
Fate Of Two Saiyans-Five Royals And A God

Four years have passed since Arako's defeat Okara and Crimson have kept up with their friendship and training. With their time of peace, everyone has gotten closer and learned more about the world they live in. However, that peace is soon to end as unexpected visitors invade. With only their newfound strength and bonds, will Okara and Crimson be able to take on Five Royals and A God?! Find out in Fate of Two Saiyan's-Five Royals and A God! -The second book in the seven-book series!

Foster_Tristan · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

Chapter 40-Shattered

It's winter time and the tree's are naked, the landscape filled of white powdery snow. The sky a dark cool blue with the sun dimmed by clouds. A slightly chilled breeze shoots by shaking the dead trees for any leaves remaining. Foot steps trail behind Arako as he walks through the snow with Bell.

"So, you wanted to show me something Arako?"

"Yes, its just up ahead. You're gonna love it!"

Arako grabbed Bell's left mitten and sped up. As they high knee through the snowy field. Laughing and giggling as they pull each other back and forth.

"Come, come! We're almost there!" Arako pulls Bell into his arms and they both fall into the snow.

"Ahh! hahaha! We fell Arako!" Bell was laughing uncontrollably as they rolled around in the snow.

Arako couldn't hold his laughter in either and blurred out loud. Bell made a snow angel while, Arako started making snowballs.

"I see what you're doing! Don't you dare!!" Bell said with a smirk

"Oh yeah? Or what? You're gonna make some too?"

"You wanna bet?!"

Bell got up and began making snowballs as well. But just as she started forming them in her hands Arako was gone. She looked around and saw his footprints trailing ahead.

"W-What the! Hey! Arako, where are you going?!"

Bell got up to follow him and before she knew Arako had slid forward and come to a complete stop. Finding himself staring at something, as bell caught up she stepped beside him and he stuck out his arm to keep her from going any further. Because if she had taken one more step, she would've fallen into a crater. The area was damaged badly, trees were still connected to some ground but leaning. Some weren't so lucky as they were basically destroyed into logs or chucks of the tree they once were. But at the center of it all was a body, one that was unconscious and gray colored.

"Arako! Do you see it?"

"Yeah, I do..."

Arako grabbed Bell and princess carried her, before jumping off the cliff and instantly floating down safely. As they reach the body, Bell quickly rushes to check its pulse.

"H-He's still breathing?! But he's ice cold!" Bell quickly began taking off her gloves and scarf to help get him warmed up. But Arako stopped her, and he took off his winter coat and laid it over him. Before picking him up.

"W-Whoa he's kinda heavy, d-damn!"

Bell examined the man in Arako's arms and something immediately stood out to her.

"H-He has a tail!... A Saiyan tail!"

Bell looked up hesitatingly at Arako.

"Y-You don't think he's, a bad guy... Do you?"

Arako looked at the unconscious man, his face looked puffy and dry. Like he had been crying before he passed out.

"Lets take him home..." Arako said as he turned to walk back towards the house. Bell agreeing with him as she follows up a path that leads back to where they came.

Looking at the area we see a sign, with the text. Our winter wonderland, looking more we see chunks of log and brick. Like there was a small cabin for people in this area.

Quickly rushing home, Arako and Bell make it to the front step and burst through the door. Alerting everyone else inside. Okara, Cassa, and Ru gather in confusion and shock as they see Arako carry in the new stranger.

"W-Whoa! What's going on guys?" Cassa asks startled at their sudden appearance.

Okara rushes over while Cassa holds Ru away from the gathering of people. As Arako sets the stranger onto the couch, Bell quickly rushes to get a warm wash cloth to set upon his forehead.

"Okara, quickly go grab some blankets from my bedroom." Bell demanded as she rushed back over and set the warm wet cloth against the mans forehead.

"Got it!" Okara quickly rushes to Bell's room to obtain blankets.

"Bell, what's going on? Who is that?" Cassa asks as she sets Ru down on the ground for him to freely crawl around.

"We don't know he just appeared and the area around him was horribly destroyed. Arako suggested we bring him back here to see who he is."

Within an moment Cassa also notices his Saiyan tail, just as Okara appears with the blankets.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You brought another Saiyan here? Wait there was another Saiyan on earth?!" Okara questioned as he set down the blankets and approached the unconscious Saiyan.

"What if he's evil? What then?" Cassa questions worriedly

"Or worse he wakes up and starts destroying everything! It's to much of a risk!" Okara stood ready to dispose of the new Saiyan.

"Calm down! Both of you! We don't know if he is good or evil, but that doesn't mean we have to get rid of him!"

"What do you mean calm down! It's another Saiyan Arako! Don't you remember six months ago! Five of them showed up and tried to kill us! Tried to destroy the planet!"

"I get that, but..."

"But what?!"

"When we picked him up, his face was puffy and dry. Like he had been crying before he passed out. I have a feeling he isn't a threat, he's probably just scared, confused... Alone."

The room fell silent as Arako began undoing the folded blankets and placed them over the new Saiyan.

"For now we'll keep an eye on him. If anything happens I'll take full responsibility for it." Arako says as he walks to the window to look out it for a moment.

"Plus, we wouldn't want someone to die in this cold. I mean we're suppose to be the good guys after all, right Okara?"

Okara felt uneasy about the situation causing him to stare down Arako for a moment before speaking.

"If anything happens to my family, you better be ready to face the consequences..." Okara turns and storms out of the house while everyone watches him. Okara walks through calm flurry that seems soon to erupt into a strong and chilling blizzard. Leaving footprints behind him leaving a trail for anything or anyone to find and follow.

Arako sighs as he watches Okara from the window walking away in frustration.

"I'm just trying to help those I can, why does he have to be so against it?"

"It's okay sweetie, he's just not use to it yet. I mean after all you did try to kill him and Cassa." Bell softly chuckles at an attempt to cheer Arako up, but he continues staring out the window. Watching Okara's shadow vanishes within the white snow.