Flyro as his smirk turned into a chilling stare. His aura pressure only being released by five percent put them to their knees within seconds.

"Now... Listen. The way this game will work is simple. We both have equal things of value so we'll put it all on the table.(Flyro turned extending his right hand out to the hooded woman, and his left hand out to Okara and Crimson.) This will be a game of strength, will, and courage. A game of sacrifice. I will give you the woman if you defeat me and my allies." Flyro lowered his power back down to zero, allowing Okara and Crimson to breath and pay attention to him.

"However, if I win. If my allies and I beat you. You sacrifice your planet and it's people. To me and my comrades." Okara and Crimson's eyes widen at Flyro's game rules.

"Are you insane! Why would we ever agree to that?!!" Okara stood clenching his teeth and holding up his fists.

"O-Okara." Crimson tugging on his Gi leg. To look him in the eyes.

"Y-You can't be serious, Crimson."

"It's the only way. You felt it too, didn't you. We have to fight them and win... Or die trying."

Crimson stands slowly standing beside Okara.

"If we need too, we have something to fall back onto. But only if things get bad, okay?"

"Wait, Crimson you don't mean."

Crimson looks Okara in the eyes with the most serious straight face he had.

"Okay, only if it gets bad."

"So it's decided then? Shall we commence the games?"

Okara and Crimson nod and Flyro's smile appears once again.

"Excellent! Then, we shall start! The rules are simple. You two may fight one of my allies first. But I will choose who goes."

"Two against one doesn't sound very fair..."

"I've got this! Let me go! Please, please!!" Tora asks as he hops up and down in excitement.

Then like a chess board. Flyro make his first move, sending his first knight out.

"Alright, Tora you can go first."

As the crazed Saiyan stands before them. Hopping with excitement. Okara and Crimson prepare themselves. As the knights to their side of the board.