
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 49-Full Power Super Lyrx Crimson Vs God Of Destruction Kessa!

Crimson floats with his Super Lyrx form charged to new heights. The power feeling unreal to him, and foreign.

"Could this be! The legend spoke about amongst the gods!? Have I found another Super Saiyan God?"

"I'm afraid you are mistaken my Lord, his physical form, his appearance. While it is somewhat different from what these Saiyan's call Super Saiyan. It is nowhere near the power of the Super Saiyan God."

Okara listened intently as he begins remising about Flyro and his God power.

"Could he be talking about..."

"You Saiyan! Come and show me what you can do with that power of yours! I'm quite interested in it and frankly. I don't want to leave this planet without a bit of real entertainment."

Crimson's left eye twitched and he instantly vanished appeared beside Kessa. Kessa looked over at him and showed his teeth.

"My oh my, you've gotten a bit faster. You might be able to keep up with a bit of my speed now."

Kessa vanished from Crimson's view, causing Crimson to vanish as well. Loud echoes of thunder like claps filled the sky. As Crimson and Kessa vanished simultaneously. Appearing frequently, granting anyone who can witness the high speeds visibility of the battle.

As they appear in the sky, it's visible that Crimson it finally able to touch Kessa. His fists coming in contact against Kessa's snout and chest. Kessa sits there taking it while Crimson dishes it out.

"Not so powerful now!"

Kessa stops Crimson's incoming punch and holds him in place. Allowing their eyes to stare enough other down.

"I don't think you understand your situation. I'm simply testing your current power. Nothing more, nothing less. So stop being so cocky Saiyan!"

Kessa pulled Crimson in and instantaneously dealt a strong blow to his head launching him downwards to the ground. As he collides with the ground everyone finds themselves shook. As Crimson stood no chance against this God.

"You know, something has been bugging me ever since I arrived. I feel there's something more happening here than what I thought of when I got here. While I only came to retrieve one Lyrx gemstone. It seems I might have found a planet with more than one."

Everyone's eyes widened as they realize Kessa's goals have begun to change.

"I'm sure you are aware of how dangerous these demonic gemstones are. The power they possess and the chaos that follows them. As you see they pose a horrid threat to the universe... No, the multiverse actually. If one were to merge with all seven then a power of reality warping, dimension breaking, and even multiverse shattering would appear. I, am here to prevent that from happening! No matter what I have to do, or how I do it. I will succeed and will not allow your pesky mortals to stop me from doing it."

Kessa appears to the ground in seconds Cinthea appearing right before him.

"Cinthea could you create forcefields around the ones with Lyrx gemstones?"

"At once my lord."

Cinthea tapped her staff to the ground three times. Instantly creating forcefields around Arako, Crimson, and Kytel.

"It's a real shame, I thought I was finally gonna be able to fight a Super Saiyan God at last. But it seems my hopes were shattered once more. What a grim reality this is."

As Cinthea and Kessa began slowly ascending Okara shouted out.

"I can bring you a Super Saiyan God!!"

Immediately grabbing Kessa's attention.

"I'm not in the mood for games mortal! You best not be attempting to buy time for your planet."

"I'll do what I must to save this place! Even if that means becoming a God, just to beat you!"

"So you really know a way to become a god?"

"Yes! But it'll involve the ones you have bubbled up, and one more Saiyan I have to go grab before I can make it present! So please! Give me a chance!"

Kessa stared Okara down checking if he was talking nonsense or truth.

"How do I know you aren't pulling my tail?"

"Because, I've seen how to do it with my own eyes! I've even fought against one!"

"Yet you lived to tell the tale? How is that even possible?! God power is unmatchable! You must be lying!"

"The wielder lost due to depleted energy! While it might only be for a certain amount of time I can make it happen and give you a fight!"

Kessa yawned while he stretched.

"Alright fine, my assistant and I will stay on this planet while you become this Super Saiyan God. But know if you don't appear before me within a time limit these three will come with me and this planet will be no more!"

"I promise! I will stop you with my Super Saiyan God power!"

Kessa saw the determination in Okara and signaled to Cinthea to release Crimson, Kytel, and Arako.

"These three stay with me. You gather this other Saiyan and appear quickly!"

Okara nods as Kessa and Cinthea lands. As Okara walks off Cinthea creates a full body chair for Kessa as she knew he'd be ready to take a nap.

"Wake me when a Super Saiyan God appears, if it doesn't happen within a few hours. Then we'll leave with those three."

"As you wish my lord."

Okara walks over to Cassa and Ru.

"Okay, here me out. I'm going to go find Para and change out of this tight suit. So I can feel comfortable while I fight against him."

"But, Okara! Are you sure Para will agree to it? I mean it still haunts her since she was forced to do it last time."

"Its worth a shot, I can't let this chance go to waste."

"Saiyan! Aren't you suppose to be gathering the remaining ones! Hurry up!"

Okara turns back to look at Kessa then looks forward.

"I've gotta try... Or else the world is doomed."

"You've got this, just remember she lives on one of the mountains south of our house. So be quick please."

"Of course, I'll fly at my fastest."

"Okay honey, you've got this... Good luck."

Cassa kissed Okara's cheek before he ascends and dashes off at high speeds. Leaving a ruined wedding and a God waiting for equal match.