
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 44-Being From Another World

Finally after some time, the mysterious Saiyan wakes up under the warm blankets, while a fireplace is ablaze. Filling the rest of the living room with heat. As the mysterious stranger looks around, he sees a tiny child Ru staring at him. Ru tilts his head as they continue looking at each other. While no one else was in the room.

"H-Hello." The stranger spoke quietly not to alert anyone else.

This peeked Ru's curiosity and caused him to begin crawling towards the stranger. Ru's hair bouncing slightly as he continued crawling as he got half way he began standing up on his two feet and walked towards the stranger. All the stranger did was stare until Ru finally made it to him.

"Hi there, what's your name?"

Ru didn't speak to him he only stared at him.

"My name's Kytel, what about yours?"

Ru held up his right hand and Kytel looked at it.

"Oh, is that your way of saying hi?"

As Kytel smiled Ru tapped his face with his hand.

"Ow!" Kytel said with a small laugh acting like it really did hurt.

Ru did it again.

"Wow! You're really strong huh!"

Finally Ru did it consecutively until.

"Ru! Stop hitting the poor guy!"

Cassa walked back into the room causing Ru to turn around and quickly rush to her. As she picks him up she looks back at Kytel.

"Sorry about him, he's a little feisty for his age. But I'm sure he meant nothing bad."

"Oh! no, no. It's okay! He wasn't hurting me I was just having a little fun with him that's all."

"Ah well, that's good. He can be quite a handful sometimes." Cassa says as she looks at Ru and smiles heartfully.

"A-Anyway, uh could you tell me where I am?" Kytel asks.

"Ah yes! You must have so many questions. Well I can assure you we can get some of those solved, but for now lets just get you comfortable first. Can I get you anything? We've got water, tea, milk... Water."

"You already said water."

"Oh? Did I, I uh, lemonade? Yeah I think we have that. Anyway can I get you anything uh..."

"K-Kytel, my name is Kytel and I'll take some water please."

"I'll grab a glass, be right back."

As Cassa and Ru leave, Kytel begins looking around. While he thinks to himself quietly he hears new people entering the house.

"Cassa! We're back!" Okara appears with Crimson and Arako. They're bodies feeling dreadful after last night's partying.

"My oh my, you guys seen better days. Come on lets get you something to help." Before Cassa rushes back to the kitchen she places Ru down, and instantly daddy picks him up.

"Hey kiddo! What have you been up to?"

Ru's eyes widen and begin watering as his dads breath stings his eyes. Suddenly causing him to struggle free from his fathers grip.

"Oh come on Ru, don't be like that! Why are you trying to escape your fathers love?!"

Cassa appears once again.

"Okara! Stop torturing Ru, hurry put him down! Put him down!"

Okara felt sad as he put Ru down and watched him walk away quickly.

"I just wanted to love my son is that so much to ask..."

Crimson places his hand on Okara's shoulder.

"You might wanna brush your teeth first then take a shower or something. Because you reek of alcohol."

"Wait! Really?"

Okara sniffed himself and instantly regretted it.

"WOW! That's strong!"

Okara quickly rushed to the bathroom to shower and freshen up.

"Don't take too long okay!" Crimson shouted as he continued walking into the house. Once he hit the living room with Arako, all three Saiyan's locked eyes.

"Oh, you're awake." Crimson and Arako stared Kytel down. Kytel feeling uneasy and threatened yet not ready to make a move.

As the tension filled the room, the fireplace began whipping in the air as a breeze from the chimney caused it to flare. However before anything could happen Cassa appeared with drinks and cut the tension.

"Calm down you guys, he's not a bad guy. At least not from what I've seen." She began handing out drinks. Green Tea to Arako and Crimson, water to Kytel.

Slowly Crimson and Arako take a seat and begin enjoying their drinks.

"What's your name?"

"Why are you here on earth?"

"Did a group of elites or evil Saiyans send you?"

"Are you here to cause harm to-."

"Guys! Enough!" Cassa yelled at Crimson and Arako

Kytel sat drinking his water as Cassa ripped into the two Saiyan's.

"I swear to god you guys need to calm down and give him a chance, instead of thinking every Saiyan is evil! Like hello! Did Okara and I look evil when we appeared on earth? I mean damn I know Arako was evil for a bit, but he was made to be. But look at him now! He's a good guy!"

Crimson and Arako were pushed back in shock by Cassa's fiery self.

"You're right! You're right! Sorry. We'll pull back the hostility and try to get to know him better."

Crimson looked up at Kytel.

"What's your name?"


Arako spoke up next.

"How'd you get here?"

Kytel began reaching into his memories and suddenly nothing, but emotional pain submerged.

"I-I was saved by my friends. N-No, my friends they're gone. Wait no... No."

Kytel began having an emotional breakdown all his memories hitting him at once.

"A god, a gemstone, Yoppa... My home. Gone all gone!"

Tears sprouted from his eyes as his teeth grit together.

"Why! Why did I lose it all! Why am I the only one left!"

His sadness, anger, frustration all mixing into one emotion inside him and it was getting hard to control.

"Calm down, hey! Hey Kytel! It's okay calm down!"

Crimson couldn't get through to him.

"That giant blast he created to destroy my planet! All because of a stupid gemstone! Why did he do it! WHY!"

Kytel's breakdown calmed, but he was shaking frightenedly. Tears shedding from his eyes and dripping onto his hands which covered his face.

Arako looked over to Crimson who was looked at Cassa, who looked back at them. All with worried expressions.